Safe LibreOffice settings for all platforms | Kaspersky official blog

The aggressive introduction of AI in Microsoft products, geopolitical tensions, and a series of cybersecurity incidents involving the Redmond giant are pushing many organizations worldwide to switch to open-source alternatives to Windows and Office. To replace the latter, both OpenOffice and its offshoot LibreOffice are very popular. They’re available on all major platforms — including Linux, offer functionality comparable to MS Office, and come with the licenses suitable for large companies.

Due to their similarity to MS Office, the risks associated with using these suites are also similar: software vulnerabilities or unsecure settings can result in the execution of malicious code on the computer, or stealthily redirect the user to phishing links. And these threats aren’t mere theory — malicious documents in .odt files and other “open” document formats have been encountered in the wild. To mitigate these risks, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has issued public recommendations for secure LibreOffice settings. Let’s look together at the most important ones when using LibreOffice in organizations.

Configuration tips

The tips below apply to safe setup of LibreOffice on Linux, MacOS, or Windows in a managed corporate environment (through group policies and other centralized control tools). The tips concern the Writer, Calc, Impress, Base, Math, and Draw components of version 7.2.x. The recommended settings are based on the following considerations:

The end user should make the fewest possible decisions affecting security.
The functionality of the application should not be significantly reduced.
Unnecessary features should be deactivated to reduce the attack surface.
Whenever possible, transfer of data from the product to the manufacturer should be disabled.
External cloud services should be avoided unless they’re necessary for the organization’s business processes.

Configuration storage

LibreOffice settings can be modified by the administrator or by the user. Initial administrative settings are stored in the LibreOffice folder. On all platforms, the settings are applied as XML files (settings.xml), but they can also be stored in platform-specific formats (registry in Windows, dconf in Linux). For medium and large organizations, XML is recommended.

If a setting shouldn’t be modified by users, it can be marked as finalized in the administrator settings.
For example, below is a settings snippet that disables saving the document-author information (the RemovePersonalInfoOnSaving setting in the group org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting) and prohibits changing this setting:

<item oor:path=”/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting”>
<prop about:name=”RemovePersonalInfoOnSaving” about:finalized=”false” about:op=”fuse” oor:type=”xs:boolean”>

Folders for administrative settings (in version 7.2) are listed below:

Linux: /opt/libreoffice7.2/share/registry/res
MacOS: /Applications/
Windows: C:Program FilesLibreOfficeshareregistryres

Settings to change

Many of LibreOffice’s settings are secure by default. Here, we’ll focus on those that need to be tightened.

Macro execution

By default, any signed macros are executed, so this setting must be tightened to the max — allowing only macros from trusted folders to be executed. So in the group org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting, set the MacroSecurityLevel to 3:

<prop over:name=”MacroSecurityLevel” over:finalized=”true” over:op=”fuse” over:type=”xs:int”>

To disable macros entirely, set the DisableMacrosExecution option from the same group to true with the finalized tag.

Trusted folders

By default, LibreOffice updates the list of trusted folders based on user activity — often including folders like Downloads. To clearly set trusted document storage locations, list them in the SecureURL option. The list can be left empty.

<item oor:path=”/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting ear:type=”oor:string-list”>
<plug about:name=”SecureURL” about:finalized=”true” about:op=”fuse”/>

Loading external images

Images from external sources can be embedded into documents. This creates significant risks of phishing and vulnerability exploitation, so this option should be disabled: set BlockUntrustedRefererLinks to true with the finalized tag in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting group.

Updating linked data

Linked content loaded in Calc can also be malicious, so updates should be blocked by setting the Link option to 1+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.Calc/Content/Update group.

The corresponding setting in Writer has different numeric values for some reason; block it by setting Link to 0+finalized in /org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Content/Update.

Exotic files

To disable loading of Abiword, Hangul Office, StarOffice XML, and other irrelevant formats, set LoadExoticFileFormats to 0 in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security group.

Additionally, any of the 100+ supported file formats can be blocked by setting the Enabled option to false+finalized for any format in the group
Replace NAME with the name of the format to be blocked.

System authentication

LibreOffice applications can automatically access external URLs using the credentials of the current user, potentially leading to credential leakage. To disable this behavior, set an empty list in the AuthenticateUsingSystemCredentials option:

<item oor:path=”/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Passwords”>
<prop oor:name=”AuthenticateUsingSystemCredentials” oor:finalized=”true” over:op=”fuse” ear:type=”oor:string-list”/>

Installing extensions

It’s recommended to disable user installation of extensions and allow extensions to be added only centrally through administrator privileges: set DisableExtensionInstallation to true+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.ExtensionManager/ExtensionSecurity group.

To centralize the removal of extensions and disable the ability to do this manually by the user, set DisableExtensionRemoval to true+finalized in the same group.


LibreOffice applications automatically check for updates, and prompt the user to install them. If updates and patches are managed centrally within the organization, this option can be disabled by setting AutoCheckEnabled to false+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.Jobs/Jobs/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs:Job[‘UpdateCheck’]/Arguments group.

Installation of fonts, language packs, and databases (Linux only)

Although these additions may seem harmless, for security reasons, automatic installation should be disabled. Set the EnableFontInstallation, EnableLangpackInstallation, and EnableBaseInstallation options to false+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/PackageKit group.

Disable telemetry

Set the CollectUsageInformation and CrashReport options to false+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Misc group.

Document-signing certificates (Linux only)

By default, any folder can be chosen for the NSS database, which stores certificates. This isn’t secure and can lead to certificate leaks from uncontrolled locations. The administrator should specify a storage location designated by the organization using the CertDir option:

<item oor:path=”/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting”>
<prop over:name=”CertDir” over:op=”fuse” over:type=”xs:string”/>

Removing personal data (document author data)

If document distribution cannot be controlled, author data often needs to be hidden. To make LibreOffice remove this data when saving a document, add the RemovePersonalInfoOnSaving setting (true+finalized) in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting group.

This mode makes it more complicated to collaborate on a document as it’s harder to identify the author of any changes, so it’s not suitable for all organizational roles.

BSI also recommends disabling the saving of full PGP keys in signed documents, as they also contain author’s personal data: set MinimalKeyExport to true+finalized in the /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/OpenPGP group.

Settings to lock

These settings are initially set to be secure, but should be prevented from being changed by adding the finalized attribute.

Group name
Setting name









Additional protective layers

On any platform, users may encounter targeted cyberattacks and malicious documents. Therefore, secure OS and office suite settings should be complemented by a comprehensive set of layered defense measures:

Multi-factor authentication
Centralized access rights management
Mandatory EDR agent on all workstations and servers
Centralized security event monitoring using SIEM, or preferably XDR solutions.

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How to hack wireless bicycle gears | Kaspersky official blog

I’ve worked in cybersecurity for years, and sometimes I think I’ve seen it all: there’s nothing hackers could possibly do that would surprise, much less shock me. Baby monitors? Hacked. Cars? Hacked, over and over — and all kinds of makes. And not just cars, but car washes too. Toy robots, pet feeders, TV remotes… Fish tank anyone? No – really: it’s been done!

But what about bicycles? They seemed to be hackproof — until recently. In mid-August 2024, researchers published a paper describing a successful cyberattack on a bike. More precisely — on one fitted with Shimano Di2 gear-shifting technology.

Electronic gears — Shimano Di2 and the like

First, a few words of clarification for those not up to speed, so to speak, with the latest trends in cycling technology. Let’s start by saying that Japan’s Shimano is the world’s largest maker of key components for bicycles; basically – the main parts that are added to a frame to make up a working bicycle, such as drivetrains, braking systems, and so on. Although the company specializes in traditional mechanical equipment, for some time now (since 2001) it has been experimenting with electronics.

Classic gear-shifting systems on bikes rely on cables that physically connect the gear-derailleurs (bike-chain guiders across sprockets) to the gear-shifters on the handlebars. With electronic systems, however, there’s no such physical connection: the shifter normally sends a command to the derailleur wirelessly, and this changes gear with the help of a small electric motor.

Electronic gear-shifting systems can also be wired. In this case, instead of a cable, a wire connects the shifter and the derailleur through which commands are transmitted. Most in vogue of late, however, are wireless systems, in which the shifter sends commands to the derailleur with a radio signal.

Shimano Di2 electronic gear-shifting systems currently dominate the high-end segment of the company’s product line. The same is happening across the model lineups of its main competitors: America’s SRAM (which introduced wireless gear shifters first) and Italy’s Campagnolo.

In other words, a great many road, gravel and mountain bikes in the upper price band have been using electronic gear shifters for quite a while already, and increasingly these are wireless.

The wireless version of the Shimano Di2 actually isn’t all that wireless. Inside the bike frame there are quite a few wires: A and B represent wires that run from the battery to the front and rear derailleurs, respectively. Source

The switch from mechanics to electronics makes sense on the face of it — among other things, electronic systems offer greater speed, precision, and ease of use. That said, going wireless does look like innovation for the sake of innovation, as the practical benefits for the cyclist aren’t all too obvious. At the same time, the smarter a system becomes, the more troubles could arise.

And now it’s time to get to the heart of this post: bike hacking…

Security study of the Shimano Di2 wireless gear-shifting system

A team of researchers from Northeastern University (Boston) and the University of California (San Diego) analyzed the security of the Shimano Di2 system. The specific groupsets they looked at were the Shimano 105 Di2 (for mid-range road bikes) and the Shimano DURA-ACE Di2 (the very top of the line for professional cyclists).

In terms of communication capabilities, these two systems are identical and fully compatible. They both use Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with the Shimano smartphone app, and the ANT+ protocol to connect to the bike’s computers. More importantly, however, the shifters and derailleurs communicate using Shimano’s proprietary protocol on the fixed frequency of 2.478 GHz.

This communication is, in fact, rather primitive: the shifter commands the derailleur to change gear up or down, and the derailleur confirms receipt of the command; if confirmation isn’t received, the command is resent. All commands are encrypted, and the encryption key appears to be unique for each paired set of shifters and derailleurs. All looks hunky-dory save for one thing: the transmitted packets have neither a timestamp nor a one-time code. Accordingly, the commands are always the same for each shifter/derailleur pair, which makes the system vulnerable to a replay attack. This means that attackers don’t even need to decrypt the transmitted messages — they can intercept the encrypted commands and use them to shift gears on a victim’s bike.

To intercept and replay commands, the researchers used an off-the-shelf software-defined radio. Source

Using a software-defined radio (SDR), the researchers were able to intercept and replay commands, and thus gain control over the gear shifting. What’s more, the effective attack range — even without modifying the equipment or using amplifiers or directional antennas — was 10 meters, which is more than enough in the real world.

Why Shimano Di2 attacks are dangerous

As the researchers note, professional cycling is a highly competitive sport with big money involved. Cheating — especially the use of banned substances — is no stranger to the sport. And an equally underhand advantage could be gained by exploiting vulnerabilities in a competitor’s equipment. Therefore, cyberattacks in the world of professional cycling could easily become a thing.

The equipment used for such attacks can be miniaturized and hidden either on a cheating cyclist or a support vehicle, or even set up somewhere on the race track or route. Moreover, malicious commands can be sent remotely by a support group.

A command to upshift gear during a climb or sprint, for instance, could seriously affect an opponent’s performance. And an attack on the front derailleur, which changes gears more abruptly, could bring the bike to a halt. In a worst-case scenario, an unexpected and abrupt gear change could damage the chain or cause it to fly off, potentially injuring the cyclist.

Vulnerabilities in the Shimano Di2 allow an attacker to remotely control a bike’s gear shifting or carry out a DoS attack. Source

Besides malicious gear-shifting, the researchers also explored the possibility of what they call “targeted jamming” of communications between the shifters and derailleurs. The idea is to send continuous repeat commands to the victim’s bike at a certain frequency. For example, if the upshift command is repeated over and over, the gear shifter will hit top gear and stay there, no longer responding to genuine commands from the shifter (based on the rider’s selection). This is essentially a DoS attack on the gear-shifting system.

The upshot

As the authors note, they chose Shimano as the subject of their study simply because the company has the largest market share. They didn’t examine the wireless systems of Shimano’s competitors, SRAM and Campagnolo, but admit that these too may well be vulnerable to such attacks.

Shimano was informed of the vulnerability, and appears to have taken it seriously — having already developed an update. At the time of this post’s being published, however, only professional cycling teams had received it. Shimano has given assurances to make the update available to the general public later — bikes can be updated via the E-TUBE PROJECT Cyclist app.

The good news for non-professional cyclists is that the risk of exploitation is negligible. But if your bike is fitted with the Shimano Di2 wireless version, be sure to install the update when it becomes available — just in case.

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Episode 360 looks at fake Taylor Swift, Nvidia un the docs, TV ads and much more! | Kaspersky official blog

Episode 360 of the transatlantic cable podcast kicks off with news that Nvidia are on the receiving end of a class-action law-suit, alleging that they scraped YouTube videos without creators’ consent.  From there, the team discuss news around Taylor Swift AI images being shared by Donald Trump and an additional story around how photography is quickly being swamped by generative A.I.

To close, the team discuss a story around how your humble television is being invaded by advertisers.

If you like what you heard, please consider subscribing.

Nvidia Sued for Scraping YouTube After 404 Media Investigation
Swift Could Sue Trump Under State Law for Fake AI Endorsement
The AI photo editing era is here, and it’s every person for themselves
Your TV set has become a digital billboard

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Improvements to our SIEM in Q2 2024 | Kaspersky official blog

We meticulously study the techniques most frequently used by attackers, and promptly refine or add detection logic to our SIEM system to identify those technics. Specifically, in the update to the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform released in the second quarter of 2024, we supplemented and expanded the logic for detecting the technique of disabling/modifying a local firewall (Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify System Firewall T1562.004 in the MITRE classification), which ranks among the top tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by attackers.

How attackers disable or modify a local firewall

The T1562.004 technique allows attackers to bypass defenses and gain the ability to connect to C2 servers over the network or enable an atypical application to have basic network access.

There are two common methods for modifying or disabling the host firewall: (i) using the netsh utility, or (ii) modifying the Windows registry settings. Here are examples of popular command lines used by attackers for these purposes:

netsh firewall add allowedprogram
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
netsh advfirewall set currentprofile state off
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

Example of a registry key and value added by attackers, allowing incoming UDP traffic for the application C:Users<user>AppDataLocalTempserver.exe:


Registry_value_name: {20E9A179-7502-465F-99C4-CC85D61E7B23}



Another method attackers use to disable the Firewall is by stopping the mpssvc service. This is typically done with the net utility net stop mpssvc.

net stop mpssvc

How our SIEM solution detects T1562.004

This is achieved using the new R240 rule; in particular, by detecting and correlating the following events:

Attacker stopping the local firewall service to bypass its restrictions
Attacker disabling or modifying the local firewall policy to bypass it (configuring or disabling the firewall via netsh.exe)
Attacker changing local firewall rules through the registry to bypass its restrictions (modifying rules through the Windows registry)
Attacker disabling the local firewall through the registry
Attacker manipulating the local firewall by modifying its policies

With its latest update, the platform now offers more than 605 rules, including 474 containing direct detection logic. We’ve also refined 20 existing rules by fixing or adjusting their conditions.

Why we focus on the MITRE classification

MITRE ATT&CK for Enterprise serves as the de facto industry standard guideline for classifying and describing cyberattacks and intrusions, and is made up of 201 techniques, 424 sub-techniques, and thousands of procedures. Therefore, when deciding how to further develop our SIEM platform — the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform — we rely, among other things, on the MITRE classification.

As per our plan set out in a previous post, we’ve started labeling current rules in accordance with MITRE attack methods and tactics — aiming to expand the system’s functionality and reflect the level of protection against known threats. This is important because it allows us to structure the detection logic and ensure that the rules are comprehensive — with no “blind spots”. We also rely on MITRE when developing OOTB (out-of-the-box) content for our SIEM platform. Currently, our solution covers 309 MITRE ATT&CK techniques and sub-techniques.

Other additions and improvements to the SIEM system

In addition to the detection logic for T1562.004 mentioned above, we’ve added normalizers to the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform SIEM system to support the following event sources:

[OOTB] Microsoft Products, [OOTB] Microsoft Products for Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform 3, [OOTB] Microsoft Products via KES WIN: normalizers to process some events from the Security and System logs of the Microsoft Windows Server operating system. The [OOTB] Microsoft Products via KES WIN normalizer supports a limited number of audit event types transmitted to KUMA KES WIN 12.6 through syslog.
[OOTB] Extreme Networks Summit Wireless Controller: a normalizer for certain audit events from the Extreme Networks Summit wireless controller (model: WM3700, firmware version:
[OOTB] Kaspersky Security for MS Exchange SQL: a normalizer for Kaspersky Security for Exchange (KSE) version 9.0 system events stored in the database.
[OOTB] TIONIX VDI file: a normalizer supporting the processing of some TIONIX VDI (version 2.8) system events stored in the tionix_lntmov.log file.
[OOTB] SolarWinds Dameware MRC xml: a normalizer supporting the processing of some Dameware Mini Remote Control (MRC) version 7.5 system events stored in the Windows Application log. The normalizer processes events created by the “dwmrcs” provider.
[OOTB] H3C Routers syslog: a normalizer for certain types of events coming from H3C (Huawei-3Com) SR6600 network devices (Comware 7 firmware) through syslog. The normalizer supports the “standard” event format (RFC 3164-compliant format).
[OOTB] Cisco WLC syslog: a normalizer for certain types of events coming from Cisco WLC network devices (2500 Series Wireless Controllers, 5500 Series Wireless Controllers, 8500 Series Wireless Controllers, Flex 7500 Series Wireless Controllers) through syslog.
[OOTB] Huawei iManager 2000 file: a normalizer supporting the processing of some of the Huawei iManager 2000 system events stored in clientlogsrpc and clientlogsdeployossDeployment files.

Our experts have also refined the following normalizers:

For Microsoft products: the redesigned Windows normalizer is now publicly available.
For the PT NAD system: a new normalizer has been developed for PT NAD versions 11.1, 11.0.
For UNIX-like operating systems: additional event types are now supported.
For Check Point: improvements to the normalizer supporting Check Point R81.
For the Citrix NetScaler system: additional events from Citrix ADC 5550 — NS13.0 are now supported.
For FreeIPA: the redesigned normalizer is now publicly available.

In total, we now support around 250 sources, and we keep expanding this list while improving the quality of each connector. The full list of supported event sources in the Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform — version 3.2, can be found in the technical support section. Information on out-of-the-box correlation rules is also available there.

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Windows Downdate: exploitation techniques and countermeasures

All software applications, including operating systems, contain vulnerabilities, so regular updates to patch them are a cornerstone of cybersecurity. The researchers who invented the Windows Downdate attack targeted this very update mechanism, aiming to stealthily roll back a fully updated Windows system to an older version containing vulnerable files and services. This leaves the system exposed to well-known exploits and deep-level compromise — including the hypervisor and secure kernel. Worse, standard update and system-health checks will report that everything’s up to date and fine.

Attack mechanism

The researchers actually found two separate flaws with slightly different operating mechanisms. One vulnerability — assigned the CVE-2024-21302 ID and dubbed Downdate — is based on a flaw in the update installation process: the downloaded update components are controlled, protected from modification, and digitally signed, but at one of the intermediate installation stages (between reboots), the update procedure creates and then uses a file containing a list of planned actions (pending.xml). If attackers are able to create their own version of that file and then add information about it to the registry, Windows Modules Installer service (TrustedInstaller) will execute the instructions in it upon reboot.

In actual fact, the contents of pending.xml do get verified, but it’s done during previous installation stages — TrustedInstaller doesn’t re-verify it. Of course, it’s impossible to write whatever you like to the file and install arbitrary files this way — since they must be signed by Microsoft, but replacing system files with older files developed by Microsoft is quite feasible. This can re-expose the system to long-patched vulnerabilities — including critical ones. Adding the necessary keys related to pending.xml to the registry requires administrator privileges, after which a system reboot must be initiated. However, these are the only significant limitations. This attack doesn’t require elevated privileges (for which Windows dims the display and prompts an admin for additional permission), and most security tools won’t flag the actions performed during the attack as suspicious.

The second vulnerability — CVE-2024-38202 — allows an actor to manipulate the Windows.old folder, where the update system stores the previous Windows installation. Although modifying files in this folder requires special privileges, an attacker with regular user-rights can rename the folder, create a new Windows.old from scratch, and place outdated, vulnerable versions of Windows system files in it. Initiating a system restore then rolls Windows back to the vulnerable installation. Certain privileges are required for system restoration, but these aren’t administrator privileges and are sometimes granted to regular users.

VBS bypass and password theft

Since 2015, the Windows architecture has been redesigned to prevent a Windows kernel compromise leading to that of the whole system. This involves a range of measures collectively known as virtualization-based security (VBS). Among other things, the system hypervisor is used to isolate OS components and create a secure kernel for performing the most sensitive operations, storing passwords, and so on.

To prevent attackers from disabling VBS, Windows can be configured to make this impossible — even with administrator rights. The only way to disable this protection is by rebooting the computer in a special mode and entering a keyboard command. This feature is called a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) lock. The Windows Downdate attack bypasses this restriction as well by replacing files with modified, outdated, and vulnerable versions. VBS doesn’t check system files for up-to-dateness, so they can be substituted with older, vulnerable versions with no detectable signs or error messages. That is, VBS isn’t disabled technically, but the feature no longer performs its security function.

This attack allows for the replacement of secure-kernel and hypervisor files with two-year-old versions containing multiple vulnerabilities whose exploitation leads to privilege escalation. As a result, attackers can gain maximum system privileges, full access to the hypervisor and memory-protection processes, and the ability to easily read credentials, hashed passwords, and also NTLM hashes from memory (which can be used for expanding the network attack).

Protection against Downdate

Microsoft was informed of the Downdate vulnerabilities in February 2024, but it wasn’t until August that details were released as part of its monthly Patch Tuesday rollout. Fixing the bugs proved to be a tough task fraught with side effects — including the crashing of some Windows systems. Therefore, instead of rushing to publish another patch, Microsoft for now has simply issued some tips to mitigate the risks. These include the following:

Auditing users authorized to perform system-restore and update operations, minimizing the number of such users, and revoking permissions where possible.
Implementing access control lists (ACL/DACL) to restrict access to, and modification of update files.
Configuring event monitoring for instances where elevated privileges are used to modify or replace update files — this could be an indicator of vulnerability exploitation.
Similarly, monitoring the modification and replacement of files associated with the VBS subsystem and system-file backups.

Monitoring these events using SIEM and EDR is relatively straightforward. However, false positives can be expected, so distinguishing legitimate sysadmin activity from that of hackers ultimately falls to the security team.

All of the above applies not only to physical, but also virtual Windows machines in cloud environments. For virtual machines in Azure, we also advise tracking unusual attempts to log in with administrator credentials. Enable MFA and change the credentials in case such an attempt is detected.

One other, more drastic tip: revoke administrator privileges for employees who don’t need them, and mandate that genuine administrators (i) only perform administrative actions under their respective account, and (ii) use a separate account for other work.

Risky fixes

For those looking for more security, Microsoft offers the update KB5042562, which mitigates the severity of CVE-2024-21302. With this installed, outdated versions of VBS system files are added to the revoked list and can no longer be run on an updated computer. This policy (SkuSiPolicy.p7b) is applied at the UEFI level, so when using it you need to update not only the OS but also backup removable boot media. It’s also important to be aware that rollback to older installations of Windows would no longer be possible. What’s more, the update forcibly activates the User Mode Code Integrity (UMCI) feature, which itself can cause compatibility and performance issues.

In general, administrators are advised to carefully weigh the risks, and thoroughly study the procedure and its potential side effects. Going forward, Microsoft promises to release patches and additional security measures for all relevant versions of Windows — up to Windows 10, version 1507, and Windows Server 2016.

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Privacy-Preserving Attribution by Mozilla: what is it and what’s it for? | Kaspersky official blog

In July 2024, with the latest version of its Firefox browser, Mozilla introduced a technology called Privacy-Preserving Attribution (PPA) — designed to track how effective online advertising is. The feature is enabled by default in Firefox 128.

This has already caught the eye of online privacy advocates, and led to headlines like “Now Mozilla too is selling user data”. The clamor got so loud that Firefox CTO, Bobby Holley, had to take to Reddit to explain to users what Mozilla actually did and why.

Now’s the time to take a closer look at what PPA is, why it’s needed in the first place, and why it’s appeared now.

Google Ad Topics and Facebook Link History

First, a bit of backstory. As you may recall, way back in 2019 the developers of the world’s most popular browser — Google Chrome — began hatching plans to completely disable support for third-party cookies.

These tiny files have been tracking user actions online for 30 years now. The technology is both the backbone of the online advertising industry, and the chief means of violating users’ privacy.

Some time ago, as a replacement, Google unveiled an in-house development called Ad Topics. With this technology, tracking is based on users’ Chrome browser history, and interaction history with Android apps. The rollout of Ad Topics was expected to be followed by the phasing out of support for third-party cookies in Chrome in H2 2024.

Another major digital advertising player to develop its own user-tracking technology is Meta, which likewise relies on third-party cookies. Called Link History, it makes sure that all external links in the Facebook mobile apps now get opened in its built-in browser — where the company can still snoop on your actions.

The bottom line is that ending support for third-party cookies hands even more control over to Google and Meta — owner of the world’s most popular browser and mobile OS, and of the world’s most popular social network, respectively — while smaller players will become even more dependent on them.

At the same time, user data continues to be collected on an industrial scale, and primarily by the usual suspects when it comes to claims of privacy violation: yes, Google and Facebook.

The question arises: is it not possible to develop some mechanism to allow advertisers to track the effectiveness of advertising without mass collection of user data? The answer comes in the shape of Privacy-Preserving Attribution.

Meet Prio, a privacy-preserving aggregation system

To better understand the history of this technology, we have to go back a bit in time — to 2017, when cryptographers Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dan Boneh of Stanford University presented a research paper. In it, they described a privacy-oriented system for collecting aggregated statistics, which they called Prio.

To greatly simplify matters, Prio is based on the following mechanism. Let’s say you’re interested in the average age of a certain number of users, but you want to preserve their privacy. You set up two (or more) piggy banks and ask each user to count out the number of coins corresponding to their age and, without showing them to anyone, randomly drop the coins into different money boxes.

Then you tip the coins out of the piggy banks into a pile, count them and divide by the number of users. The result is what you wanted: the average age of the users. And if at least one of the piggy banks keeps its secret (i.e., doesn’t tell anyone what went into it), then it’s impossible to determine how many coins any one user put into the boxes.

Prio’s main stages of information processing. Source

Prio overlays this basic mechanism with a lot of cryptography to protect information from interception and ensure the validity of data received. There’s no way for users to slip answers into the system, for whatever reason, that could distort the results. The main concept lies in the use of two or more aggregators that collect random shares of the sought information.

Prio’s algorithms have another key feature: they greatly improve system performance compared to previous methods of reliable anonymized data collection — by 50–100 times, say the researchers.

Distributed Aggregation Protocol

Mozilla got interested in Prio back in 2018. The first fruit of this interest was its development of the experimental system Firefox Origin Telemetry — based on Prio. Notably, this system was designed to privately gather telemetry on the browser’s ability to combat ad trackers.

Then, in February 2022, Mozilla unveiled Interoperable Private Attribution (IPA) technology, developed jointly with Meta, which, it seems, served as the prototype to PPA.

May 2022 saw the publication of a zero draft of the Prio-based Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP). The draft was authored by representatives of Mozilla and the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) — a non-profit known for the Let’s Encrypt project to democratize the use of HTTPS — as well as two Cloudflare employees.

While working on the protocol, ISRG was also building a DAP-based system for collecting anonymized statistics, known as Divvi Up. This system is primarily intended to collect various technical telemetry to improve website performance, such as page load-time.

Schematic of the basic operating principle of the DAP protocol. Source

Finally, in October 2023, Divvi Up and Mozilla announced a collaboration to implement DAP in the Firefox browser. As part of this joint effort, a system of two aggregators was created — one of which operates on the Mozilla side, the other on the Divvi Up side.

How PPA works

It’s this Divvi Up/Mozilla system that’s currently being deployed with PPA technology. So far, it’s just an experiment involving a limited number of sites.

In general outline, it works as follows:

The website asks the browser to remember instances of successful ad views.
If the user performs some action that the site considers useful (for example, buys a product), the site queries the browser to find out if the user saw the ad.
The browser doesn’t tell the site anything, but sends information through the DAP protocol to the aggregation servers.
All such reports are accumulated in aggregators, and the site periodically receives a summary.

As a result, the site learns that out of X number of users who saw a certain ad, Y number of users performed actions deemed useful for the site. But neither the site nor the aggregation system knows anything about who these users were, what else they did online, etc.

Why we need PPA

In the above-mentioned statement on Reddit, Firefox’s CTO explained what Mozilla was aiming for by introducing PPA along with the new version of its browser.

The company’s reasoning is roughly the following. Online advertising, at least at this stage of the internet’s development, is a necessary evil. And it’s understandable that advertisers want to be able to measure its effectiveness. But the tools currently used for this disregard user privacy.

Meanwhile, any talk about how to somehow restrict advertisers’ tracking of users’ actions is met with protests from the former. No data collection, they argue, means they’re deprived of a tool for assessing online advertising.

Basically, PPA is an experimental tool that allows advertisers to get the feedback they need without collecting and storing data on what users did.

If the experiment shows the technology can satisfy advertisers’ needs, it will give privacy advocates a weighty argument in future dealings with regulators and lawmakers. Broadly speaking, it will prove that total online surveillance is unnecessary, and should be limited by law.

Block third-party cookies now

As it happens, almost immediately after the uproar surrounding Mozilla’s new rollout, Google announced a complete reversal of its plans to disable third-party cookies. Getting rid of stale technology can be harder than it might seem — as Microsoft found out when trying to bury Internet Explorer.

The good news is that, unlike Internet Explorer, which is indeed hard to weed out of Windows, third-party cookies are something that users can handle on their own. All modern browsers make it easy to block them — see our guide for full details.

Bear in mind that Google’s refusal to get rid of cookies doesn’t spell the end of Ad Topics — the company intends to continue the experiment. So we recommend disabling this feature too, and here’s how to do it in Chrome and Android.

And if you use the Facebook mobile app, it’s worth turning off Link History. Again, our guide explains how.

Also, you can and should make use of the Private Browsing feature in our Kaspersky Standard, Kaspersky Plus and Kaspersky Premium subscription plans to block ad trackers (by no means all of which use cookies).

Lastly, we recommend using our free Privacy Checker service, where you can find instructions on setting up privacy for the most common applications, services and social networks for different operating systems.

As for PPA, the technology looks pretty useful. If you think otherwise, here are simple instructions to disable it in Firefox. As for me, I prefer to support the development of this technology, so will continue to use it in my browser.

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Transatlantic Cable podcast episode 359 | Kaspersky official blog

Episode 359 kicks off with discussion around the recent riots in the U.K. and how the UK government is looking to leverage facial recognition to combat trouble makers. From there, the team discuss a strange story concerning how police forces in the U.S were able to locate a criminal via a lock-screen picture left at the scene of a crime.

To wrap up the team discuss news that artificial intelligence is being leveraged to help find the ‘next Olympians’ – however, results may vary.

If you liked what you heard, please consider subscribing.

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots
Cops Used Facial Recognition on Lost iPhone Lock Screen to Find Post Office Robbers
The AI tech aiming to identify future Olympians

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How deepfakes threaten KYC (Know Your Customer) | Kaspersky official blog

While humanity is trying to figure out how to recoup the hundreds of billions of dollars invested in generative AI, cybercriminals are already adopting the technology. For example, they’ve discovered that AI can be used to create virtual money mules — dummy accounts used to transfer stolen funds. Deepfakes allow criminals to successfully bypass customer identity verification (KYC, Know Your Customer) procedures used by financial institutions, thereby eliminating the need for living accomplices. Let’s delve into the details.

What is KYC?

The KYC procedure is a financial-sector practice for verifying a customer’s identity that’s used to combat various illegal financial activities — including fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, financing terrorism, and more.

More specifically, KYC often refers to biometric identity verification systems in fully remote services — that is, when a customer signs up online without any personal contact with employees of the financial institution.

Typically, this procedure requires the customer to upload photos of their documents and take a selfie, often holding the documents. An additional security measure has also recently become popular: the customer is asked to turn on their smartphone camera and turn their head in different directions, following instructions.

This method is sometimes also used to verify transactions, but it’s generally designed to protect against authentication using static photos that might have been stolen somehow. The problem is that criminals have already figured out how to bypass this protection: they use deepfakes.

AI tools for fraud

Not long ago, experts from the deepfake detection startup, Sensity, released an annual report describing some of the most common ways that cybercriminals maliciously use AI-generated content.

In this report, the experts publish the total number of AI content creation tools worldwide. They counted 10,206 tools for image generation, 2298 tools for replacing faces in videos and creating digital avatars, and 1018 tools for generating or cloning voices.

The report also highlights the number of specialized utilities designed specifically to bypass KYC: they counted as many as 47 such tools. These tools allow cybercriminals to create digital clones that successfully pass customer identity verification. As a result, fraudsters can remotely open accounts in financial institutions — banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, payment systems, and more.

Deepfakes are used to bypass KYC procedures worldwide (regions where these attacks occur most frequently are highlighted in red on the map). Source

These accounts are later used for various criminal activities — mainly for direct financial fraud, as well as laundering profits from illegal operations.

Digital clone store

Recently, 404 Media reported on an underground website selling photos and videos of people for bypassing KYC. According to the journalists, traders of digital duplicates have entire collections of such content. They find volunteers in disadvantaged countries and pay them relatively small amounts ($5-$20) for the footage.

The resulting content is then sold to anyone interested. The collections are quite extensive and include people of different ages, genders, and ethnicities. The site’s services are fairly inexpensive: for example, the journalists purchased a set for only $30. The sets include photos and videos in different clothing, as well as images with a white card and a blank sheet of paper in hand, which can be replaced with an ID or some other document.

An online store for scammers, selling photo and video content to bypass KYC. Source

The service is extremely customer-oriented. The website has reviews from grateful buyers, and even features a special mark for those photos and videos that have been purchased the least number of times. Such “fresh clones” are more likely to successfully pass anti-fraud system checks.

In addition to ready-made digital identities, the site’s administrators offer exclusive content sets created individually for the buyer — on demand and probably for more serious money.

AI-generated fake documents

Journalists from the same media also discovered a website specializing in selling realistic photos of fake documents created using AI.

A fake photo of a driver’s license, supposedly belonging to a California resident. Source

According to an expert from a company that deals with such fraud, some services of this kind sell ready-to-use sets that include both fake documents and photos and videos of their fake owners.

Thus, AI tools and such content collections make the work of fraudsters much easier. Just a few years ago, money mules — real people who directly handled dirty money, opened accounts and made transfers or cash withdrawals — were the weakest link in criminal operations.

Now, such “physical” mules are rapidly becoming unnecessary. Criminals no longer need to interact with unreliable “flesh bags” who are vulnerable to law enforcement. It’s just a matter of creating a certain number of digital clones for the same purposes and then targeting those financial services that allow you to open accounts and conduct transactions completely remotely.

So what’s next?

In the future, the ease of bypassing current KYC procedures will likely lead to two consequences. On the one hand, financial organizations will introduce additional mechanisms for verifying photos and videos provided by remote customers based on detecting signs of AI forgeries.

On the other hand, regulators will likely tighten requirements for fully remote financial operations. So it’s quite possible that the simplicity and convenience of online financial services, which we’ve already become accustomed to, will be threatened by artificial intelligence.

Unfortunately, the problem doesn’t end there. As noted by experts, the widespread availability of AI tools for generating photo, video, and audio content fundamentally undermines trust in digital interactions between people. The higher the quality of AI creations, the harder it becomes to believe what we see on our smartphones and computers.

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Kaspersky’s Safe Travel Guide | Kaspersky official blog

Holiday season is a wonderful time — one when all the usual worries take a back seat. On vacation we focus on sights and local culture, and try in every possible way to remove ourselves from our usual routines. But being away from home brings with it some travel concerns to keep in mind; for example, how should one properly use transportation in another country so as not to fall for local scammers’ tricks; also: who should one call in an emergency?

Kaspersky experts have compiled answers to these and many other related questions. In our guide (in convenient PDF format) we’ve collected together some tips and recommendations for you on how to make traveling safe, easy and enjoyable.


As to transportation arrangements, above all, learn how to obtain a local bus pass, avoid traveling during rush hours, and don’t take large amounts of cash with you when using public transport. If these tips are obvious to you, here are some other, not-so-typical vacation safety tips:

Use a navigation app popular in the location. Local apps often provide better guidance than more common options like Google Maps. Remember: you should only download new applications from official stores, but malware may lurk there too — so be sure to keep strong protection.
Observe local driving laws. At a minimum, make sure you know whether they drive on the right or the left of the road in the country you’re visiting. This is especially important if you plan to rent a car, bicycle, or any other transportation.
Download transportation schemes and offline maps to your smartphone. It’s safer than connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots every time.


Choosing the right hotel, apartment, or even room is one of the key parts of a great trip. It’s important to choose accommodation based on needs and possibilities to find the golden mean:

seek out newly opened hotels to save money;
choose a corner room to get a better view;
let staff know about special occasions;
book business-oriented hotels during weekends;
monitor rates even after you book;
consider room upgrades;
download the hotel’s mobile app, if available.

And most importantly, when looking for accommodation, use specialized services rather than clicking on suspicious links in email. If you want to ensure maximum protection, use the top anti-phishing solution.


Can you imagine how frustrating it’d be to spend money on a vacation organized around a concert of your favorite artist, only find out at the entrance that your ticket is fake? To prevent this from happening to you, follow our advice.

Buy tickets from official websites. Believe me, scammers have “tickets” to any event: to the theater or to an exhibition, to the Burning Man festival, soccer tournaments, and even to the Olympics.
Look for discounts, but wisely. Students can get an ISIC — ultimate student discount and travel card — while everyone else should look for packages and hot deals. The key is not to fall for the typical scam tricks; attackers love discount fans.
Find local activities. Tourist attractions are good, of course, but how fun would it be to dig into local forums and interest groups to find like-minded people in another city, country, or even continent?
Set your VPN to your destination’s location. Use a VPN set to the location you plan to visit. This makes your searches more local, showing you events that are popular among the residents rather than those tailored for tourists.

Remember not to share photos of tickets, including boarding passes, on social media — scammers or just haters can use this information against you.


We’ve already written many times about how to safely get acquainted with people in dating apps, so here we’ve collected the very best recommendations, which together with reliable protection will help you get the most out of holiday romances:

choose reputable dating apps;
use the built-on messenger function of dating platforms; don’t go straight to Telegram or any other messenger;
don’t share personal information with unfamiliar people;
use unique photos and make your profile as private as possible;
meet in public settings;
keep a contact informed;
don’t feel obligated to stay at a meet-up; if you feel uncomfortable with a person, end it as soon as possible.


Offline shopping is, of course, much more straightforward than online shopping, but they do have a few similarities when it comes to security.

Use a separate bank card for traveling with a set limit, and don’t keep large sums of money on a card.
Use secure ATMs that are located at a bank branch. This way you will be safer withdrawing money, and most likely you’ll avoid skimmers.

Studying local trading patterns is often worth it. In some countries haggling is the norm; in others — drinking tea during negotiations is. Whatever the case, bone-up on local laws and customs beforehand to avoid possible misunderstandings.

Keep all receipts — this will help with customs or tax declarations when you go home, and will also come in handy when returning or exchanging goods.

Taking the kids on vacation

Children spice things up. But whether it’s a pleasant spiciness or a scorching vindaloo curry is up to you:

choose family-oriented accommodation;
plan lighter travel days;
take snacks, water, extra clothes, and entertainment for your child on the road;
seek out child discounts;
take a first-aid kit and keep a list of nearby medical facilities on your smartphone.

And don’t forget the house rules that should apply on vacation too — monitor the screen time of your child’s devices, and track their location even when they’re away from home.

Other safe-travel tips and advice can be found in our full PDF guide. Save it to your device and use it as a guide for every trip. Bon voyage!

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Which IT, and IoT devices are most vulnerable | Kaspersky official blog

Infosec teams know all about cyberattacks on servers and desktop computers, and the optimal protective practices are both well-known and well-developed. But things get a lot more complicated when it comes to less “visible” devices — such as routers, printers, medical equipment, and video surveillance cameras. Yet they too are often connected to the organization’s general network along with servers and workstations. The question of which of these devices should be the top infosec priority, and what risk factors are key in each case, is the subject of the “Riskiest Connected Devices in 2024” report.

Its authors analyzed more than 19 million devices: work computers, servers, IoT devices, and specialized medical equipment. For each individual device, a risk level was calculated based on known and exploitable vulnerabilities, open ports accessible from the internet, and malicious traffic sent from or to the device. Also factored in were the importance of the device to its respective organization, and the potential critical consequences of compromise. Here are the devices that researchers found to be most often vulnerable and high-risk.

Wireless access points, routers, and firewalls

The top two places in the list of the riskiest devices in office networks — by a comfortable margin, went to network devices. Routers are typically accessible from the internet, and many of them have open management ports and services that are easy for threat actors to exploit: SSH, Telnet, SMB, plus highly specialized proprietary management services. In recent years, attackers have learned to exploit vulnerabilities in this class of equipment — especially in its administration interfaces. Much the same holds for firewalls — especially since these two functions are often combined in a single device for SMBs. Access points have insecure settings even more often than routers do, but the threat is somewhat mitigated by the fact that compromising them requires being in close proximity to the device. The initial attack vector is usually a guest Wi-Fi network, or a dedicated network for mobile devices.


Although printer exploitation by hackers isn’t that common, such cases are nearly always high-profile. The risk factors associated with printers are as follows:

They’re often connected directly to the office network and at the same time to the manufacturer’s central servers; that is — to the internet.
They often operate in a standard configuration with default passwords, allowing a potential attacker to view, delete, and add print jobs, among other things, without having to exploit any vulnerabilities.
They usually lack infosec tools, and often get added to firewall allowlists by network administrators to ensure accessibility from all computers in the organization.
Software updates are slow to appear, and installation by users is even slower — so dangerous vulnerabilities in printer software can remain exploitable for years.
The “printers” category includes not only network MFPs, but also highly specialized devices such as label and receipt printers. The latter are often directly connected to both POS terminals and privileged computers that process important financial information.
Printers are a favorite target of hacktivists and ransomware groups because a hack that prints off thousands of copies of a threatening letter can’t fail to make an impression.

VoIP devices and IP surveillance cameras

Like printers, devices in these categories are rarely updated, are very often accessible from the internet, have no built-in information security tools, and are regularly used with default, insecure settings.

Besides the risks of device compromise and hackers’ lateral movement across the network that are common to all technology, unique risks here are posed by the prospect of attackers spying on protected assets and facilities, eavesdropping on VoIP calls, or using VoIP telephony for fraudulent purposes impersonating the attacked organization. Exploiting vulnerabilities isn’t even necessary; a misconfiguration or default password will suffice.

Automatic drug dispensers and infusion pumps

The No. 1 niche devices in the hit parade are automated drug dispensers and digital infusion pumps, the compromising of which could seriously disrupt hospitals and threaten lives. According to the researchers, high-risk cases occur when such devices aren’t protected from external connections: in late 2022, 183 publicly accessible management interfaces for such devices were discovered; and by late 2023, that number had grown to 225. For a critical incident affecting patient care to arise, deep compromise of the target device is often not necessary — a denial of service or disconnection from the telecommunications network would be quite enough. Real attacks on healthcare facilities by the ransomware group LockBit have provoked such situations. Another risk is the malicious altering of drug dosage, which is made possible by both numerous device vulnerabilities and insecure settings. In some institutions, even a patient can do the altering simply by connecting to the hospital’s Wi-Fi.

How to protect vulnerable equipment in your organization

Disable all unnecessary services on the equipment and restrict access to necessary ones. Control panels and service portals should only be accessible from administrative computers on the internal subnet. This rule is critical for network hardware and any equipment accessible from the internet.
Segment the network by creating a separation between the office, production, and administrative networks. Ensure that IoT devices and other isolated resources can’t be accessed from the internet or the office network available to all employees.
Use strong and unique passwords for each administrator, with multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. Use unique passwords for each user, and be sure to apply MFA for access to critical resources and equipment.
If the device lacks support for sufficiently strong authentication and MFA, you can isolate it in a separate subnet, and introduce MFA access control at the network equipment level.
Prioritize rapid firmware and software updates for network equipment.
Study the network and security settings of the equipment in detail. Change default settings if they aren’t secure enough. Disable built-in default accounts and password-less access.
Study the router manual, if available, for ways to improve security (hardening); if not available, seek recommendations from reputable international organizations.
When purchasing printers, multi-function peripherals (MFPs), and similar devices, explore the standard features for improving printer security. Some corporate models offer an encrypted secure print function; some are capable of updating their firmware automatically; and some are able to export events to a SIEM system for comprehensive infosec monitoring.
Implement an all-in security system in your organization, including EDR, and comprehensive SIEM-based network monitoring.

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