Rhadamanthys v0.5.0 – a deep dive into the stealer’s components

Research by: hasherezade


The Rhadamanthys stealer is a multi-layer malware, sold on the black market, and frequently updated. Recently the author released a new major version, 0.5.0.

In the new version, the malware expands its stealing capabilities and also introduces some general-purpose spying functions.

A new plugin system makes the malware expandable for specific distributor needs.

The custom executable formats, used for modules, are unchanged since our last publication (XS1 and XS2 formats are still in distribution).

Check Point Research (CPR) provides a comprehensive review of the agent modules, presenting their capabilities and implementation, with a focus on how the stealer components are loaded and how they work.


Rhadamanthys is an information stealer with a diverse set of modules and an interesting multilayered design.

In our last article on Rhadamanthys [1], we focused on the custom executable formats used by this malware and their similarity to a different family, Hidden Bee, which is most likely its predecessor.

In this article we do a deep dive into the functionality and cooperation between the modules. The first part of the article describes the loading chain that is used to retrieve the package with the stealer components. In the second part, we take a closer look at those components, their structure, abilities, and implementation.

Changes in version 0.5.0

Since we published our previous reports [1][2], Rhadamanthys keeps evolving. At the beginning of October, the author announced version 0.5.0 which comes with many changes, and interesting features.

Figure 1 – Telegram status of the author, announcing version 0.5.0.

The full list of changes, as described by the author:

Figure 2 – Fragment of the changelog published on the author’s Telegram channel (full version below).

V0.5.0 Change List

01. Added observer mode
02. Diversify the construction of stubs and provide x86 x32 native Exe Shellcode Dotnet4 Dotnet2 to better adapt to various usage scenarios and crypt service needs.
03. The client execution process is completely rewritten, and the BUG in the syscall unhook code that caused the crash in the old version is fixed. The execution success rate is very high, and the runtime status is better.
04. Fixed the wallet upgrade support for several wallets where the cracking algorithm fails. Currently supported
(UniSat Wallet
Terra Station
Exodus Desktop
Exodus Web3
) Online real-time brute force cracking
05. Fixed Discord token acquisition, the correct encrypted token can now be decoded.
06. Break through the browser data acquisition when the browser is protected by third-party programs, and add the login data decryption algorithm of 360 Secure Browser
07. The panel search condition settings have been upgraded. You can now select conditions in batches and select categories with one click.
08. Add a quick setting search filter menu to directly menu the search conditions you need to check frequently.
09. Modify some changes required by users in the Telegram notification module and add new templates for use
10. When building a page, the traffic source tag can directly set the previously used tag, and the URL address will be updated simultaneously.
11. If permissions permit, data collection under other user accounts used on the same machine is supported.
12. The file collection module adds browser extension collection settings. For the Chrome kernel browser, you only need to provide the extension directory name and whether to collect Local Storage data at the same time. Firefox kernel browser can provide extension ID
13. Fix the issue of using the browser to use the online password library after logging in to a Google account in Chrome, and obtaining the login password.
14. The task module has been greatly upgraded, and a new plug-in module has been introduced to support users in secondary development of their own plug-ins.
Supports multiple task execution modes:
Normal execution
In Memory LoadPE Execution
Powershell Execution
DotNet Reflection Execution
DotNet Extension Execution
DotNet Extension with Zip Execution
VbScript Execution
JScript Execution
X86 shellcode execution
X64 shellcode execution
Native Plugin Loader
15. Keylogger: supports recording all keyboard input, process details, file name, window title, supports setting process filtering, sending time, buffer size
16. Data spy plug-in: currently supports correct login access and IP username and password for remote RDP access. The correct certificate file and password imported by the user.
17. Plug-ins and loader modules support secondary development and provide SDK support.

In this blog, we present a walkthrough a sample that belongs to this release.

The initial loader

The initial loader is a 32-bit Windows executable (PE). It was in large part rewritten, but still contains artifacts that make it similar to the previous edition (0.4.9).

The author added a check of the executable’s name. When the samples are uploaded to sandboxes for automated analysis, they are often renamed as hashes. Therefore, if the name consists of characters from a hexadeciamal charset [0-9, a-f, A-F], and its length is 16, 32, 40, or 64, the malware assumes that it is being analyzed, and exits immediately.

Similarly as we saw in the earlier releases, the initial executable contains the configuration (embedded by the builder) as well as the package with additional modules, that constitutes the next stage. As the execution progresses, these later components are unpacked, and the configuration is passed to them.

Figure 3 – Overview of the relationship between the components used at this stage.

The first change that we can observe during the initial triage is a new section: .textbss. This section is empty in the raw binary (raw size = 0). However, will be filled at runtime with an unpacked content: a shellcode similar to the one used by the previous versions. The difference is that in the past versions the analogous code was loaded into a newly allocated memory region. Regardless of location, its role didn’t change: it is meant for unpacking and loading the first module from the package.

Below is a fragment of the tracelog (created with TinyTracer) that illustrates the loading of the shellcode, and the calls executed from it (v.0.5.0):

1eb7;[.text] -> [.textbss] ; <- redirection to the code that unpacks the XS module
27000;section: [.textbss]**
27052;called: ?? [12081000+8a] ; <- redirection to the new module (XS)

For comparison, this is the corresponding tracelog fragment from version 0.4.9:

184e6;called: ?? [a7a0000+0] <- re direction to the shellcode that unpacks the XS module
> a7a0000+2fe;kernel32.LocalAlloc
> a7a0000+ba;kernel32.LocalAlloc
> a7a0000+260;kernel32.LocalFree
> a7a0000+34c;kernel32.VirtualAlloc
> a7a0000+3a4;kernel32.VirtualProtect
> a7a0000+3bb;kernel32.LocalFree
> a7a0000+52;called: ?? [10641000+88] <- redirection to the new module (XS)

The next stage, as before, is in a custom executable format. The format itself hasn’t changed since the release of 0.4.9. Once more we are dealing with XS1 (as described in our article [1]) which can be converted into a PE with the help of our tools.

The 2nd stage loader (XS1)

The component revealed (in the XS1 format) is part of the second stage of the loading process. Looking at this module we can see many similarities to the one described in [1]. Yet, clearly some parts are enhanced and improved.

One of the changes shows up in the initial triage, at the attempt to dump strings from the binary. In the past, we could obtain a lot of hints about the module functionality by dumping the strings i.e. with the help of the Flare FLOSS tool. This is no longer possible as the author decided to obfuscate them (more details in “String deobfuscation and the use of TLS”).

After converting the module to PE, and opening it in IDA, we can follow up with a more detailed assessment. Looking at the outline of the start function, we see a slightly different, refined design.

Figure 4 – The main_func is now passed as a callback to the function that initializes the XS module (loads imports, allocates storage, etc)

As before, the module uses the configuration passed from the previous layer. The decoded buffer starts with the !RHY marker, and contains, among others, the URL of the C2 to be contacted. This is the reconstructed structure:

struct rhy_config
DWORD magic;
BYTE flags1;
DWORD flags2;
_BYTE iv[16];
_BYTE key[32];
char C2_URL[128];

Just like in the previous version, the connection with the C2 is established by the netclient module which is loaded from package #1 (see Figure 3).

In addition, the current component unpacks and uses multiple modules that are shipped in package #1. We already saw some of them in the previously described versions. The full list is below.

NameFormatDescriptionNew in 0.5.0?stage.x86shellcode (32-bit)Shellcode used in the injection of the main module of the Stage 2 into another process; responsible for accessing the named mapping, copying its content, and reloading the main module in the context of the new process✓early.x86XSProcess injector (using raw syscalls)✓early.x64XSProcess injector (using raw syscalls)✓phexec.binXSInjects from a 32-bit process into a 64-bit–prepare.binshellcode (64-bit)–unhook.binXSChecks DLLs against hooks, and does unhooking if needed–strategy.x86XSChecks if any of the forbidden processes is running (evasion)✓process.xTXTList of forbidden processes (evasion)✓ua.txtTXTA list of user-agents (a random user-agent from the list will be selected and used for the internet connection)–dt.x86XSEvasion checks based on Al-Khaser–proto.x86shellcodeEncrypts and decrypts netclient module with the help of RC4 and a random key–netclient.x86XSResponsible for the connection with the C2 and downloading of further modules–

A simplified flow:

Figure 5 – A high-level overview of the relationships between the components at this stage.

More details about the execution flow, and possible diversions from the presented path, are explained later in this report.

String deobfuscation and the use of TLS

One of the new features in this release is the introduction of TLS (Thread Local Storage) for temporary buffers. They are used, among others, for decoding obfuscated strings.

TLS is first allocated in the initialization function (denoted as init_xs_module in Figure 4). The value received from TlsAlloc is stored in a global variable. The malware then allocates a custom structure with a buffer and attaches it to the TLS.

Later on, that saved buffer is retrieved and used multiple times, as a workspace for deobfuscating data, such as strings.

Figure 6 – The string deobfuscation function is applied on a hardcoded value (pointing to the encrypted string).

The string decryption function is passed as a callback to the function retrieving a buffer attached to the TLS storage.

Figure 7 – The string decryption function is set as a callback to the function fetching the buffer from TLS.

After the string is used, the buffer is cleared (see Figure 6).

The use of TLS in the implementation of this functionality is quite atypical, and it isn’t clear what was the reason behind this design.

The algorithms used for the string deobfuscation differ at different stages of the malware. In the case of the current module (XS1, Stage 2) the following custom algorithm is deployed:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

def mix_key_round(ctx, size, key3, key2, key_size):
if not size: return
for i in range(size):
pos = key_size % size
key_size += 87
val = ctx[pos]
result = (key2 + ((val >> 5) & 0xFF)) + ctx[(val % size)] + (i * (((val + key3) >> 3) & 0xFF)) + 1
ctx[i] = (ctx[i] + result) & 0xFF
return ctx

def decrypt_data(in_buf, in_size, key_buf, key_size, key2, key3):
out_buf = [0] * in_size
ctx = [key_buf[(i % key_size)] for i in range(in_size)]
for _ in range(4):
ctx = mix_key_round(ctx, in_size, key3, key2, key_size)
for i in range(in_size):
out_buf[i] = (ctx[i] ^ in_buf[i]) & 0xFF
return out_buf

def decrypt_string(in_buf, key_buf):
return decrypt_data(in_buf, len(in_buf), key_buf, 16, 0x3779E9B, 0)

The decryption key is stored at the beginning of the block and is always 16 bytes long. The data is terminated by 0.

The IDA script for strings deobfuscation (assuming that the decrypting functions are named, appropriately: dec_cstring and dec_wstring):


The list of the deobfuscated strings for the Stage 2 loader:


Raw syscalls and Heaven’s Gate

One of the techniques that we can observe across different Rhadamanthys modules is the use of raw syscalls for calling native API. This is a known way to evade function hooking and monitoring, and also helpful in obfuscating the names of the APIs used. This technique has a long history and occurs in multiple different variants (described, i.e. here: [3]).

The method relies on the fact that each native system function (implemented kernel-mode) is represented by a syscall ID. These IDs may differ depending on the Windows version. For the programmer’s convenience, Windows allows access to them via API exported by system DLLs such as NTDLL and WIN32U. NTDLL is often hooked by antimalware products, in order to watch the called APIs and detect suspicious activity.

Malware tries to bypass the installed hooks by copying the numbers of syscalls directly to its own stubs, so that it won’t have to use the NTDLL. However, doing so generates another event that some monitoring tools may find suspicious, as it’s not usual to execute a syscall from a non-system module.

Looking at the implementation, we can see that the author was well aware of this problem and used a variant of the technique called indirect syscalls. The stub within the malware only prepares the syscall and its actual execution is done by returning to the NTDLL at the end of a function. In this way, the initial part of the function that contains the hook is bypassed, but the syscall is called from the NTDLL.

Figure 8 – Implementation of indirect syscalls used by Rhadamanthys.

The raw syscalls are used by Rhadamanthys in both 32 and 64-bit modules. As we know, a syscall can be performed only from a module that has the same bitness as the operating system. Doing a syscall from the WoW64 process (32-bit process on 64-bit Windows) requires a different approach, and using wrappers that may be different for different versions of Windows [4]. Underneath, each of those wrappers temporarily switch the process from 32-bit to 64-bit mode. The author of Rhadamanthys decided not to use existing wrappers, but instead implement his own, using the Heaven’s Gate [6] technique.

Execution flow

The role of the modules involved in the Stage 2 hasn’t changed since the last version. They are meant to prepare and obfuscate the downloading of the actual stealers that are shipped in package #2 supplied by the C2. As we know, the download operation is performed by the netclient module. The author used several other modules to scrupulously check the environment and make it harder for an analyst or various monitoring tools to track when the download occurs.

Depending on the settings, it is possible to load next modules into the current process, or to add an extra round by injecting the current module into a new process, and deleting the original file.

Figure 9 – Overview of the main function. Different execution paths can be deployed depending on the flags set in the configuration. If the restart flag is set, on the first run the module injects itself into a new process.

In the case of the analyzed sample, the restart flag was selected. This caused the main loader module to run twice, with two different paths of execution.

On the first run, the malware injects itself into a newly created process. It is implemented in the following steps:

Creates a named mapping where it places important data, such as encrypted config, the package containing later modules, the path to the original sample, checksums of functions to be used, etc.

Unpacks modules implementing the process injection, 32 or 64-bit, depending on the system. These modules export several helper functions that are implemented using raw syscalls (for more about the method used see “Raw syscalls and Heaven’s Gate”). In the currently analyzed sample, the modules were named early.x86 and early.x64 . They may be different depending on the build, as since 0.5.0 distributors can customize what injection method will be used.

The loader creates a new 32-bit process, and implants there the stage.x86 with the help of functions exported from the injector component.

The implanted shellcode is responsible for accessing the named mapping, copying its content, and reloading the Stage 2 module in the context of the new process. It then calls an alternative variant of the Stage 2 main function (main_alt in the XS1 structure [1]), to deploy the second execution path.

The target for the injection is selected from a hardcoded list, and can be one of the following:


The execution second path is deployed when the module runs inside the new process. It involves deleting the original malware file (if the relevant flag was selected in the configuration) and loading the other modules from package #1, including netclient.

Figure 10 – The alternative version of the main function (main_alt), called from the injected process.

After performing the evasion checks, and making sure that the process is not monitored (with the help of additional modules), the malware connects to the C2 and downloads the next package (package #2 – Figure 5) with the stealer modules. Just like in the previous version, the package is shipped in a steganographic way, appended to the JPG or WAV file (for more details, refer to [1]).

Retrieving Stage 3: stealer components

Figure 11 – Execution flow of the modules

Two modules are involved in downloading the payload: netclient (in XS1 format) and proto (shellcode). They are both loaded into the same memory region, and proto is copied after the netclient. First netclient is called from the main module, with the appropriate parameters: the address of the C2 copied from the configuration, and the User Agent, selected from the ua.txt list (if the list fails to load, a hardcoded User Agent is used as a backup).

Figure 12 – The Entry Point of the netclient module is called in the Event callback function

The interesting element of the flow is that at the beginning of the netclient execution, the main XS1 component gets encrypted. It is decrypted later, just before the execution returns to it. The encryption and decryption are done with the help of the proto module, which is called twice by netclient. This is yet another obfuscation step to minimize the memory artifacts.

Figure 13 – If we try to view the code of the main module, i.e. go to the offset that called netclient, we can see that it no longer makes sense – as it was encrypted.

The netclient is responsible for connecting to the C2 and downloading the payload, then decrypting it. As before ([1]) the correctness of the resulting buffer is verified by comparing the hash calculated from the content with the expected hash that is stored in the header of the data block. In the currently analyzed case, the payload was shipped appended to a file in the WAV format.

Figure 14 – The downloaded package after decryption

After the payload is downloaded, and passes the verification step, netclient module calls proto for the second time to decrypt the previously encrypted main module (XS1), using the RC4 algorithm and the key that was generated and saved at the first run.

The execution goes back to the (now decrypted) main module, which first destroys the memory region where netclient and proto were loaded. It then proceeds to load the next stage from the downloaded package #2.

Depending on whether the system is 32 or 64-bit, further execution may proceed in the current process, or in a newly created, 64-bit process, where the required elements are injected.

On a 64-bit system

Most of the time we encounter a 64-bit version of Windows, which means there are several extra steps before the content from the downloaded package can be fetched and executed.

The malware creates a new, 64-bit process, selecting one of the paths from the hardcoded list:


As writing into a 64-bit process from a 32-bit one is not officially supported by the Windows API, it uses Heaven’s Gate technique [6] to do so. This time the injection functions are encapsulated in an additional module from package #1: phexec.bin.

The malware now uses a 64-bit module prepare.bin, which is to be injected and used to retrieve the downloaded package #2 from inside the new process. The module prepare.bin is a shellcode containing an empty data section to be filled. The unfilled version of the section starts with the marker YHR! which is replaced with 0xDEADBEEF after it is filled.

Figure 15 – Filled in data within the prepare.bin module.

Data transmission using BaseNamedObject and the use of Exception Handlers

The loader (32-bit executable) creates a named object that is used to share the information between the current process and the infected one (64-bit). The content downloaded from the C2 is passed to this object and then received in the other process, via prepare.bin.

During the injection, the prepare.bin is implanted into a fresh 64-bit process. The execution is redirected by patching the Entry Point of the main executable with a jump that leads to the shellcode.

The shellcode (prepare.bin) contains a loop waiting for the BaseNamedObject to be filled. It sets a Vectored Exception Handler that is triggered after the data transfer from the other process is finished. The use of an exception handler is intended to be an additional obfuscation of the execution flow.

During its execution, the shellcode installs some more patches in the original executable of the process, and returns back to the patched code after the exception handler was registered. The overwritten code changes the memory protection and waits for the first malware process to send data over the BaseNamedObject.

Figure 16 – The code of the infected executable overwritten during shellcode execution, performing wait.

When the wait is over, it triggers an exception executing the int3 instruction. As a result the execution lands in the Vectored Exception Handler, that is installed by the shellcode.

The exception handler is responsible for unpacking the retrieved package, fetching from it the next shellcode, and redirecting the execution. The further flow, starting from the retrieved shellcode from package #2, is analogous to the execution on a 32-bit system described below.

Figure 17 – The exception handler responsible for unpacking the retrieved package, fetching from it a shellcode, and redirecting the execution.

On 32-bit system

The first element fetched from the new package is a shellcode.

Figure 18 – Two alternative paths after the data is downloaded from the C2. If the system is 32-bit, the shellcode from the downloaded package is copied into the current process, and then run in its context. Otherwise, it is injected into a new, 64-bit process.

The shellcode decrypts and decompresses the rest of the downloaded package. It then fetches the main stealer module, which is in the XS2 format [1].

Figure 19 – The module in XS2 format revealed in memory

The unpacked module is loaded into a newly allocated memory region. However, the redirection contains some additional steps. Once again, the author took extra care to minimize the memory artifacts and made sure that the loading shellcode is released after use. A a small chunk of the shellcode is copied to the new memory region, just after the loaded XS2 module. After that block, other necessary data is copied, including the pointer to the package, and the Entry Point of the next module. After finishing, the loading function jumps to such a prepared stub. As the stub is in the new memory region, it can free the region containing the unpacking shellcode before the redirection to the next stage.

Figure 20 – The copied stub frees the loading shellcode, and then redirects to the next module.

Stage 3: coredll.bin (XS2)

After passing the full loading chain, the execution finally reaches the main stealer module: coredll.bin (in XS2 format). The module coordinates all the work, collects the results, and reports them back to the C2. It is also responsible for retrieving other modules from package #2, and using them to perform various tasks.

In the current release, the following modules are available in the package:

Module pathTypeRoleIs new in 0.5.0?/bin/i386/coredll.bin
/bin/amd64/coredll.binXSMain stealer module (analogous to the one described in this chapter)–/bin/i386/stubmod.bin
/bin/amd64/stubmod.binXSPrepares a .NET environment inside the process, to load other .NET modules–/bin/i386/taskcore.bin
/bin/amd64/taskcore.binXSManages additional modules for the tasks supplied by the C2✓/bin/i386/stubexec.bin
/bin/amd64/stubexec.binXSInjects into regsvr32.exe, and remaps the module into a new process–/bin/KeePassHax.dllPE (.NET)Steals KeePass credentials–/bin/runtime.dllPE (.NET)Runs PowerShell scripts and plugins in the form of .NET assemblies–/bin/loader.dllPE (.NET)General purpose .NET assemblies runner✓

As seen earlier, the malware supports up to 100 LUA extensions. They are loaded from the package, retrieved by paths in the format: /extension/%08x.xs.

The coredll.bin not only coordinates the work of other modules, but also has a lot of vital functionality hardcoded. It comes with a collection of built-in stealers that can be enabled or disabled depending on the configuration.

String encryption

In case of this module not all strings are obfuscated, so we can obtain some of them with the help of common applications such as FLOSS . Those are mainly strings from the statically linked libraries. The most important strings, relevant to the malware functionality, are encrypted and revealed just before use. Once again, TLS storage is used for the temporary buffer. This time the algorithm used for the decryption is RC4. The first 16 bytes of the input buffer is the key, followed by the encrypted data.

IDA script for deobfuscation:


Deobfuscated strings from the sample:


Communication between the modules

As there are multiple modules involved in the execution of various tasks, and some of them are injected into remote processes, they must communicate with the central module (coredll.bin), to coordinate the work and pass the collected results. The communication is implemented with the help of a pipe.

Figure 21 – The function creating the pipe within the main module.

The pipe is created by the main module, using the name Core and the current PID. This information, concatenated together, is hashed (SHA1), and the hash is used to generate the unique pipe name (following the pattern \.pipe{%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}).

Figure 22 – The function used to generate the pipe name.

The PID is further passed to the submodules so they can regenerate the name, following the same algorithm, and then establish the connection.

Execution flow

After the module finishes initialization, which is typical for the XS2 format [1], execution is redirected to the main function of the module. The function takes 3 arguments: the pointer to the current module, a command to be executed, and a structure, including all the data passed from the previous layers. Depending on the command argument, the module can follow one of the 4 different execution paths. In each case, the most important functionality is to load additional components, establish the connection with the C2, and deploy the built-in stealers.

Figure 23 – The overview of the main function within the Core module.

In some cases, the function responsible for running all the modules can be executed at the exit of the application where it is injected. It is implemented by hooking the ExitProcess function.

Disabling the Event Tracer (and other NTDLL patches)

At the beginning of the main function (Figure 23), we can see a function patching NTDLL. Its role is to disable Event Tracering (ETW), which is a built-in Windows feature allowing to collect information about the application behavior. The bypass is implemented similarly to that described in the article [5].

In the case of the WoW64 process, both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the NTDLL are patched. By scanning the process with PE-sieve, we can quickly dump the modified versions of NTDLLs and receive the .tag file informing about the hooks. The found patches are listed below.

In NTDLL 64-bit:

The installed patch is simple, it forces the EtwEventWrite function to always return 0.

Figure 24 – The patch in the NTDLL (64-bit), disabling function EtwEventWrite.

The patches (NTDLL 32-bit):

Here we can see two functions patched: EtwEventWrite and NtTraceEvent – they both are forced to return immediately at the start.

Figure 25 – Multiple patches in the NTDLL (32-bit), including the ones disabling ETW.

Additionally, we can see a hook inside the exception dispatcher, whose role was described in detail in our previous article on Rhadamanthys [1] (”Handling exceptions from a custom module”). In contrast to other hooks that are security bypasses, this hook is part of the XS format loading and allows to catch the exceptions thrown by the custom module.

Running the stealers

The main component of Stage 3 comes with a rich set of built-in stealers. They are stored as two distinct global lists. The first group involves stealers that rely on searching and parsing files of particular targets (i.e., profiles, local databases), which we refer to as “passive stealers”. The second set which we refer to as “active stealers” consists of more invasive components: they can interfere with running processes, inject into them, etc.

Figure 26 – Global lists of the passive and active stealers.

Each stealer has an initialization function and a run function. They also use a top-level structure from where they fetch the data and where they report back the results. By sharing this structure, they can pass data from one to another, working as elements of the pipeline. The overview of the function responsible for running the stealers:

Figure 27 – Fragment of the function responsible for the deployment of the stealers.

First, the malware enumerates all the processes and stores their names, along with their PIDs, in a structure that will be used later. Then, all the built-in active stealers are initialized in a loop. At this point, they may reference the list of the processes to check if their targets are on the list. Some of them may also read additional information from the process, which will be passed further into the pipeline. Next, the passive stealers are initialized. The User Profile Path is retrieved and walked recursively to check if it contains some targeted directories from which the malware can steal.

After the initialization of both types of stealers is finished and information about the targets is collected, the functions performing the actual stealing activities run. First, all the initialized profile parsers are executed in a loop to collect the information from the files. Finally, the active stealers are executed.

After all the hardcoded stealers were run, the malware initializes a built-in LUA interpreter and uses it to execute the additional set of stealers, implemented as LUA scripts (described in more detail in “The LUA scripts“).

The results of all the executed stealers are collected in a global structure. They are posted into the queue and later uploaded to the C2.

The passive stealers

As mentioned earlier, passive stealers rely on reading and parsing files belonging to particular applications to retrieve saved credentials.

The passive stealers are initialized by parsing recursively all the subdirectories in %USERPROFILE% and checking the presence of targeted paths. The inner function enumerates all the directories in the %USERPROFILE%, and on each new directory found, it executes a passed callback.

The callback then runs the full list of initialization functions (is_target) of the stealers. If the path is identified as a target, the relevant passive stealer is further initialized.

Figure 28 – A loop initializing passive stealers with the directories found recursively in the %USERDATA% directory.

The paths used for the target identifications (passive stealers):

TargetPaths/extensionsIs OptionalChrome“Web Data”, “Web Data Ts4”noFirefox“cookies.sqlite”noFileZilla“recentservers.xml”yesOpenVPN“OpenVPN Connectprofiles”, “.ovpn”yesTelegram“configs”, “D877F783D5D3EF8Cconfigs”yesDiscord“DiscordStorage”, “discordptbStorage”, “discordcanaryStorage”yesStickyNotes“Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes”, “plum.sqlite”yes

The malware comes with a statically linked SQLite library which allows it to load and query local SQLite databases, and fetch saved data such as cookies.

The active stealers

The set of active stealers is more interesting and diverse. Some of these stealers open running processes and inject additional components. One of such components is KeePassHax.dll, injected into the KeePass process, to steal credentials from this open-source password manager (more details in: “Stealing from KeePass”). The malware may also inject its main component (core.bin) into other applications.

The set of the stealers is too big to describe each of them in detail. In summary, the following applications are targeted:

ChromeVaultWinSCPStickyNotesKeePassMozilla products (Thunderbird, Firefox)
and some of the Firefox-based browsers,
such as K-Meleon.exeFoxMailTelegramStreamTeamViewerInternet ExplorerOpenVPNDiscordCoreFTP360Browser

Stealing from Chrome and Mozilla products

In some cases, the active stealer’s initialization function retrieves from the running process information about the current profile and configuration files. It is done for the following targets:

K-Meleon.exe (Firefox-based browser), Firefox


The approach to finding the loaded profile is a bit different in each case.

In the case of K-Meleon.exe it identifies the target files by paths retrieved from associated handles. First, the malware retrieves all object handles that are currently opened in the system, using NtQuerySystemInformation (with the argument SystemHandleInformation). It walks through obtained handles and selects the ones owned by the target process. Then, it iterates over those handles to check which names they are associated with (using NtQueryObject), and compares each name with the hardcoded one (places.sqlite) . If the check passed, the full path is retrieved and stored for further use.

Figure 29 – Searching for the configuration file (“places.sqlite”) by walking through the retrieved object handles.

In the case of Chrome, the current profile is provided in the command line used to run the application. The command line of a process is stored in a dedicated field of the PEB (PEB → ProcessParameters → CommandLine), which is where the malware retrieves it from. The path to the profile is given after the —user-data-dir= command line argument, so this hardcoded string is used for the search.

As mentioned earlier, the main stealing actions are executed in the run function of each stealer. The stealers targeting Mozilla products may deploy additional processes and inject there the main module of the malware: coredll.bin. Note that although it is the same module as the one currently described, its execution path is not identical. Looking at the XS2 header [1], we can see that this format lets you provide alternative entry points of the application (denoted as entry_point – primary, and entry_point_alt – secondary). The execution of the implanted coredll.bin starts in entry_point_alt. Looking at the injection routine, we can see the corresponding address being added to the APC queue of the target’s main thread.

Figure 30 – Fragment of the injecting function, responsible for selecting the alternative Entry Point of the module, and setting it in the APC Queue of the targeted process, for execution.

The alternative entry point leads to the execution of a minimalist main, which contain only Mozilla-specific stealers.

Depending on the given settings, the stealing functions can be executed immediately, or when the application exits. The execution at exit may be necessary in case the current process blocks some files from which the module wants to read.

Figure 31 – The overview of the Alternative Entry Point of the coredll.bin. We can see that the main, stealing function, can be executed either immediately, or at the exit of the process.

There are three stealers implemented, and selected depending on the given configuration. Each of them sends the stolen content over the pipe back to the main element.

Figure 32 – The function responsible for deploying a specific, targeted stealer attacking the Mozilla application data.

Stealing from KeePass

One of the modules shipped in the package is a .NET DLL named KeePassHax.dll. As the name suggests, this module targets the KeePass password manager (which is a .NET application). The DLL is injected into the target along with the assisting native module, called stubmod.bin. An interesting feature of the implementation is that it initializes the complete .NET environment of an appropriate version within the attacked KeePass process, just to deploy the stealing DLL.

The function leading to the deployment of those components belongs to the active stealers list. As explained earlier, every stealer has two callback functions: init and run. In this case, the first function is empty, as there is nothing to initialize. The activity starts in the run function, given below. First, it searches for the keypass.exe on the previously prepared list of running processes. If the name is found, it tries to inject the malicious modules into the corresponding process.

Figure 33 – Fragment of the function responsible for doing an injection into the KeePass.exe. The injected payload, and the function to be executed from it, are passed as arguments.

Two modules are fetched from the package: stubmod.bin (in a 32 or 64-bit version, matching the process) and KeePassHax.dll. The stubmod.bin is an executable in the custom XS format [1], containing native code. This module is executed first, and prepares the stage for loading the DLL.

The start function of the stubmod.bin initializes the whole .NET environment inside the process where it is injected, similar to what is described in the following writeup [6].

Figure 34 – Overview of the function responsible for custom initialization of the .NET environment within the process.

It then runs the KeePassHax.dll. As an argument, it passes a callback function which is responsible for sending the collected data to the main malware process, over the previously created pipe (more details in “Communication between the modules”). The way of passing the callback is a bit unusual, yet simple and effective: the pointer is first printed as a string and then given as an argument to the DllMain function of the KeePassHax.dll.

Figure 35 – The pointer to the callback function is printed as a string and then passed as an argument to the .NET module.

Looking at the DllMain function, we can see the argument being parsed and used as two combined pointers. One of the pointers, stored in the variable NativePtr, leads to the function that sends data over the pipe (that is a part of stubmod.bin). The other one stored in NativeData contains a PID of the process running the core module, which is needed to regenerate the pipe name.

Figure 36 – The DllMain function of the KeePassHax.dll.

The main actions of dumping the credentials are done by the function KcpDump, which retrieves values of relevant fields from the main KeePass form.

Figure 37 – The function KcpDump in the .NET module KeePassHax.dll.

The collected data is serialized and passed to the previously retrieved native function. The first supplied argument is a NativeData containing the PID passed from the caller.

Figure 38 – The KcpSendData function in the .NET module KeePassHax.dll.

The function Program.FnSendData is implemented in the native module, which was responsible for executing the KeePassHax.dll, and has the following prototype:

int __cdecl to_read_write_to_pipe(int seed, DWORD numberOfBytesToWrite, _BYTE *data, int data_size)

The supplied seed argument is used in the generation of the pipe name, where the data is written to.

Figure 39 – Generating the pipe name, analogous to the function described in “Communication between modules”

This is how various components, native (in a custom format) as well as .NET modules, are blended together as one injected payload.

The LUA scripts

Although the list of stealers available by default is already very rich, the author decided to provide even more options by incorporating a LUA script runner.

The main module can load up to 100 LUA scripts. In the analyzed cases, we found approximately 60 of them are used. They implement a variety of stealers that target cryptocurrency wallets, FTP applications, e-mail agents, SSH, and more.

First, the malware loads all the available scripts from the package in a loop. They are stored in the internal structure, that is later passed to the interpreter.

Figure 40 – A LUA script fetched from the package and revealed in memory.

Scripts work as plugins to the built-in framework.

Stealers are grouped by one-character identifiers:

IDTypeWwalletsEe-mailsFFTPNnote-keeping appsMmessengersVVPN2authentication related, password managers, etc.

The stealer starts with a check if the group it belongs to is enabled in the framework.

if not framework.flag_exist(“W”) then

Some examples are given below.

Stealer for Psi:

if not framework.flag_exist(“M”) then
local filename = framework.parse_path([[%AppData%Psi+profilesdefaultaccounts.xml]])
if filename ~= nil and framework.file_exist(filename) then
framework.add_file(“accounts.xml”, filename)

Stealer for a DashCore wallet:

local file_count = 0
if not framework.flag_exist(“W”) then
local filenames = {
for _, filename in ipairs(filenames) do
if filename ~= nil and framework.file_exist(filename) then
if file_count > 0 then
framework.add_file(“DashCore/wallet.dat”, filename)
file_count = file_count + 1
if file_count > 0 then

Stealer for Notezilla:

if not framework.flag_exist(“N”) then
local filename = framework.parse_path([[%AppData%ConceptworldNotezillaNotes9.db]])
if filename ~= nil and framework.file_exist(filename) then
framework.add_file(“Notes9.db”, filename)

List of all the targeted applications:

ArmoryAtomicDEXAtomicWalletAuthy DesktopAzireVPNBinanceWalletBinanceWalletBitcoinCoreCheckMailClawsmailClawsmailCuteFTPCyberduckDashCoreDefichain-ElectrumDogecoinElectron-CashElectrum-SVElectrumEMClientExodusFrameFtpNavigatorFlashFXPFTPRushGmailNotifierProGuardaJaxxLitecoin-QtLitecoin-QtLitecoinCoreMoneroMyCryptoMyMoneroNordVPNNoteflyNotezillaSSHOutlookPidginPrivateVPNProtonVPNPsi+PuTTYQtum-ElectrumQtumRoboFormSafepaySmartFTPSolar WalletThe BatTokenPocketTotal CommanderToxTrulyMailWinAuthWalletWasabiWindscribeVPNZap

Receiving commands from the C2

In addition to running the modules that were embedded in the package and sending back their results, the malware establishes a connection with the C2 to listen for additional instructions. On demand, it can drop and run additional executable files, or execute scripts via other modules.

There are 11 different supported commands that are identified by numbers.

Figure 41 – Switch-case parsing the commands from the C2 received by the coredll.bin module.

The additional modules that can be run on demand, are taskcore.bin, runtime.dll, and loader.dll.

The content received from the C2 is passed in the variable denoted above as buf. Depending on the specifics of the particular command, it can be saved into a file, or into a named mapping, whose handle is passed to the other malicious module.

For example, the module received from the C2 is passed to be executed via taskcore.bin:

Figure 42 – Fragment of the function running the received module via taskcore.bin. The buffer received from the C2 (containing the module) is added into the mapping, whose handle is passed to the taskcore.bin module, that is run in a new process.

Running received PowerShell scripts and .NET modules

In addition to the ability to run LUA scripts, the malware allows the execution of PowerShell scripts, and since the version 0.5.0, also .NET assemblies. Unlike LUA, the scripts/assemblies to be executed are not shipped in the package but dynamically received from the C2.

This part of the functionality is managed by additional modules from package #2: runtme.dll (runs PowerShell scripts, and plugins) and loader.dll (a general-purpose loader of .NET assemblies).

The modules are run within a new process under the guise of AppLaunch.exe or dllhost.exe.

Evolution of PowerShell runner (runtime.exe/dll)

In the previous versions, the PowerShell runner was implemented as runtime.exe, which is a very small executable written in .NET. The runner consisted of the Main function presented below. It takes two string arguments, which are in fact pointers in hexadecimal form. The pointers lead to the functions in the native module that loaded the current one and are used to pass the input and output. The scripts are received by calling the function sysNativeWrapper.GetScript(), then results are passed back by sysNativeWrapper.SendDumpData(data).

Figure 43 – The .NET module: “runtime.exe” (decompiled using dnSpy)

The new version of the runner is a DLL, not an EXE (runtime.dll). It is fully rewritten, and much more complex. The runner exposes a new interface, to support the API of the newly introduced plugin system.

Figure 44 – List of classes on the runtime.dll (decompiled using dnSpy).

The plugins are in the form of .NET assemblies.

Figure 45 – Fragment of the function executing the plugins (.NET assemblies following the defined API) – runtime.dll, decompiled using dnSpy.

Simple PowerShell scripts, in the form of a string, are supported as well.

Figure 46 – Fragment of the function executing PowerShell scripts – runtime.dll, decompiled using dnSpy.

Loader of .NET assemblies (loader.dll)

The current version has yet another module, loader.dll, that is also responsible for running .NET assemblies, but in a much simpler way, and outside of the plugin system. It expects two arguments – a pointer to a byte array representing the assembly, and the array size. Then, the passed assembly is simply invoked.

Figure 47 – Fragment of the function executing .NET assemblies – loader.dll, decompiled using dnSpy.

The “TaskCore” module

In the published changelog, the author advertises multiple changes in the task-running module:

14. The task module has been greatly upgraded, and a new plug-in module has been introduced to support users in secondary development of their own plug-ins.
Supports multiple task execution modes:
Normal execution
In Memory LoadPE Execution
Powershell Execution
DotNet Reflection Execution
DotNet Extension Execution
DotNet Extension with Zip Execution
VbScript Execution
JScript Execution
X86 shellcode execution
X64 shellcode execution
Native Plugin Loader

Indeed, we can see the new module taskcore.bin which was added in this release. Depending on the specific command passed from the C2, it may be run under the guise of multiple applications, such as: AppLaunch.exe, dllhost.exe, rundll32.exe, OpenWith.exe, notepad.exe, rkeywiz.exe, wmpntwrk.exe, wmpconfig.exe.

Similar to coredll.bin, it comes with RC4-encrypted strings. The list of decrypted strings (format: RVA, string) is given below:


As the module is in the XS2 format. The start function first finishes the initialization, then deploys the core functionality of the modules, i.e. command parsing. Each command is responsible for executing a module of a particular type.

Figure 48 – Switch-case parsing the commands from the C2 received by the taskcore module.

The passed structure contains parameters filled in by the coredll.bin, and the mapping contains the buffer with a module to be executed that was received from the C2. While some of the other modules interact only with the coredll.bin, this one is also capable of establishing its own connection with the C2 and reports there directly.

As the author mentioned, the module is able to run a variety of content formats.

The simplest of them is running shellcodes.

Figure 49 – A function within taskcore.bin, executing simple shellcodes.

Scripts, such as JScripts and VBScripts, are both executed by the same function:

Figure 50 – Fragment of a function within taskcore.bin, executing JScripts and VBScripts.

Underneath, it uses a COM interface and parses the given script with the help of a function ParseScriptText.

Figure 51 – Parsing and executing scripts using the COM interface.

Similar to the previously mentioned stubmod.bin (”Stealing from KeePass”), the .NET environment is manually initialized. It is then it is used to run PowerShell scripts as well as plugins in the custom format (that are delivered in the form of .NET assemblies).

Figure 52 – Function leading to the execution of a plugin (.NET assembly).

Before running the PowerShell scripts, the malware zeroes out the Environment Variable _PSLockdownPolicy. This modification disables the PowerShell lockdown policy, which is a security feature restricting the execution of certain actions within the PowerShell environment. As a result, this allows more freedom in execution of scripts.

Figure 53 – Function leading to the execution of a PowerShell script.

The module also disables other security-related features: for example, it patches out AMSI checks and event tracing in NTDLL.

Analyzing the strings

The functionality of the modules is vast, but because we dumped and deobfuscated all the strings, we can get a good overview of different aspects of the modules by reviewing them. Selected artifacts described below.

SQLite library

There are multiple strings indicating that the module comes with a statically linked SQLite library. The presence of SQLite modules in malware strongly suggests that it steals cookies, as cookies are kept in local SQLite databases. The Rhadamanthys core comes with the version string, which leads to the particular commit of the SQLite: https://www3.sqlite.org/src/info/fe7d3b75fe1bde41 (updated since the previous version of the malware, which used an earlier commit: https://www2.sqlite.org/src/info/8180e320ee4090e4)

SQLite format 3
2016-04-08 15:09:49 fe7d3b75fe1bde41511b323925af8ae1b910bc4d

In addition to the artifacts pointing to the library itself, we can see some queries among the decrypted strings, such as the following:

SELECT title, url FROM (SELECT * FROM moz_bookmarks INNER JOIN moz_places ON moz_bookmarks.fk=moz_places.id)
SELECT url FROM (SELECT * FROM moz_annos INNER JOIN moz_places ON moz_annos.place_id=moz_places.id) t GROUP BY place_id

Those queries are used for retrieving Mozilla browsing history and will be applied on the found database. They are part of the stealer described in “Stealing from Chrome and Mozilla products”.


We can find multiple strings suggesting that the malware makes use of a statically linked library with Elliptic curves. Some of the strings can help uniquely identify the library and its version.


It turns out to be Mbed Crypto (source), an old version of the library now renamed Mbed TLS.

The source file referencing the found strings can be seen on the project’s Github: [reference 1] [reference 2]. Note that the mentioned strings are not present in the new version of the library (under the new name Mbed-TLS) which suggests that the malware author used the old copy.

After analyzing the application, we know that this library is used to establish the TLS connection with the C2.

CJSON Library

Some unencrypted strings suggest the use of JSON, implemented by the statically linked library cJSON:

BUG: Unable to fetch CJSON configuration
JSON parser does not support UTF-16 or UTF-32
‘[‘ or ‘{‘ expected
unexpected token
‘}’ expected
‘:’ expected
string or ‘}’ expected
‘]’ expected

Looking further at the context in which those strings are used, we can see that the JSON format was applied to create reports about the stolen content, that was retrieved by the LUA scripts. We can also find relevant artifacts among the decrypted strings:


Artifacts from 360 Browser Password stealer

Among unencrypted strings, we see the following strings that can be found in the open-source 360 Browser Password decoder.


The first of the strings is an AES key that is used for decrypting the password. The second is the prefix of the encrypted password that needs to be dropped.

A snippet from a Chinese website

One of the strings is quite unusual, and looks like along key or an obfuscated content:


However, Googling for it gives few results only, leading to a Chinese website with a simple code snippet. The snippet illustrates how to generate a random file name, and the aforementioned string is just used as a charset. The implementation used in Rhadamanthys is not identical, but has analogous functionality:

Figure 54 – Function generating a random file name.

The string is referenced in the fragment of code responsible for generating names for the additional executables downloaded from the C2 that are dropped and executed.

This piece of code is not particularly interesting, but the choice is unusual and may give a subtle hint that the author is a Chinese speaker. Hovewer, it is not enough to draw any conclusions.

Additions in the version 0.5.1

During the writing of this article, the author already released version 0.5.1. The newest version contains additions such as a Clipper plugin, which watches a clipboard and replaces wallet addresses with attackers’ addresses. This version enables even more customization – distributors can order private stubs, prepared especially for them.

Figure 55 – Announcement about the version 0.5.1, published on author’s Telegram account.

List of changes, as presented by the author:

1.Added Clippers plug-in
2.Telegram notification, you can now choose whether to send wallet crack and seed records in the log ZIP
3.Google Account Cookie Recovery
4.Default build stub cleaning for Windows Defender, including cloud protection

We can already see that the Clipper plugin supports a rich set of targets.

Figure 56 – List of the applications attacked by the Clipper plugin (added in version 0.5.1).


Rhadamanthys is a well-designed, modular stealer. In this article, we presented some details of its implementation, showing the incorporated techniques and execution flow. Although the core component comes with a lot of interesting built-in features, the power of this malware lies in its extensibility.

The currently analyzed version 0.5.0 supports multiple scripting languages, from LUA (whose interpreter is built-in to the main module) to PowerShell and other scripting languages, that are supported via an additional module.

As we can see, the author keeps enriching the set of available features, trying to make it not only a stealer but a multipurpose bot, by enabling it to load multiple extensions created by a distributor. The added features, such as a keylogger, and collecting information about the system, are also a step towards making it a general-purpose spyware.

It is evident that with the fast pace and ongoing development, Rhadamanthys is trying hard to become a big player on the malware market and is most likely here to stay.

Check Point customers remain protected from the threats described in this research.

Check Point’s Threat Emulation provides comprehensive coverage of attack tactics, file types, and operating systems and has developed and deployed a signature to detect and protect customers against threats described in this research.

Check Point’s Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive endpoint protection at the highest security level, crucial to avoid security breaches and data compromise. Behavioral Guard protections were developed and deployed to protect customers against threats described in this research.





TE/Harmony Endpoint protections:


IOC/Analyzed samples

IDHashModule typeFormat#1.1bb8bbcc948e8dca2e5a0270c41c062a29994a2d9b51e820ed74d9b6e2a01ddcfStage 1 (version 0.5.0)PE#1.2.122a67f510dfb7ca822b5720b89cd81abfa5e63fefa1cdc7e266fbcbb0698db33Stage 2: main moduleXS1#1.2.26ed3ac428961b350d4c8094a10d7685578ce02c6cd41cc7f98d8eeb361f0ee38dt.x86.binXS1#1.2.34fd469d08c051d6997f0471d91ccf96c173d27c8cff5bd70c3f2c5008faa786fearly.x86.binXS1#1.2.4633b0fe4f3d2bfb18d4ad648ff223fe6763397daa033e9c5d79f2cae89a6c3b2early.x64.binXS1#1.2.550b1f29ccdf727805a793a9dac61371981334c4a99f8fae85613b3ee57b186d2phexec.binXS1#1.2.601609701a3ea751dc2323bec8018e11742714dc1b1c2dcb39282f3c4a4537c7dnetclient.x86.binXS1#1.2.7a905226a2486ccc158d44cf4c1728e103472825fb189e05c17d998b9f5534d63proto_x86.binshellcode#1.2.8ed713454c20844522304c49cfe25fe1490418c300e5ab0c9fca431ede1e91d7bstrategy.x86.binXS1#1.2.9f82ec2246dde81ca9edb69fb9c7ce3f7101f5ffcdc3bdb86fea2a5373fb026fbunhook.binXS1#1.3.1ee4a487e78f23f5dffc35e73aeb9602514ebd885eb97460dd26635f67847bd16Stage 3: main stealer component: “coredll.bin” (32-bit)XS2#1.3.2fcb00beaa88f7827999856ba12302086cadbc1252261d64379172f2927a6760eStage 3 submodule: “KeePassHax.dll”PE#1.3.3a87032195e38892b351641e08c81b92a1ea888c3c74a0c7464160e86613c4476Stage 3 submodule: “runtime.dll”PE#1.3.43d010e3fce1b2c9ab5b8cc125be812e63b661ddcbde40509a49118c2330ef9d0Stage 3 submodule: “loader.dll”PE#1.3.5ecab35dfa6b03fed96bb69ffcecd11a29113278f53c6a84adced1167b66abe62Stage 3 submodule: “stubmod.bin” (32-bit)XS2#1.3.65890b47df83b992e2bd8617d0ae4d492663ca870ed63ce47bb82f00fa3b82cf9Stage 3 submodule: “taskcore.bin” (32-bit)XS2#1.3.72b6faa98a7617db2bd9e70c0ce050588c8b856484d97d46b50ed3bb94bdd62f7Stage 3 submodule: “stubexec.bin” (32-bit)XS2#1.3.8f1f33618bbb8551b183304ddb18e0a8b8200642ec52d5b72d3c75a00cdb99fd4Stage 3: main stealer component: “coredll.bin” (64-bit)XS2


Our other writeups on Rhadamanthys:

[1] “From Hidden Bee to Rhadamanthys – The Evolution of Custom Executable Formats”.

[2] “Rhadamanthys: The”Everything Bagel” Infostealer”

More about used techniques:

[3] https://redops.at/en/blog/direct-syscalls-vs-indirect-syscalls

[4] https://media.defcon.org/DEF CON 30/DEF CON 30 presentations/Tarek Abdelmotaleb Dr. Bramwell Brizendine – Weaponizing Windows Syscalls as Modern 32-bit Shellcode – paper.pdf

[5] https://whiteknightlabs.com/2021/12/11/bypassing-etw-for-fun-and-profit/

[6] https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2018/01/a-coin-miner-with-a-heavens-gate

[7] https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/11003/The-coding-gentleman-s-guide-to-detecting-the-NET

[8] https://codingvision.net/calling-a-c-method-from-c-c-native-process

[9] https://communities.bentley.com/products/programming/microstation_programming/f/archived-microstation-v8i-programming-forum/64713/write-a-com-server-in-c—call-from-vba-c-or-c-or-vb-net

The post Rhadamanthys v0.5.0 – a deep dive into the stealer’s components appeared first on Check Point Research.

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11th December – Threat Intelligence Report

For the latest discoveries in cyber research for the week of 11th December, please download our Threat_Intelligence Bulletin.


The American Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC), which provides services for millions of people, has been a victim of cyber-attack that impacted certain applications and parts of the GRTC network. The Play ransomware gang claimed responsibility for the attack.

Check Point Harmony Endpoint and Threat Emulation provide protection against this threat (Ransomware.Win.Play; Ransomware.Wins.PLAY)

Multinational retailer Aldo has acknowledged a ransomware attack that impacted the systems of an unspecified franchise partner. The LockBit ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Check Point Harmony Endpoint and Threat Emulation provide protection against this threat (Ransomware.Wins.LockBit.ta*; Ransomware.Win.Lockbit; Gen.Win.Crypter.Lockbit.AI, Ransomware_Linux_Lockbit)

AlphV (aka BlackCat) ransomware gang claimed responsibility for cyber-attacks on three victims: American medical provider Norton Healthcare; IT services and business consulting company HTC Global Services; and Tipalti, an Israeli fintech software provider startup with headquarters in Canada. The attack on Tipalti has allegedly resulted in the compromise of over 265GB of confidential information belonging to the company and its customers, including the video game Roblox and streaming platform Twitch. According to AlphV, an insider from Tipalti was and is still actively involved in the attack.

Check Point Harmony Endpoint and Threat Emulation provide protection against this threat (Ransomware.Win.BlackCat; Ransomware.Wins.BlackCat.ta*, Ransomware_Linux_BlackCat,)

American multinational confectionery company Hershey has disclosed a data breach that affected more than 2,200 people as the result of a successful email phishing attack against the company. The stolen data potentially includes full names, health and medical details, debit and credit card data, financial account information and more.
Japanese car manufacturer Nissan has confirmed a cyber-attack that affected Nissan Oceania, its Australian and New Zealand regional division, and took systems offline as a precaution. The company did not share specific information on the type or extent of the breach.
The Hunters International ransomware group claimed responsibility for cyber-attacks on the Australian shipbuilder Austal USA and Florida water agency, St. Johns River Water Management District. The attacks affected Florida water agency’s information technology environment and potentially impacted Austal’s USA documents, recruiting information, finance details, certifications, and engineering data.


Google’s December 2023 Android security update addresses 85 vulnerabilities, notably including a critical zero-click remote code execution flaw (CVE-2023-40088) in the Android System component. The update addresses 84 other security vulnerabilities, with three critical ones related to privilege escalation and information disclosure in Android Framework and System components (CVE-2023-40077, CVE-2023-40076, and CVE-2023-45866), and another critical flaw in Qualcomm’s closed-source components (CVE-2022-40507).
Atlassian has released software fixes to address four critical vulnerabilities that could lead to remote code execution (RCE). These flaws include a deserialization vulnerability in the SnakeYAML library (CVE-2022-1471), and RCE vulnerabilities in Confluence Data Center and Confluence Server, Assets Discovery for Jira Service Management and in Atlassian Companion app for macOS (CVE-2023-22522, CVE-2023-22524, CVE-2023-22523).


Check Point Research has examined various attack vectors in modern Outlook and compared the user interoperability required for each scenario when attackers use Outlook to deliver their exploits. The attack vectors have been observed in three categories: the “obvious” Hyperlink attack vector, the “normal” attachment attack vector, and the “advanced” attack vector.

Check Point Threat Emulation and IPS provide protection against this threat.

Check Point Research has identified a shift in the targeting of the Iranian hacktivist proxies which are now extending their cyber operations to include targets in other countries besides Israel, with a particular emphasis on the United States. Moreover, groups such as CyberAv3ngers and Cyber Toufan appear to be adopting a narrative of retaliation in their cyberattacks. They claim to target US entities using Israeli technology, suggesting a strategy of simultaneously targeting both Israeli and US interests.
Check Point Research exposes a troubling trend in the cryptocurrency landscape. Deceptive actors are manipulating pool liquidity, sending token prices soaring by 22,000%. The manipulation of pool liquidity resulted in a swift and calculated theft of $80,000 from unsuspecting token holders. This incident sheds light on the evolving strategies scammers employ to exploit decentralized finance platforms.
The Russia-based actor Star Blizzard (aka COLDRIVER/Callisto Group) persistently employs spear-phishing attack techniques for information-gathering purposes. The threat actor has been observed targeting individuals and organizations in the UK and US that involved in international affairs, defense, and logistics support to Ukraine.

The post 11th December – Threat Intelligence Report appeared first on Check Point Research.

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Accelerating security outcomes with a cloud-native SIEM

As organizations modernize their IT infrastructure and increase adoption of cloud services, security teams face new challenges in terms of staffing, budgets and technologies. To keep pace, security programs must evolve to secure modern IT environments against fast-evolving threats with constrained resources. This will require rethinking traditional security strategies and focusing investments on capabilities like cloud security, AI-powered defense and skills development. The path forward calls on security teams to be agile, innovative and strategic amidst the changes in technology and cyber risks.

To meet these security demands, security teams must focus on three critical transformations:

Evolution from closed vendor ecosystems to open, collaborative, community-powered defense
Scaling security expertise with AI and automation
Evolution from tool-focused defense to analyst-powered outcomes

One of the most effective steps toward modernizing a security operations program is upgrading the core SIEM platform. As the central nervous system for SOC teams, the SIEM collects, correlates and analyzes data from across the IT environment to detect threats. Optimizing this capability by implementing a cloud-native SIEM or augmenting an on-premises system lays the digital foundation needed to scale security efforts.

With a high-fidelity view of security alerts and events via an upgraded SIEM, organizations gain the visibility and context required to identify and respond to cyber risks no matter the source. Prioritizing improvements here accelerates the transformation of siloed security practices into an integrated, intelligence-driven function poised to address both current and emerging challenges.

Open defense: Finding the real “threat needles” hidden in the “security-data haystack”

The explosion of data has increased the attack surface—a most significant side effect that has costly ripple effects. More data. More alerts. More time needed to sift through alerts.

The SIEM plays a critical role in analyzing this data—however, the reality of sending this volume of data to the SIEM for analysis is becoming increasingly challenging, particularly across multiple clouds. In some cases, sending all of the data is not necessary. With the evolution of cloud, and identity and data security tools in the cloud, there is often only a need to collect alerts from these systems and import those into the SIEM, as opposed to ingesting all data.

Today’s SIEMs should be designed around open standards and technologies so they can easily collect only key insights, while still providing the security team with access to the underlying telemetry data when needed.

In many cases, no such detection is required; in other cases, a security team only needs to collect data to do further specific threat analysis. In these cases, a SIEM with real-time data collection, data warehousing capabilities designed for analysis of cloud-scale data, optimized for real-time analytics and sub-second search times is the solution. Organizations need access to their data on-premises and in the cloud without dealing with vendor and data locking.

This open approach to SIEM helps organizations leverage existing investments in data lakes, logging platforms and detection technologies. It also ensures that organizations have the flexibility they need to choose the right data retention and security tools as their security infrastructure matures.

However, increased visibility into the data is only one part of the solution. Security teams need accurate and current detection logic to find threats because security teams are currently facing challenges in their skills to detect threats in a timely manner. Incorporating regularly updated threat intelligence enables the analyst to accelerate their threat detection. And, leveraging a common, shared language for detection rules like SIGMA, allows clients to quickly import new, validated detections directly crowdsourced from the security community as threats evolve.

AI and automation to accelerate threat detection and response

Most organizations are detecting malicious behaviors in a SIEM or other threat-detection technologies such as EDR, but in fact, SOC professionals get to less than half (49%) of the alerts that they’re supposed to review within a typical workday, according to a recent global survey. Leveraging automation and AI ensures transparency and provenance in recommendations and insights that can help security teams address high-priority alerts and deliver desired outcomes.

To do this, a SIEM needs to employ innovative risk-based analytics and automated investigation powered by graph analytics, threat intelligence and insights, federated search, and artificial intelligence. Effective SIEM platforms must leverage artificial intelligence to augment human cognition. Self-tuning capabilities reduce noisy alerts to focus analyst attention where it’s needed most. Virtual assistance can help handle routine triage to allow security experts to pursue strategic initiatives and robust machine learning models can uncover hidden attack patterns and incidents that rules-based systems miss. Some of the most advanced SIEMs enrich and correlate findings from across an organization’s environment so analytics are automatically focused on the attacks that matter most.

In order to build the required trust with security teams, a SIEM needs to provide transparency and provenance in its recommendations and insights. By including explainability into how each assessment was made, security analysts can have the confidence to trust recommendations and act more quickly and decisively on threats in their environment.

Another aspect vendors need to consider when developing a SIEM for today is the shift of moving the decisions and response actions to the analysts performing initial alert analysis from the responder. In many cases, they are looking to fully automate where balance of risk is right for the organization. Such processes and decisions are traditionally coordinated and tailored appropriately in a separate SOAR system, and in some cases with a different team. Today’s SIEM needs to be able to enable a more agile shift left to incorporate full SOAR capabilities in the SIEM workflow and UX. This approach enables organizations to almost fully automate response processes based on their balance of risk and, where needed, introduce the security team into the process to verify the recommended actions.

Evolving from tool-focused to analyst-focused defense

Early SIEM platforms centered on collecting and correlating vast streams of security data. These first-generation systems excelled at log aggregation but overloaded analysts with excessive alerts rife with false positives. Attempting to keep pace, teams added new tools to manage incidents, track threats and automate tasks. But this tech-driven approach created complex, fragmented environments that diminished productivity.

Modern SIEM solutions shift focus to the human analyst’s experience throughout the threat lifecycle. Rather than produce more data points, next-generation platforms leverage AI to find signals in the noise. Cloud-based analytics uncover hard-to-identify attack patterns to feed predictive capabilities and enrich findings from across an organization’s environment so analysts can focus on the attacks that matter most. To effectively work inside the analyst workflow, open architectures and integrated system visibility must be embedded in every SIEM.

In the instance of a modern SIEM, the tools and technologies work to serve the analyst—and not the other way around.

Introducing the new cloud-native IBM QRadar SIEM— thoughtfully engineered to help analysts succeed

At IBM, we recognize that having the most powerful technology means nothing if it burdens the analyst with complexity. We also recognize that SIEM technologies have often promised to be the “single pane of glass” into an organization’s environment—a promise that our industry needs fulfilled.

That’s why we built the new cloud-native QRadar SIEM with the analyst in mind. QRadar SIEM leverages a new user interface that fuses the primary workflows from threat intelligence, SIEM, SOAR and EDR into a single, seamless workflow. Not only does this deliver significant productivity improvements but it also removes the burden of switching between tools, dealing with false positives and inefficient workflows. When analysts have the right tools and context, they can move with speed and precision to stop sophisticated attacks.

This new cloud-native edition of QRadar SIEM not only builds on the data collection and threat detection of the current QRadar SIEM edition, but it also includes all the elasticity, scalability and resiliency properties of a cloud-native architecture. With openness, enterprise-grade AI and automation, and a focus on the analyst, QRadar SIEM (Cloud-Native SaaS) can help maximize your security team’s time and talent, ultimately delivering better security outcomes.

Explore the new cloud-native QRadar SIEM

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Best practices for cloud configuration security

Cloud computing has become an integral part of IT infrastructure for businesses of all sizes, providing on-demand access to a wide range of services and resources. The evolution of cloud computing has been driven by the need for more efficient, scalable and cost-effective ways to deliver computing resources.

Cloud computing enables on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) over the internet. Instead of owning and maintaining physical hardware and infrastructure, users can leverage cloud computing services provided by third-party providers.

Cloud service and deployment models

Cloud computing is commonly categorized into service and deployment models:

Service models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. Users can rent virtual machines and storage and networking components.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform that includes tools and services for application development, testing and deployment. Users can focus on building applications without managing the underlying infrastructure.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis. Users access the software through a web browser without worrying about installation or maintenance.

Deployment models

Public cloud: A third-party cloud service provider owns and operates resources and makes them available to the general public. Some providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
Private cloud: A single organization exclusively uses resources. Either the organization or a third-party provider can manage the infrastructure, which can be located on-premises or off-site.
Hybrid cloud: Combines public and private cloud models to allow data and applications to be shared between them. This provides greater flexibility and optimization of existing resources and infrastructure.

4 common cloud attack scenarios

Unfortunately, every rapidly growing industry attracts not only enthusiastic entrepreneurs but also malicious actors whose goal is to take advantage of any security holes that would be unable to defend against various attacks. Here are some examples of common attack scenarios in the cloud.

1. DDoS attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack occurs when a web application is overloaded with a high volume of traffic. DDoS protection services, like AWS Shield, can mitigate such attacks.

AWS Shield uses machine learning algorithms to analyze incoming traffic, identify patterns indicative of a DDoS attack and take action to stop the attack.

2. Data breaches

A data breach involves exploiting vulnerabilities to access and exfiltrate sensitive data. But regularly updating software, encrypting sensitive data, monitoring for unusual activity and building a good incident response can help prevent data breaches.

Below is an incident response example code (AWS Lambda for Incident Response) in Python (Boto3 is a Python software development kit [SDK] for AWS).

3. Man-in-the-middle attacks

A man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack occurs when communication between two parties is intercepted for malicious intent. The use of encryption (SSL/TLS) and implementing secure communication protocols can help prevent a MitM attack. Without encryption, data transmitted over the network can be intercepted.

The code below is an example of encrypting S3 Objects with AWS SDK for Python-Boto3.

4. Brute force attacks

A brute force attack is a hacking method that uses trial and error to crack passwords, login credentials and encryption keys. It is a simple yet reliable tactic for gaining unauthorized access to individual accounts and organizational systems and networks.

AWS CloudWatch Alarms can provide logging and monitoring services where repeated login attempts might go unnoticed.

Cloud configuration security best practices

Security in cloud computing involves implementing measures to protect data, applications and infrastructure in a cloud environment from potential threats. Here are some best practices in key areas of cloud configurations in AWS and Azure associated with securing cloud environments.


 Identity and access management (IAM):

Use the principle of least privilege when assigning permissions to users, roles and groups
Regularly review and audit IAM policies to align with business requirements
Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced user authentication.

Example AWS IAM policy:

If IAM policies are not properly configured, an attacker might gain access to sensitive resources.

VPC (virtual private cloud) configuration:

Utilize separate subnets for public and private resources.

 Example code (AWS CloudFormation):

S3 Bucket Security:

Regularly audit and review access controls for S3 buckets
Enable versioning and logging to track changes and access to objects
Consider using S3 bucket policies to control access at the bucket level
Enforce server-side encryption for S3 buckets.

Example code (AWS CLI):


Azure role-based access control (RBAC):

Assign the principle of least privilege using Azure RBAC.

 Example code (Azure PowerShell):

Azure Blob storage security:

Enable Blob storage encryption.

 Example code (Azure PowerShell):

 Azure virtual network:

Implement network security groups (NSGs) for access control.

 Example code (Azure Resource Manager Template):

Keeping digital assets secure in the cloud

Securing cloud configurations is essential to safeguard digital assets and maintain a resilient cybersecurity posture. Organizations should focus on continuous monitoring, compliance checks and proactive incident response planning to address the dynamic nature of cyber threats in the cloud.

In addition, implementing the principles of least privilege, encryption, identity and access management and network security best practices not only protects the cloud environment against potential vulnerabilities but also contributes to a culture of security awareness and responsiveness within the organization.

As cloud computing continues to evolve, organizations should commit to staying ahead of emerging security challenges and adapting configurations to maintain a resilient and secure digital presence.

Not sure how to start? IBM Security has a range of cloud security services to protect your cloud environment.

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   Best practices for cloud configuration security

Cloud computing has become an integral part of IT infrastructure for businesses of all sizes, providing on-demand access to a wide range of services and resources. The evolution of cloud computing has been driven by the need for more efficient, scalable and cost-effective ways to deliver computing resources.

Cloud computing enables on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) over the internet. Instead of owning and maintaining physical hardware and infrastructure, users can leverage cloud computing services provided by third-party providers.

Cloud service and deployment models

Cloud computing is commonly categorized into service and deployment models:

Service models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. Users can rent virtual machines and storage and networking components.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Offers a platform that includes tools and services for application development, testing and deployment. Users can focus on building applications without managing the underlying infrastructure.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis. Users access the software through a web browser without worrying about installation or maintenance.

Deployment models

Public cloud: A third-party cloud service provider owns and operates resources and makes them available to the general public. Some providers include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
Private cloud: A single organization exclusively uses resources. Either the organization or a third-party provider can manage the infrastructure, which can be located on-premises or off-site.
Hybrid cloud: Combines public and private cloud models to allow data and applications to be shared between them. This provides greater flexibility and optimization of existing resources and infrastructure.

4 common cloud attack scenarios

Unfortunately, every rapidly growing industry attracts not only enthusiastic entrepreneurs but also malicious actors whose goal is to take advantage of any security holes that would be unable to defend against various attacks. Here are some examples of common attack scenarios in the cloud.

1. DDoS attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack occurs when a web application is overloaded with a high volume of traffic. DDoS protection services, like AWS Shield, can mitigate such attacks.

AWS Shield uses machine learning algorithms to analyze incoming traffic, identify patterns indicative of a DDoS attack and take action to stop the attack.

2. Data breaches

A data breach involves exploiting vulnerabilities to access and exfiltrate sensitive data. But regularly updating software, encrypting sensitive data, monitoring for unusual activity and building a good incident response can help prevent data breaches.

Below is an incident response example code (AWS Lambda for Incident Response) in Python (Boto3 is a Python software development kit [SDK] for AWS).

3. Man-in-the-middle attacks

A man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack occurs when communication between two parties is intercepted for malicious intent. The use of encryption (SSL/TLS) and implementing secure communication protocols can help prevent a MitM attack. Without encryption, data transmitted over the network can be intercepted.

The code below is an example of encrypting S3 Objects with AWS SDK for Python-Boto3.

4. Brute force attacks

A brute force attack is a hacking method that uses trial and error to crack passwords, login credentials and encryption keys. It is a simple yet reliable tactic for gaining unauthorized access to individual accounts and organizational systems and networks.

AWS CloudWatch Alarms can provide logging and monitoring services where repeated login attempts might go unnoticed.

Cloud configuration security best practices

Security in cloud computing involves implementing measures to protect data, applications and infrastructure in a cloud environment from potential threats. Here are some best practices in key areas of cloud configurations in AWS and Azure associated with securing cloud environments.


 Identity and access management (IAM):

Use the principle of least privilege when assigning permissions to users, roles and groups
Regularly review and audit IAM policies to align with business requirements
Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced user authentication.

Example AWS IAM policy:

If IAM policies are not properly configured, an attacker might gain access to sensitive resources.

VPC (virtual private cloud) configuration:

Utilize separate subnets for public and private resources.

 Example code (AWS CloudFormation):

S3 Bucket Security:

Regularly audit and review access controls for S3 buckets
Enable versioning and logging to track changes and access to objects
Consider using S3 bucket policies to control access at the bucket level
Enforce server-side encryption for S3 buckets.

Example code (AWS CLI):


Azure role-based access control (RBAC):

Assign the principle of least privilege using Azure RBAC.

 Example code (Azure PowerShell):

Azure Blob storage security:

Enable Blob storage encryption.

 Example code (Azure PowerShell):

 Azure virtual network:

Implement network security groups (NSGs) for access control.

 Example code (Azure Resource Manager Template):

Keeping digital assets secure in the cloud

Securing cloud configurations is essential to safeguard digital assets and maintain a resilient cybersecurity posture. Organizations should focus on continuous monitoring, compliance checks and proactive incident response planning to address the dynamic nature of cyber threats in the cloud.

In addition, implementing the principles of least privilege, encryption, identity and access management and network security best practices not only protects the cloud environment against potential vulnerabilities but also contributes to a culture of security awareness and responsiveness within the organization.

As cloud computing continues to evolve, organizations should commit to staying ahead of emerging security challenges and adapting configurations to maintain a resilient and secure digital presence.

Not sure how to start? IBM Security has a range of cloud security services to protect your cloud environment.

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How the White House sees the future of safeguarding AI

On October 30, 2023, President Biden issued an executive order (EO) to set new standards for the safety and security of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The move sets out the government’s intentions to regulate and further advance the growth of AI technology in the years ahead.

Yet the question remains if it goes far enough to protect the American public from AI’s exponential development — and if it does, will this stance from the president’s office stifle the nation’s ability to remain the leading force in AI’s evolution?

What the executive order means for the future of AI

Since the middle of 2022, AI has quickly infiltrated almost every industry. The rapid evolution in AI technology has led to a huge boom in business opportunities and new jobs — early reports suggest AI could contribute nearly $16 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

But many fear the impact this evolving tech may have on individuals and industries alike. The executive order is the Biden administration’s first significant step in countering any negative repercussions of AI.

White House Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce Reed claims, “It’s the next step in an aggressive strategy to do everything on all fronts to harness the benefits of AI and mitigate the risks.”

Key inclusions of this executive order

The lengthy document provides a sweeping set of regulatory principles. This new executive order is ambitious, outlining the government’s intentions to use AI to achieve several key goals:

New standards for AI safety and security
Protecting the American public’s privacy
Advancing equity and civil rights
Supporting the American workforce
Promoting innovation and competition
Advancing American leadership abroad
Ensuring responsible and effective government use of AI.

Let’s take a closer look at some notable inclusions of Biden’s Executive Order:

Labeling AI-generated content

With more AI-generated content created by the day, it’s becoming more challenging for the general public to discern between what is real and what is not. This mandate offers guidance on watermarking and clearly labeling AI-generated content so Americans can easily understand which ads, content and communications are authentic.

Supporting the American workforce

This executive order places great emphasis on recruiting AI talent, ensuring America becomes the leading destination for the most skilled leaders in their field. From changes to visas and green cards to investments in resources, tools and infrastructure, there’s a clear focus on making America a leader in the AI revolution.

Promoting innovation and competition

Although the EO places potential restrictions on developers and companies alike, it encourages investment in the space. There is immense potential to democratize AI advancements, giving people and private companies more autonomy rather than relying on major tech companies. Moreover, with proper regulations, the government can drive more innovation with AI technology to prioritize societal benefits.

Explore AI solutions

What the executive order is missing

While there is a lot of optimism around this announcement from the Biden administration, there are skeptics. Senator Ted Cruz argues these guidelines place “barriers to innovation disguised as safety measures” and that the order “undermines exactly what AI technologies promise to do: create efficiencies, spur economic growth and improve our lives.”

It leads us to wonder what is missing and the potential obstacles the EO faces.

A Forrester senior analyst, Alla Valente, states, “We don’t need more ‘voluntary’ frameworks for regulating AI — we need clear direction and mandated requirements.”

Many analysts fear the EO will become nothing more than words that appear strong but have no practical merit. Lloyd Whitman echoes this sentiment: “An executive order can only do so much, limited by the existing authorities and appropriations of the executive branch agencies.”

Currently, the EO provides an alarming lack of repercussions to those who don’t follow the guidelines. There is also little clarity on how the rules will be enforced — especially compared to the European Union AI Act, which enforces significant fines for those failing to meet standards.

The first steps of a longer journey

As AI continues to advance, there’s a fine line for legislators to protect the people without stifling innovation. The jury is out on whether these guiding principles from the president will achieve this balance.

The consensus is that although this EO provides positive steps forward, it lacks enough detail to achieve its ambitious goals.

There’s no doubt that the exponential rise of AI is set to continue. But although it will lead to massive opportunities, this technology is an area that needs clear and significant regulation. The executive order from the Biden administration is the first meaningful step, although one that is very much a work in progress.

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Transatlantic Cable podcast, episode 327 | Kaspersky official blog

The latest episode of the Transatlantic Cable podcast kicks off with news that hackers are paying to gain access to hotel booking[.]com portals. The hack is apparently so lucrative, they’re now advertising for access on the dark web. Additionally, the team discuss new content restriction laws being discussed in the U.K, with news that photo I.D may be required to access certain sites.

Additionally, this week the team sat down with Vidit Gujrathi, Chess grandmaster and Maher Yamout, Lead Security Researcher at Kaspersky to talk about Chess, cyber-security and how the two are more connected than you might think.

If you liked what you heard, please consider subscribing.

Booking[.]com hackers increase attacks on customers
UK porn watchers could have faces scanned

Kaspersky official blog – ​Read More

Exploiting GOG Galaxy XPC service for privilege escalation in macOS

Being part of the Adversary Services team at IBM, it is important to keep your skills up to date and learn new things constantly. macOS security was one field where I decided to put more effort this year to further improve my exploitation and operation skills in macOS environments.

During my research, I decided to try and discover vulnerabilities in software that I had pre-installed on my laptop, which resulted in the discovery of this vulnerability. In this article, I will go through the analysis of the vulnerability, how I discovered it, and the exploitation and disclosure process. Although we made several efforts to get the vendor to fix the vulnerability, it remains unpatched at the time of writing this blog post.

Vulnerability details

Affected version: Version 2.0.65 (11)
Impact: Privilege Escalation
CVSS: 7.8 — HIGH

When GOG Galaxy is installed, it creates a new file in the /Library/LaunchDaemons directory with the name of com.galaxy.ClientService.plist. This behavior results in the creation of a Launch Daemon, which is a background process running with high privileges. Usually, these processes are used as helper tools to perform privileged actions by a low privileged application.

Inspecting the PLIST file created by GOG Galaxy, it shows that an XPC service named com.gog.galaxy.ClientService is exposed by the Privileged Helper tool located in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.gog.galaxy.ClientService.

These are highlighted in the contents of the PLIST file below:

?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”


<plist version=”1.0″>



















Quick intro to XPC service

An XPC service is an inter-process communication mechanism heavily used in macOS. It allows you to create helper tools that can perform certain tasks on behalf of an application. This is typically used for tasks that run in the background or tasks that require elevated privileges. It is usually composed of the XPC service acting as a server and an application that connects to the XPC service.

The following diagram shows a connection between the application and the XPC service:

Figure 1: NSXPC architecture (Source: Apple Developer)

I will not go into details of XPC as it is a complex topic but just think of it as the usual inter-process communication where a client can call methods that are exposed by the XPC service.

Connection validation in GOG Galaxy

The ability to call methods exposed by a service running with high privileges sounds like a bad idea. An application can just connect to the XPC service, call exposed methods, and perform actions on behalf of the XPC service. Although this is possible, most applications verify the client application and only allow specific applications to call the exposed methods.

For example, in the GOG Galaxy Privileged Helper tool, the function responsible for checking if a connection is valid (shouldAcceptNewConnection) is shown below:

-(char)listener:(void *)arg2 shouldAcceptNewConnection:(void *)arg3 {

    r14 = self;

    rax = [arg3 retain];

    r15 = rax;

    if ([r14 areRequirementsValidForProcessId:[rax processIdentifier]] !=

0x0) {

            rax = [NSXPCInterface


            rax = [rax retain];

            [r15 setExportedInterface:rax];

            [rax release];

            [r15 setExportedObject:r14];

            rbx = 0x1;

            [r15 resume];



The application calls the areRequirementsValidForProcessId function with the processIdentifier parameter which is the PID of the connecting process. If this function returns 0, it will export the object and allow the connection, otherwise, it will exit.

Reviewing the areRequirementsValidForProcessId function, it receives the processID as a parameter, copies the security attributes of the process using the PID and checks them against the following security requirements:


void galaxy::service_library::Logger::Info<char const*>(“Validating
signature of calling process at path {}.”, 0x33);

rax = SecRequirementCreateWithString(@”identifier ”com.gog.galaxy” and
anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /*
exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */
and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = ”9WS36Q8886”“, 0x0, &var_48);


The security check itself is valid as it checks if the package identifier is com.gog.galaxy, if the certification is a valid Apple certificate, and if the team identifier is 9WS36Q8886 (which is the team identifier for GOG Galaxy).

The PID re-use problem

The problem exists because all these checks are performed against a PID which is not safe. In macOS, PIDs can be reused and we can even replace current executables with a different process with posix_spawn() while keeping the old PID. This was originally published on Warcon 18 in the presentation, Don’t Trust the PID (PDF).

This attack is based on a race condition where an exploit is going to send several messages to the XPC service and just after that, execute posix_spawn with the binary that fulfills all the security requirements to replace the malicious binary PID. By queuing a lot of messages, the time between the message processing and process validation will allow the exploit to replace the exploit PID with the real application validating the connection.

The following image shows a graphical representation of the attack:

Figure 2: Race condition when queuing XPC messages (Source: IBM)

Exposed methods of the Privileged Helper tool

Although we can manipulate the Privileged Helper and invoke any exposed methods, it is not useful unless these methods offer an opportunity for exploitation. The protocol used between the XPC service and client was called ClientServiceProtocol.

This protocol exposed the following methods:


– (void)requestShutdown; – (void)removeOldClientService; 

– (void)fillProcessInformationForPids:(NSArray *)arg1 authorization: (NSData
*)arg2 withReply:(void (^)(NSArray *))arg3; 

– (void)createFolderAtPath:(NSString *)arg1 authorization:(NSData *)arg2
withReply:(void (^)(NSError *))arg3; 

– (void)renameClientBundleAtPath:(NSString *)arg1 withReply:(void (^)
(NSError *))arg2; 

– (void)changeFolderPermissionsAtPath:(NSString *)arg1 authorization:
(NSData *)arg2 withReply:(void (^)(NSError *))arg3; 

– (void)getVersionWithReply:(void (^)(NSString *))arg1;

While multiple methods were exposed, the most interesting one was changeFolderPermissionsAtPath, which required three arguments.

Arg1 – Authorization data
Arg2 – The path to change permissions to
Arg3 – An array for the response

The function first checks the authorization data which can be bypassed by creating an authorization structure without any rights. After authorization is checked, the function performs a variety of actions, but the most important is calling the chmod function. The chmod function is called with the path provided in arg2 and 0x1ff, which makes any targeted file globally readable, writable, and executable.

-(void)changeFolderPermissionsAtPath:(void *)arg2 authorization:(void *)arg3

withReply:(void *)arg4 {

    r13 = [arg2 retain];

    r14 = [arg3 retain];

    var_C8 = [arg4 retain];

    rax = objc_retainAutorelease(r13); <—- RAX is initated from r13, which

is initiated from arg2


    var_F8 = rax;



    rax = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

    rax = [rax retain];

    r13 = rax;

    var_E8 = [[rax subpathsAtPath:var_F8] retain];

    rax = objc_retainAutorelease(var_F8);

    var_E0 = rax;

    rax = [rax UTF8String];

    rax = chmod(rax, 0x1ff); <— Permissions are changed using chmod

    var_B4 = rax;


    if (rax == 0x0) goto loc_1000c1be9;



As a low-privileged user, we can communicate with the XPC service and change the permissions of any file in the system. This can be used to abuse the system in several ways, such as by modifying a Launch Daemon to execute a malicious binary when the daemon is loaded. However, this method requires a restart, so a better alternative is to modify the /etc/pam.d/login file.

The /etc/pam.d/login file is a configuration file for the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) system on macOS. It contains the default authentication configuration for all services that use PAM. Modifying the auth entries to use the pam_permit.so module will allow any authentication attempt to succeed. This means that we will be able to run sudo on the target machine without entering a password.

Original File:

sh-3.2# cat /etc/pam.d/login

# login: auth account password session

auth       optional       pam_krb5.so use_kcminit

auth       optional       pam_ntlm.so try_first_pass

auth       optional       pam_mount.so try_first_pass

auth       required       pam_opendirectory.so try_first_pass

account    required       pam_nologin.so

account    required       pam_opendirectory.so

password   required       pam_opendirectory.so

session    required       pam_launchd.so
session    required       pam_uwtmp.so
session    optional       pam_mount.so

Replaced File:

sh-3.2# cat /etc/pam.d/login

# login: auth account password session

auth       optional       pam_permit.so

auth       optional       pam_permit.so

auth       optional       pam_permit.so

auth       required       pam_permit.so

account    required       pam_nologin.so

account    required       pam_opendirectory.so

password   required       pam_opendirectory.so

session    required       pam_launchd.so

session    required       pam_uwtmp.so

session    optional       pam_mount.so


Exploitation steps

Here are the required steps to successfully exploit the vulnerability:

Connect to the XPC through forked processes and replace the child processes with the legitimate binary.
Call the changeFolderPermissionsAtPath method that is exposed by the XPC modifying permissions of the /etc/pam.d/login file.
Replace the login file with one that allows authentication without password.
Escalate to root running sudo su.

We chose not to release the exploit code for this vulnerability, as it is still a 0-day. However, we have provided all the information needed to reproduce the vulnerability.

Defensive considerations

Adversaries abuse XPC services to execute malicious code, perform application white-listing bypass, and escalate privileges. On macOS, applications can leverage XPC services to send messages to the XPC service daemon, which runs with root privileges on the system. These attacks often take advantage of improper XPC client validation and poor input validation to allow code to be executed with elevated privileges.

Securing XPC can be challenging as it requires secure coding practices from the application vendor such as enabling the hardened runtime for XPC services and notarizing the application. Organizations can and should look for unsigned XPC client services and understand the risks associated with their operation in the environment. Additionally, monitoring for processes that make suspicious calls to processes with elevated privileges could be an early indication of this type of attack.

Disclosure timeline

Below is the disclosure timeline:

25 November 2022 — Vulnerability reported to GOG Galaxy
25 November 2022 — GOG Galaxy Support team responds saying details have been passed to the security team.
01 December 2022 — Asking for an update
01 December 2022 — GOG Galaxy Support team responds saying no updates were received from the security team.
09 December 2022 — Asking for update
09 December 2022 — GOG Galaxy Support team responds saying no updates were received from the security team.
12 January 2023 — Asking for an update, no response from GOG Galaxy Support team 08 February 2023 — Asking for an update
16 February 2023 — GOG Galaxy Support team responds saying no updates were received from the security team
06 March 2023 — Vendor was notified that we plan on publishing and advisory as 90 days have passed since reporting the vulnerability.
June 2023 — Disclosure

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Iran’s Most Advanced Cyber Attack Yet

For years now, Iran’s state-sponsored hackers have been some of the most prolific in the world. But prolific does not necessarily mean sophisticated — its attacks haven’t quite impressed in the way that the U.S., Russia, and China’s do. But in a campaign recently uncovered by CheckPoint, one Iranian APT unleashed tools and tactics unlike anything we’ve seen from the country before. If before they were at the kids’ table, this latest campaign suggests that they might have just moved up.

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The Obvious, the Normal, and the Advanced: A Comprehensive Analysis of Outlook Attack Vectors

Research by: Haifei Li, Check Point Research


Outlook, the desktop app in the Microsoft Office suite, has become one of the world’s most popular apps for organizations worldwide for sending and receiving emails, scheduling conferences, and more. From the security perspective, the app is one of the critical “gateways” responsible for introducing various cyber threats into organizations. Even a minor security problem in this app could cause severe damage and undermine the overall enterprise security.

Therefore, it is essential to examine the attack vectors on Outlook for typical enterprise environments, which Check Point Research will do in this paper. We assume the position of an average user – we click and double-click on things on Outlook – as our daily work requires, and we examine the security risks they may introduce from a security research perspective.

We will examine the attack vectors in three categories: the “obvious” Hyperlink attack vector, the “normal” attachment attack vector, and the “advanced” attack vector regarding Outlook email reading and ‘special object’. We use section numbers to mark the scenario for each attack vector.

Please note that the discussed research in this paper was performed on the latest Outlook 2021 (desktop version on Windows), with the latest security updates installed as of November 2023, in typical/default Outlook + Exchange Server environments.

I – The Obvious: the Hyperlink Attack Vector

1.1 – ONE Single-click: Web Links

If an attacker wants to attack someone via emails, an obvious method is for the attacker to send emails with malicious web hyperlinks to lure the victim to click on the links in these HTML emails. This is in fact the attack vector for all the phishing emails that the industry has been fighting against every day.

For example, the following is an email we received – the email body is written in HTML and has some links, such as “https://www.microsoft.com”. When the user clicks, Outlook calls the default browser on the OS to browse the website, which is just obvious.

Figure 1 – gif showing web links in Outlook email

For this attack vector, the attacker basically uses emails as a “bridge” to perform web-based attacks, whether they are social-engineering-based phishing attacks, browser exploits, or even highly technical browser zero-day exploits.

Please note that only a single click is needed to launch web links on Outlook. No additional confirmation is needed by the users. While this may sound scary (compared to the next attack vectors we will discuss), the security risks are not in Outlook, but in the browsers. If the browser is strong enough (against browser exploits) and the user is smart enough (against phishing attacks), there would be no problem. That is probably why Outlook considers usability as the first criteria here; another reason could be that email hyperlinks are just too common, you cannot let users confirm every click, because that would be too annoying and take too much time.

1.2 – Not all hyperlinks are web links

However, Outlook hyperlinks are not just web links, they could contain other types of hyperlinks, and those may introduce security risks. In fact, we at Check Point Research have discovered an Outlook bug in this attack vector. However, discussing particular bugs is not the goal of this paper. Therefore, we’d like to leave this topic for another publication. Please watch our blog site if you are interested. We will update here when the blog post is available.

II – The Normal: the Attachment Attack Vector

Here is the normal attack vector: the attacker sends the victim an email with a malicious attachment and lures the victim to open the attachment.

The “opening the attachment” on Outlook could mean two different types of actions. When the user double-clicks on the attachment, the system is trying to call the default registered application (for that attachment file type) on Windows to open the attachment in that application. When the user single-clicks on the attachment, it is trying to call the registered “previewer” application (for that attachment file type) to preview the attachment within the Outlook app. We will discuss both in detail.

The security risk introduced in the “attachment” scenarios depends on the security of the registered application for that attachment file type. If the application is robust enough with proper security measures, it would be less risky for the end user. On the other hand, if the application is insecure, it would be more risky for the end user.

2. 1 – Double-clicking: Opening the Attachment

If the user double-clicks on the attachment, Outlook will try to call the registered application (for the file type of the attachment) to open the attachment. Depending on the attachment’s extension name (the file type), there could be three scenarios.

2.1.1 – NO CLICK: The attachment’s extension name is marked as an “unsafe” file type.

The attachment could not be opened by Outlook (but it could be received, though).

The following figure shows a “.vbs” attachment is received but the user could not open it, because the “.vbs” file type is marked as “unsafe” by Outlook.

The blocked unsafe file types on Outlook are listed here by Microsoft.

Figure 2 – unsafe attachments are disabled on Outlook

2.1.2 – ONE DOUBLE-CLICK AND ONE SINGLE-CLICK: The attachment’s extension name is not marked as “unsafe” and not marked as “safe” either.

You may consider this as the “unclassified category”. In this scenario, there would be a promoted dialog shown to the user, asking the user for confirmation to open the file.

In this scenario, the user needs to perform two clicks in order to open the attachment. One is double-clicking on the attachment; the other is clicking the “Open” button on the promoted dialog (not the default button). After that, the default/registered app for this specific file type on the Windows OS would be used to open the attachment.

In Check Point Research’s recent blog post, we disclosed an interesting attacking technique (leaking NTLM information via common ports like 80/443) whereby the attacker delivers the .accdb exploit via emails; this would also fall into this scenario. The following gif shows this in an intuition way.

Figure 3 – gif showing double-clicking to open .accdb attachment on Outlook

In the real world, there are so many file types in this “unclassified” scenario. For an average Outlook user, it is impossible to know if every app/attachment you open is secure enough. Therefore, we recommend users stay cautious against this attack vector: do not easily click on the additional “Open” button for attachments from untrusted persons.

For application developers, while it is still rare in the real world, a good recommendation is to honor the Mark-of-the-Web (MotW). In this scenario, the attachment is marked as “from the Internet” when it’s sitting in the Outlook temporary directory prior to being opened by the third-party app. Therefore, if the third-party app checks and honors the MotW, like limiting the features and/or opening the app in an application sandbox when it detects that the file has the MotW flag, it would be a very good security practice.

Knowledge note: on default Outlook + Exchange Server environment, MotW is only set for attachments from email addresses outside the organization’s domain (the Internet), but not for email addresses inside the organization. Therefore, the MotW is very good for developers to balance security and usability for their apps.

For example, on February 2023 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released a “defense in depth” feature via CVE-2023-21715 for Microsoft Publisher, a Microsoft 365 app. What the update does is simply disable Macros on Publisher totally when the .pub file has MotW. According to our research, when a .pub file with Macros embedded is opened by Publisher, in a “pre CVE-2023-21715” environment, if the .pub file has MotW (an external .pub attachment would fall in this attacking scenario), the following warning dialog is provided to the end user.

Figure 4 – In “pre CVE-2023-21715” environment, user could still choose “Enable Macros” when the .pub file has MotW

In the “post CVE-2023-21715” environment, the dialog is changed to:

Figure 5 – In “post CVE-2023-21715” environment, the “Enable Macros” button is removed when the .pub file has MotW

Note the difference, there’s now no option for the user to choose to run Macros inside the .pub file when the file comes with MotW (from the Internet), making it secure for the end user.

2.1.3 – ONE DOUBLE-CLICK: The attachment’s extension name is marked as a “safe” file type.

In this scenario, the attachment would be opened directly when the user double-clicks on the attachment.

Check out the following gif where the user opens a .docx file directly via one double-click because the .docx is marked as a “safe” file type.

Figure 6 – gif showing double-clicking to open .docx attachment on Outlook

Since there is no additional confirmation for users prior to opening the attachment in this scenario – one double-click is enough to call the application to open the attachment. Application developers should be extremely careful to register their file types/applications into this category.

A highly recommended security enhancement is developing an application sandbox for your application and processing the file in it, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint’s “Protected View” mode. That said, the Word (.docx, .doc, .rtf, etc.), Excel (.xlsx, .xls, etc.), and PowerPoint (.pptx, .ppt, etc.) file types are all registered in this “safe” category, as well as the popular PDF file type for the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader (tested on version 2023.006.20360).

Figure 7 – Word running in Protected View mode (process integrity level “AppContainer”) when opening a document from external emails

The Protected View mode on Word/Excel/PowerPoint is not a typical application sandbox. In fact, beyond processing the file in the sandboxed process, it also limits the features that could run when the app is running in Protected View mode. For example, all OLE-related features are disabled when Protected View mode is activated. Therefore, the Protected Mode on Word/Excel/PowerPoint is much stronger than typical application sandboxes from a security point of view.

2.2 – Single-clicking: Previewing the Attachment

If the user single-clicks on the attachment (compared to double-clicking), Outlook will try to call the registered “previewer” app (for the file type of the attachment) to “preview” the attachment inside Outlook. Even though it’s called “preview”, the attachment file is still opened and processed from the technical point of view. The difference is that when previewing, the third-party app is running as a COM server in the background, and the attachment content is displayed in the Outlook window. As previously discussed, when “opening” the attachment via double-clicking, the third-party app is run directly, and the content is displayed in the application’s window.

Depending on the attachment’s extension name (the file type), there could be four scenarios when previewing the attachment.

2.2.1 – NO PREVIEW: The attachment’s extension name is marked as “unsafe”.

This is the same situation as we discussed in Scenario 2.1.1. Since the attachment is totally disabled, there are no opening or previewing options.

2.2.2 – NO PREVIEW: There’s no registered previewer app for the extension name.

In fact, most of the file types we have seen are in this category because most apps handling the file types are not registered as Outlook previewer apps. Check out the following gif where the user attempts to preview (via a single-click) a .wmv file (a media file type) but there is no registered app for that file type, so an error message is displayed.

Figure 8 – gif showing single-clicking trying to preview a .wmv attachment on Outlook but receiving an error message

2.2.3 – TWO SINGLE-CLICKS: The previewer app is registered but needs additional confirmation to preview the content

There are some file types, that have their previewer apps registered but Outlook doesn’t have much confidence that previewing the attachment is safe, so Outlook gives an additional warning dialog to the user – which requires another single click – to confirm to preview the attachment. Therefore, there are two single-clicks in this scenario, one for single-clicking on the attachment, and the other for clicking on the “Preview file” button on the warning window.

The following example previews a .pdf attachment – a popular file type- when Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on the OS. When the user single clicks on the attachment, Outlook asks if the user wants to continue the previewing. Additionally, there’s an option letting the user choose if he/she wants to confirm this file type every time.

Figure 9 – gif showing single-clicking to preview a .pdf attachment on Outlook

Note that in the background, the PDF attachment is processed in the Adobe Acrobat Reader sandbox (one of the ”Acrobat.exe” processes with integrity level “Low”). The Adobe Acrobat Reader processes are started by the Windows process “prevhost.exe”. As shown in the following figures.

Figure 10 – Adobe Acrobat Reader runs in the background and processes the attachment in sandboxed environment, when user previews a PDF attachment on Outlook

Knowledge note: In Windows, standard/default users start processes with the “Medium” integrity level, so if a process is running with a lower integrity level (“Low” or “AppContainer”), it usually indicates that the process is running with a restricted application sandbox. Read more here.

2.2.4 – ONE SINGLE-CLICK: Previewer app is registered and marked as “safe”.

This scenario is the smoothest way to read the content of an attachment. When the user just single-clicks on the attachment, the attachment is previewed and the content is displayed in the Outlook window.

Because the process is very smooth, the potential security risk it may introduce is high. Therefore, from a security point of view, only the apps that have robust security enhancements should be registered into this “previewing safe list”.

For example, the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint file types are in this list. Following is a gif showing a .docx attachment being previewed on Outlook.

Figure 11 – gif showing single-clicking to preview a .docx attachment on Outlook

And, when previewing Word, Excel, or PowerPoint attachments on Outlook, the corresponding app is always run in the security-strong Protected View mode, as the following figure shows. So it protects users while also offering great usability.

Figure 12 – Microsoft Word runs in the background and processes the attachment in Protected View mode, when user previews a Word attachment on Outlook

Side note: Attentive readers may note that it is a bit different from the Adobe Acrobat Reader scenario we previously discussed, the sandboxed “WINWORD.EXE” process is started directly via Outlook process, not via “prehost.exe”, and there is only one “WINWORD.EXE” process, while in the Adobe Acrobat Reader scenario, there are two “Acrobat.exe” processes.

III – The Advanced: the Email Reading and Special Object Attack Vectors

3.1 – The Email Reading Attack Vector

The Email Reading attack vector is for the scenario in which the security problem is triggered as long as the victim reads the (attacking) email on Outlook. So this is a very powerful attack vector.

It is often referred to as the “Preview Pane” attack vector in the security domain, especially for Microsoft Security Update pages. For example, the following is a vulnerability patched by Microsoft which could be triggered when users read emails on Outlook but is referred to as the “Preview Pane” attack vector.

Figure 13 – A typical Microsoft Security Update webpage where Microsoft describes a vulnerability that could be triggered by “Preview Pane”

It is, in fact, a confusing name, as someone pointed out also. Anyway, when we read that Microsoft claims the Outlook Preview Pane is an attack vector, we can assume that the vulnerability could be triggered as long as the user reads emails on Outlook.

This lies in the core functions where Outlook processes emails or other objects that are delivered together with emails. From a vulnerability research point of view, that usually occurs when there is a vulnerability when Outlook parses or processes the email format. Outlook supports three types of email formats: the plain text email format, the HTML email format, and the TNEF email format (commonly known as the “Outlook Rich Text” format). The HTML and TNEF are complex formats so they produce more vulnerabilities, especially for the TNEF which is (basically) a binary format. The bug types could vary from memory corruptions to logical bugs.

Protip: configuring your Outlook only to read plain text email is the best for security, although you may lose the usability, of course since these links, inline pictures will not show up in the plain text email.

The following figure is an example of a piece of a TNEF format email, note the string “Content-Type: application/ms-tnef”, which specifies this email follows the TNEF format.

Figure 14 – the content of a typical TNEF (Outlook Rich Text) format email

Historically, many vulnerabilities have been found in this Outlook Email Reading attack vector, but working exploits were rare. That is because finding a scripting environment within or triggered by Outlook is not an easy job but some slips still can happen. Here is an example.

In 2015, the author of this paper discovered and reported a logical bug in Outlook, dubbed “BadWinmail”, which allows running any Flash exploit (at that time, Flash was installed by default on Windows 8/10) embedded in the TNEF format, via the OLE mechanism. Arbitrary and reliable code execution is achieved as long as the victim reads the email on Outlook – no need to click anything, so it was a very powerful zero-day exploit. Here is the paper and video demonstration if readers would like to see the impact of such an attack vector.

3.2 – The Outlook Special Object Attack Vector

For the previous Outlook Preview Pane (Email Reading) attack vector, although it is already very powerful, the victim still needs to read the email. However, there is a possibility that the victim doesn’t even need to read the email at all,- for as long as the victim opens Outlook and receives emails from the email server, he/she could still be pwned. That’s the attack vector we call the ‘Special Object’ attack vector.

Here is a real-world example, in March 2023, Microsoft disclosed that they detected a threat actor using a zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-23397) in Outlook to attack Ukrainian organizations. The zero-day allows local Windows to leak (Net)NTLM credential information to the attacker-controlled server. In detail, the root cause is a logical vulnerability when Outlook processes the so-called “reminder” object sent from the attacker. Please note that this attack doesn’t even need the victim to read the email on Outlook – it would be triggered automatically as long as the victim opens Outlook and connects to the email server. Here is a good analysis including a video demonstration, from MDSec .

Comparing the User Interoperability Required for Each Scenario

Now that we have reviewed all the attack vectors on Outlook, it would be interesting and valuable to compare each of them to see how easy (or hard) the attack scenario could be used for delivering exploits. Our methodology has us assuming the position of the attacker and we already have a working exploit for the targeted application, but we need Outlook as a “delivering method” to “deliver” that exploit “into” the targeted application.

We could use scores to mark the user interoperability required (or, the difficulty of delivering the exploit) for the attack scenario. For example, assuming we have a zero-day exploit for Microsoft Access – an app is usually installed with Outlook as part of the Office suite – and we need to use Outlook to deliver that Access exploit. We tested that when Microsoft Access is installed in the victim’s machine, a .accdb attachment would fall in Scenario 2.1.2 – The attachment’s extension name is not marked as “unsafe” and not marked as “safe” either. As we previously examined, that would require 1 double-click and 1 single-click.

If we set the score of a single-click to 1.0, because performing one double-click is a bit harder than performing one single-click, we could set the score of performing one double-click to 1.2 (plus 0.2, compared to single-clicking). The harder performing the action, the higher the score.

Thus, for the above Scenario 2.1.2, the total score is 1.2 (one double-click) + 1.0 (one single-click) = 2.2.

With this methodology, we could have the following table.

ScenarioDescriptionUser interoperabilityScore1.1Web links in email body1 single-click1.01.2Other hyperlinks in email body1 single-click1.02.1.1Attachment opened in third-party app, file type marked as unsafeN/AN/A2.1.2Attachment opened in third-party app, file type not marked as safe nor unsafe1 double-click and 1 single-click2.22.1.3Attachment opened in third-party app, file type marked as safe1 double-click1.22.2.1Attachment previewed in Outlook, file type marked as unsafeN/AN/A2.2.2Attachment previewed in Outlook, no registered previewer for file typeN/AN/A2.2.3Attachment previewed in Outlook, has registered previewer but not marked as safe2 single-clicks2.02.2.4Attachment previewed in Outlook, has registered previewer and marked as safe1 single-click1.03.1Email Reading / Preview Pane attack vectorNo click, just reading email is enough0.23.2Other Outlook special object exploitationNo click, just receiving email is enough0

Table 1 – a scoring system for various attack scenarios on Outlook

As you can see, we set the score of the Email Reading / Preview Pane attack vector to 0.2 (Scenario 3.1), as it requires a little more user interoperability compared to Scenario 3.2 – special object exploitation. For the special object exploitation, we set the score to 0, as this is the perfect scenario for attackers.

As we can find in the table, the most challenging scenario for attackers is Scenario 2.1.2  the attachment’s extension name is not marked as “unsafe” and not marked as “safe” either, which has the highest score – 2.2. The perfect one is the Scenario 3.2 – the Outlook special object exploitation (score 0), or the Scenario 3.1 – the email reading attack vector (score 0.2).

However, we need to take note that we are only comparing the user interoperability here; we have a big prerequisite of having a working exploit for the targeted app. In fact, most of the time, when the score is low (easy for exploit delivering), the difficulty of finding and developing a working exploit for the targeted app is high.

For example, for the web browser exploit, the score is low (1.0) which means it is relatively easy to deliver the exploit, but finding and developing a working exploit for modern browsers, such as Google Chrome, is costly (as the attacker needs to bypass all the modern exploitation mitigations). So from a defense point of view, the risks for web links in Outlook emails are not completely unacceptable for average users.

For another example, for Scenario 2.1.3 (one double-click to open the attachment), if we assume the attacker has a Word exploit that works on the normal mode but not the “Protected View” mode of Microsoft Word – it is, in fact, the most common case of Word-based attacks. If the attacker sends the exploit (from an external source) as an email attachment, in order to gain successful exploitation, the victim needs to not only perform the one double-click in this scenario but also needs to perform an additional single-click on Microsoft Word (for the “Enable Editing” button, see the following figure), in order to exit the very strict Protected View mode. So, there are in total two user-clicks required for delivering a typical Word-based exploit, if we consider the full attack chain.

Figure 15 – user needs to click the “Enable Editing” button to exit Office Protected View mode

Therefore, when we assess the risk for an exploit delivered via the Outlook attack vectors, we need to assess the whole picture – we need not just consider the Outlook attack scenario discussed in this paper, but also the exploit itself, including the difficulty of developing the exploit.


In this paper, we examined various attack vectors in modern Outlook and compared the user interoperability required for each scenario when attackers use Outlook to deliver their exploits. We analyzed the scenarios by acting as an average Outlook user, using real-world examples, and with our own cutting-edge vulnerability research efforts. We hope this paper can help the security industry deeply understand the security threats that Outlook may pose.

All discussed attack vectors in this paper are monitored and protected by Check Point solutions including Check Point Email Security & Collaboration Security. Harmony Email & Collaboration provides complete protection for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace and all your collaboration and file-sharing apps. Harmony Email & Collaboration is designed specifically for cloud email environments and is the ONLY solution that prevents, not just detects or responds to, threats from entering the inbox.

Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive endpoint protection at the highest security level while XDR/XPR quickly identifies the most sophisticated attacks by correlating events across your entire security estate and combining with behavioral analytics, real time proprietary threat intelligence from Check Point Research and ThreatCloud AI, and third-party intelligence.

Threat Emulation as well as Check Point gateways provide superior security beyond any Next Generation Firewall (NGFW). Best designed for Zero Day protection, these gateways are the best at preventing the fifth generation of cyber attacks with more than 60 innovative security services.
Check Point Research proactively hunts Outlook and email related attacks in the wild. As a leading security company, Check Point continues to develop innovative detection and protection technologies for customers around the world.

The post The Obvious, the Normal, and the Advanced: A Comprehensive Analysis of Outlook Attack Vectors appeared first on Check Point Research.

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