New PhantomLoader Malware Distributes SSLoad: Technical Analysis

Editor’s note: The current article is authored by Mohamed Talaat, a cybersecurity researcher and malware analyst. You can find Mohamed on X and LinkedIn.

In this malware analysis report, we take an in-depth look at how an undocumented loader called PhantomLoader has been used by attackers to distribute a rust-based malware known as SSLoad.


The PhantomLoader usually masquerades as a legitimate 32-bit DLL written in C/C++ for an antivirus software called 360 Security Total.

However, in this case, it was found disguising itself as “PatchUp.exe,” which is still a legitimate module of 360 Total Security. This loader has been used in recent attacks to deliver a new rust-based malware called SSLoad.

What makes PhantomLoader unique is that it was added to be part of a legitimate DLL or executable of a well-known software by binary patching the DLL or executable and adding a self-modifying technique. The latter decrypts an embedded code stub, which then decrypts and loads “SSLoad” into memory.

PatchUp.exe and legitimate module of 360 Total Security

Technical analysis

After analyzing the SSLoad sample in ANY.RUN’s sandbox, we observed that one distribution method for this malware involves phishing emails containing malicious Office documents. These documents initiate the infection chain.

The analysis session shows how the drop and execution of PhantomLoader occurs, after which it decrypts and runs SSLoad.

View the analysis session

The detection of SSLoad malware inside ANY.RUN’s sandbox

Execution of Malicious Word document

After executing the malicious Word document, it became clear that a new process, “,” was launched by “WINWORD.exe,” indicating that an embedded malicious macro had been executed. This resulted in the creation of the suspicious process. 

Malicious Word document displayed in ANY.RUN’s sandbox

To better understand the infection chain, the macro was extracted and analyzed further.

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Execution of Decoded XML String

In the ANY.RUN Script Tracer, it was observed that the malware loads an encoded XML string, which appears to be obfuscated using JScript. This encoding is used to disguise the malicious intent, making it more difficult to detect. 

Once loaded, the XML string is executed, triggering the next stage in the malware’s infection process.

XML String load and execution demonstrated in ANY.RUN’s sandbox

Upon further investigation of the document’s macros, an Autoclose macro was found that reads an XML string from an XML file named “UserForm1.”

Autoclose macro that reads XML string

After analyzing the referenced form file, it became clear that the loaded XML string is encoded in JavaScript. This encoding serves as a protection measure designed by Microsoft to prevent unauthorized copying or alteration of VBScript or JavaScript code.

Javascript encoded as XML string

Using CyberChef, the JavaScript was decoded, revealing the underlying code used by the malware to continue the infection process. This provides clear insights into the next steps of the attack.

Decoding process of Javascript with CyberChef

The JavaScript code decodes the next stage, PhantomLoader, using base64. It then places the decoded file in the user’s %TEMP% directory with the name “” and starts it. 

Decoding of the next stage using Base64 

First Loader: PhantomLoader

PhantomLoader disguises itself as a legitimate DLL module for the antivirus software 360 Total Security. This tactic allows it to remain undetected by both the system and users.

360 Total Security damaged by PhantomLoader

This is one of the rare cases where the malicious code runs before the main function is reached. This strongly suggests that the legitimate DLL module has been modified. A malicious routine is inserted before the main function, along with an encrypted stub. 

Display of malicious subroutine

The malicious routine embedded within the DLL module first calculates the address of the encrypted code stub, which is hidden within the file. It then decrypts this stub using a XOR operation with a hardcoded key.

The encrypted code is located in the .text section of the DLL. It was disassembled by IDA, but the disassembled output appeared nonsensical, indicating that the code is indeed encrypted.

XOR decryption loop and encrypted code stub

To further analyze the encrypted code in IDA, an IDAPython script was created to decrypt and patch the code in place.

Implementation of IDAPython script

The decrypted code stub begins by fetching the base address of “kernel32”, a core Windows system DLL that provides essential system functions. It then uses this base address to resolve the following function addresses by hash:

VirtualAlloc – Responsible for memory allocation.

LoadLibraryA – Loads libraries (DLLs) into memory.

GetProcAddress – Retrieves the address of functions or variables from the loaded DLLs.

Function addresses resolved by hash

The resolved functions are then used to load the decrypted next-stage loader, SSLoad, directly into memory.

Using the same key as before, it XOR decrypts the encrypted SSLoad, which is stored in the “.rsrc” section of the DLL. This method keeps the actual payload concealed within the DLL until it’s ready to be executed.

XOR decryption loop of encrypted SSLoad stored in .rsrc

Interestingly, it doesn’t use the common API sequence FindResourceA and LockResource to locate and extract the encrypted resource. Instead, an offset to the encrypted resource is passed to the function that points to the decrypted stub.

Encrypted SSLoad

Second Loader: SSLoad

The final payload decrypted by PhantomLoader is SSLoad, a rust-based loader known for its evasive and stealthy nature.

It employs various anti-analysis techniques, including anti-debugging and anti-emulation methods. SSLoad also uses multiple layers of string decryption to conceal its Command-and-Control (C2) URLs and IP addresses, making detection and analysis more challenging.

When executed, SSLoad begins by creating a mutex object with a hardcoded name. This object ensures that only one instance of SSLoad can run on the host at any given time. This is a common technique used to avoid resource conflicts or redundant infections on a single host.

Mutex object created to ensure only one instance of SSLoad

It uses a common anti-debugging technique by inspecting the Process Environment Block (PEB), specifically looking for the “BeingDebugged” flag. This flag is set to indicate whether the process is currently being debugged. 

Anti-debugging technique inspection

It is interesting to note that it uses an anti-emulation technique that was observed for the first time being used by Raspberry Robin. The technique involves attempting to retrieve the address of a function exported by kernel32 called “MpVmp32Entry”. 

However, when inspecting the exports of kernel32 for this function name, it cannot be found. This is because only modified versions of kernel32.dll used by emulators export that function.

MpVmp32Entry called by kernel32

The developers of SSLoad may have either intentionally or accidentally failed to properly decrypt the library name Kernel32.dll. This would result in the DLL base address not being retrieved to check for the target export. As a result, the implemented trick might fail even on an emulated system.

One of the system artifacts to check for is the presence of a directory with a randomly generated name under %APPDATA%/Microsoft. This directory name is generated at runtime using the function SystemFunction036 from the Advapi32.dll library, which is often used for cryptographic functions.

Directory name generated with SystemFunction036 function

After completing its checks and decrypting the C2 URLs and IP addresses, SSLoad moves forward with fingerprinting the host it’s running on. This process involves collecting various details about the system.

This data is then stored in a JSON object, which will be sent later via POST request to the Command-and-Control (C2) server for further communication.

Fingerprinting process of the host

The fingerprinted data collected by SSLoad includes crucial system information like the OS version, username, hostname, architecture (arch), public IP address, and other system-specific details.

The data will be sent to the server in preparation of C2 communication process. 

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If the connection was successful, the C2 server will return back response with a JSON object containing a “key” and an “ID”.

The key and ID displayed in ANY.RUN’s sandbox

The returned key is a base64 encoded RC4 key that will be used to secure further communication between the host and C2 server. 

In its turn, the ID is a unique identifier generated on the C2 side that will be used by the infected host to authenticate and identify itself to the C2 server. 

In the later HTTP POST requests, no data is sent to the C2 server. Instead, the infected host sends empty HTTP POST requests that contain only the server-side generated “ID”.

HTTP POST requests inside ANY.RUN’s sandbox

Once SSLoad establishes a connection with the C2 server, it enters a beaconing loop, regularly checking in with the server for further instructions or tasks to execute.

It seems that for the current sample the server hasn’t returned any tasks to the infected host. However, in another SSLoad analysis sample, the server did return a response containing an “ID” and a “Job”.

Server response containing ID and Job inside ANY.RUN’s sandbox

The “ID” returned by the server identifies a task for the infected host.

The encoded structure contains two fields: “command” and “arguments.” Fishbein explained that when the “command” field is set to “exe” and the “arguments” field contains a URL, it indicates that the server is instructing the infected host to download and execute the next-stage malware payload from the given URL.

Indicators of Compromise (IOC)

File Paths and Names 



File Hashes (MD5)




Related Domains, URLs, and IP addresses 



rule crime_phantom_loader_dll

        description = “Detects PhantomLoader C/C++ DLL”
        author = “Mohamed Talaat”
        date = “2024-17-8”
        type = “crimeware”
        hash1 = “BD3231011448B2D6A335032D11C12CAD”
        hash2 = “CA303668B5420C022EF9C78CE1F2BFB7”
        hash3 = “1D8D71B4A0870C0DFA3468470FB28A28”
        hash4 = “B28A478EB5B99EFCDC7CAF428BFFB89A”
        $pdb_str = “C:\vmagent_new\bin\joblist” ascii
        $iobit_str = “IUForceDelete123” ascii wide
        $mov_5F5E100 = { ( BF | 68 | C7 45 ?? ) 00 E1 F5 05 }
        $payload_size = { ( D0 | 6C ) 07 00 00 }
        $call_payload = { FF 55 ?? 68 [4] FF [-] 33 C0 ?? 8B E5 5D C3 }
        (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and
        all of ($mov_5F5E100, $payload_size, $call_payload) and
        any of ($pdb_str, $iobit_str)

The post New PhantomLoader Malware Distributes SSLoad: Technical Analysis appeared first on ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog.

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Kaspersky apps are no longer available on Google Play: what to do? | Kaspersky official blog

We’ve recently been informed by the Google Play store that our developer account has been terminated and all Kaspersky apps have been removed from the store.

Google’s decision refers to recent U.S. government actions restricting the distribution and sales of Kaspersky products in the United States after September 29. Although these restrictions have no material legal effect outside the U.S., Google unilaterally decided to remove our products from Google Play ahead of September 29 – depriving users worldwide of access to industry-leading cybersecurity protection.

We believe that Google’s decision is based on overinterpretation of the U.S. restrictions, which was not backed by a confirmation from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. restrictive measures don’t prohibit the sales and distribution of Kaspersky’s products and services outside the United States. We have communicated this understanding to the U.S. Department of Commerce, and we hope to receive additional guidance from the Department shortly.

What will happen to already-installed Kaspersky apps for Android?

Apps that were installed from Google Play will continue to work normally and receive database updates through our cloud infrastructure. All paid app features will also continue to work. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to update or reinstall an app directly from Google Play.

How to install and update Kaspersky apps for Android now?

To keep your mobile devices protected, we recommend downloading our apps for Android from other mobile stores – including Galaxy Store, Huawei AppGallery, Xiaomi GetApps and others, or directly from our site. The range of available Kaspersky products for Android is the same in each store. Here you can find links to all Kaspersky products for Android in other stores and instructions for installing and activating them.

Kaspersky official blog – ​Read More

The complexities of attack attribution – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

As highlighted by new ESET research this week, attributing a cyberattack to a specific threat actor is a complex affair

WeLiveSecurity – ​Read More

Transatlantic Cable podcast episode 365 | Kaspersky official blog

Episode 365 kicks off with discussion around Donald Trump’s recent courting of the crypto world. From there talk moves to Mozilla’s recent decision to enable Privacy Preserving Attribution (PPA) by default – and that’s got some in the EU worried.

To wrap up the team discuss two stories related to A.I – first around Microsoft suggesting that omnipresent AI companions will soon be a thing, and second how AI is now capable of completing CAPTCHA quicker, and more efficiently than any human.  How the tables have turned.

If you like what you heard, please consider subscribing.

Crypto world hoping for Trump election win
Mozilla Faces GDPR Complaint Over New Firefox Tracking Feature
Microsoft: ‘ever present’ AI assistants are coming
AI just made a mockery of CAPTCHA and that’s bad news for real people

Kaspersky official blog – ​Read More

Weekly IT Vulnerability Report: Cyble Urges Fixes for NVIDIA, Adobe, CUPS

Key Takeaways

Cyble researchers investigated 19 vulnerabilities in the week ended Oct.1 and flagged eight of them as high priority.

Cyble also observed 10 exploits discussed on dark web and cybercrime forums, including an OpenSSH vulnerability with 8 million exposures and claimed zero days in Apple and Android.

Threat actors are also discussing vulnerabilities in products from SolarWinds, Microsoft, Zimbra, WordPress, and Fortinet on underground forums.

Cyble urges security teams to fix these vulnerabilities and to implement nine additional best practices.


Cyble Research & Intelligence Labs (CRIL) investigated 19 vulnerabilities from Sept. 25 to Oct. 1 and flagged eight of them in four products for security teams to prioritize.

CRIL researchers also observed 10 exploits discussed on dark web and cybercrime forums, one of which – an OpenSSH vulnerability – is present in more than 8 million web-facing hosts detected by Cyble sensors. Vulnerabilities in products from SolarWinds, Microsoft, Apple, Zimbra, WordPress and Fortinet are also under active discussion on cybercrime forums – including claimed zero days in Apple and Android messaging.

Here are the vulnerabilities and dark web exploits of greatest concern to security teams this week, followed by Cyble’s recommendations.

The Week’s Top IT Vulnerabilities

CVE-2024-41925 & CVE-2024-45367: ONS-S8 Spectra Aggregation Switch

Impact Analysis: Both of these critical vulnerabilities impact the ONS-S8 Spectra Aggregation Switch, a network management device developed by Optigo Networks for deploying passive optical networking (PON) in intelligent buildings.

CVE-2024-41925is classified as a PHP Remote File Inclusion (RFI) problem stemming from incorrect validation or sanitation of user-supplied file paths, while CVE-2024-45367 is a weak authentication problem arising from improper password verification enforcement on the authentication mechanism.

CISA released a warning for both vulnerabilities, citing low attack complexity and the product’s use in critical infrastructure.

Internet Exposure? No

Patch Available? Versions 1.3.7 and earlier are affected. Optigo recommends additional controls such as a unique management VLAN and either a dedicated NIC, firewall with allow list or a secure VPN connection.

CVE-2024-0132: NVIDIA Container Toolkit

Impact Analysis: This high-severity Time-of-check Time-of-Use (TOCTOU) vulnerability impacts the NVIDIA Container Toolkit, a suite of tools designed to facilitate the development and deployment of GPU-accelerated applications within containerized environments. The vulnerability allows an attacker to perform container escape attacks and gain full access to the host system, which may lead to code execution, denial of service, escalation of privileges, information disclosure, and data tampering.

Internet Exposure? No

Patch Available? Yes

CVE-2024-34102: Adobe Commerce

Impact Analysis: This 9.8-severity Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference (‘XXE’) vulnerability impacts Adobe Commerce, formerly known as Magento, a comprehensive eCommerce platform that provides businesses with the tools to create and manage both B2B and B2C online stores. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted XML document that references external entities, resulting in arbitrary code execution. Researchers recently observed multiple Adobe Commerce and Magento stores compromised by actors leveraging the vulnerability, and the vulnerability is also being discussed on cybercrime forums (see the Underground section below).

Internet Exposure? Yes

Patch Available? Yes

CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176, CVE-2024-47177: CUPS Vulnerabilities

Impact Analysis: These recently disclosed vulnerabilities – CVE-2024-47076 (libcupsfilters), CVE-2024-47175 (libppd), CVE-2024-47176 (cups-browsed) and CVE-2024-47177 (cups-filters) – impact CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), a modular printing system designed for Unix-like operating systems. It enables computers to function as print servers, allowing them to accept print jobs from client machines, process these jobs, and send them to the appropriate printers.

Under certain conditions, attackers can chain the set of vulnerabilities in multiple components of the CUPS open-source printing system to execute arbitrary code remotely on vulnerable machines.

Internet Exposure? No

Patch Available? See the CVE listings for details:





Vulnerabilities and Exploits on Underground Forums

Cyble researchers observed a high number of vulnerabilities and exploits discussed in Telegram channels and cybercrime forums. Because these vulnerabilities are under active discussion by threat actors, they merit close attention by security teams.

CVE-2024-28987: A critical vulnerability in SolarWinds Web Help Desk (WHD) software caused by hardcoded developer login credentials.

CVE-2024-38200: A critical vulnerability affecting multiple versions of Microsoft Office that arises from improper handling of certain document properties within Microsoft Office applications. It could potentially expose sensitive information such as NTLM hashes.

CVE-2023-32413: A security vulnerability identified as a race condition that affects various Apple operating systems. It arises from improper synchronization when multiple processes access shared resources concurrently, which can lead to unexpected behavior in the system.

CVE-2024-43917: A critical SQL Injection vulnerability affecting the TI WooCommerce Wishlist plugin for WordPress, specifically in versions up to 2.8.2.

CVE-2024-45519: A critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability was discovered in the postjournal service of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, a widely used email and collaboration platform. Cyble researchers also issued a separate report on the Zimbra vulnerability, and CISA added it to the agency’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog.

CVE-2024-8275: A critical SQL injection vulnerability in the Events Calendar Plugin for WordPress, affecting all versions up to and including 6.6.4. The vulnerability arises from insufficient input validation in specific functions.

CVE-2024-6387: A threat actor (TA) offered a list of IP addresses that are potentially affected by this vulnerability, which is also known as RegreSSHion. It is a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in OpenSSH, a widely used suite of secure networking utilities. Cyble’s Odin vulnerability search service shows more than 8 million web-facing hosts exposed to this vulnerability.

CVE-2024-34102: A TA offered to sell a critical security vulnerability affecting Adobe Commerce and Magento, specifically versions 2.4.6 and earlier. The vulnerability stems from improper handling of nested deserialization, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code through crafted XML documents that exploit XML External Entities (XXE) during the deserialization process.

FortiClient: A TA on BreachForums advertised exploits weaponizing vulnerabilities present in Fortinet’s FortiClient EMS 7.4/7.3, which results in SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution. The TA is selling the exploits for USD $30,000.

Apple and Android Zero Day: A TA on BreachForums is advertising a 0-day exploit present in Apple’s iMessage and Android’s text messaging. The vulnerability results in Remote Code Execution (RCE). The TA is selling the binary for the exploit for USD $800,000.

Cyble Recommendations

To protect against these vulnerabilities and exploits, organizations should implement the following best practices:

1. Implement the Latest Patches

To mitigate vulnerabilities and protect against exploits, regularly update all software and hardware systems with the latest patches from official vendors.

2. Implement a Robust Patch Management Process

Develop a comprehensive patch management strategy that includes inventory management, patch assessment, testing, deployment, and verification. Automate the process where possible to ensure consistency and efficiency.

3. Implement Proper Network Segmentation

Divide your network into distinct segments to isolate critical assets from less secure areas. Use firewalls, VLANs, and access controls to limit access and reduce the attack surface exposed to potential threats.

4. Incident Response and Recovery Plan

Create and maintain an incident response plan that outlines procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from security incidents. Regularly test and update the plan to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with current threats.

5. Monitoring and Logging Malicious Activities

Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions to detect and analyze suspicious activities. Use SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems to aggregate and correlate logs for real-time threat detection and response.

6. Keep Track of Security Alerts

Subscribe to security advisories and alerts from official vendors, CERTs, and other authoritative sources. Regularly review and assess the impact of these alerts on your systems and take appropriate actions.

7. Penetration Testing and Auditing

Conduct regular vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) exercises to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your systems. Complement these exercises with periodic security audits to ensure compliance with security policies and standards.

8. Visibility into Assets

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all internal and external assets, including hardware, software, and network components. Use asset management tools and continuous monitoring to ensure comprehensive visibility and control over your IT environment.

9. Strong Password Policy

Change default passwords immediately and enforce a strong password policy across the organization. Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to provide an extra layer of security and significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

The post Weekly IT Vulnerability Report: Cyble Urges Fixes for NVIDIA, Adobe, CUPS appeared first on Cyble.

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Four Critical Vulnerabilities Added to CISA’s Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has recently added four new vulnerabilities to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, signaling ongoing active exploitation. These vulnerabilities present significant risks for organizations that rely on the affected technologies.

CISA’s update highlights several critical vulnerabilities. The first, CVE-2023-25280, pertains to an OS command injection vulnerability found in the D-Link DIR-820 Router. Next, CVE-2020-15415 affects multiple DrayTek Vigor routers, also involving an OS command injection. 

Another important vulnerability, CVE-2021-4043, is related to a null pointer dereference in the Motion Spell GPAC. Lastly, CVE-2019-0344 involves a deserialization of untrusted data vulnerability in SAP Commerce Cloud. 

Technical Details of the Vulnerabilities

CVE-2023-25280: D-Link DIR-820 Router

Published on March 16, 2023, a critical OS command injection vulnerability has been identified in the D-Link DIR-820LA1_FW105B03 router, allowing attackers to escalate privileges to root. This vulnerability is exploited through a crafted payload that targets the ping_addr parameter, posing a serious risk for devices connected to the internet. Specifically, the command injection vulnerability resides in the pingV4Msg function of the “/ping.ccp” component, enabling an attacker to elevate privileges to root.

The affected version is DIR820LA1_FW105B03, and details regarding the vulnerability indicate that it is located in the /sbin/ncc2 file directory. The vulnerable sub_49EDF8 function retrieves the content of the ping_addr variable from requests to /ping.ccp, allowing the execution of system commands. When the ccp_act parameter is set to pingV4Msg, the ccp_ping function references this vulnerable function, creating an avenue for command execution.

Despite efforts to filter potentially harmful input, the function does not adequately filter symbols such as %0a and $, enabling attackers to bypass defenses. To reproduce the vulnerability, specific steps can be followed using the FirmAE simulation firmware. For example, an attacker might initiate a local web server and utilize a crafted attack vector like “ccp_act=pingV4Msg&ping_addr=%0awget” to execute the attack.

CVE-2020-15415: DrayTek Vigor Routers

This vulnerability affects DrayTek Vigor3900, Vigor2960, and Vigor300B devices running versions prior to 1.5.1. It allows for remote command execution through shell metacharacters in a filename, particularly when the text/x-python-script content type is used, posing risks for users of these routers. The security advisory regarding this issue is identified by CVE-2020-14472 and CVE-2020-15415, both of which are classified as critical.

DrayTek has acknowledged the potential exploitation related to the WebUI of the Vigor 2960, 3900, and 300B models. On June 17, 2020, the company released an updated firmware version to address this vulnerability. Affected users are urged to upgrade their firmware to version or later as soon as possible. In the meantime, if immediate upgrading is not feasible, users should disable remote access to their devices or implement an access control list (ACL) for remote access until they can perform the upgrade.

Firmware downloads are available specifically for the UK and Ireland regions. Users who have remote access enabled on their routers are advised to disable it if it is unnecessary, and if remote access must be maintained, it should be restricted using an ACL, which allows only a predefined list of permitted IP addresses to access the router remotely. Alternatively, users can permit remote administration exclusively through a secure VPN or utilize VigorACS for central management.

CVE-2021-4043: Motion Spell GPAC

Identified on February 4, 2022, a null pointer dereference vulnerability in the GPAC library affects versions prior to 1.1.0 and is classified as a medium severity risk with a CVSS score of 5.8. This vulnerability is categorized under CWE-476, which specifically addresses issues related to null pointer dereferencing, where the product attempts to access a pointer expected to be valid but is, in fact, null.

The common consequences of such vulnerabilities include denial of service (DoS), as NULL pointer dereferences often lead to process failures unless exception handling is implemented. Even with exceptional handling, restoring the software to a safe operational state can be quite challenging. In rare cases, if NULL corresponds to the memory address 0x0 and privileged code can access it, it may allow for unauthorized code execution or memory manipulation.

To mitigate the risks associated with null pointer dereference vulnerabilities, it is crucial to check all pointers that could have been modified for NULL before use. Selecting programming languages that inherently reduce susceptibility to such issues can also be beneficial. Additionally, developers should verify the results of all functions returning values to ensure they are non-null prior to use. While checking return values can be effective, it is essential to remain vigilant about race conditions in concurrent environments.

CVE-2019-0344: SAP Commerce Cloud

Published on August 14, 2019, a vulnerability in SAP Commerce Cloud arises from unsafe deserialization, impacting multiple versions and potentially allowing arbitrary code execution with ‘Hybris’ user rights. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2019-0344, specifically affects versions 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 1808, 1811, and 1905 of the virtualjdbc extension, enabling code injection attacks.

CVE-2019-0344 is characterized by its ability to permit attackers to execute arbitrary code on a target system due to insecure deserialization within the virtualjdbc extension of SAP Commerce Cloud. Exploiting this vulnerability can result in the execution of arbitrary code on affected machines, leveraging the privileges associated with the ‘Hybris’ user.

The vulnerability’s technical details reveal that the insecure deserialization process introduces a critical risk for code injection. To mitigate and prevent potential exploitation, immediate actions are necessary. Users are advised to apply security patches provided by SAP promptly, monitor for unauthorized code execution or unusual system behavior, and restrict access to vulnerable systems.

For long-term security, it is essential to regularly update and patch SAP Commerce Cloud to address known vulnerabilities and implement secure coding practices to prevent future code injection attacks. Ensuring that all systems running the virtualjdbc extension are updated with the latest security patches is crucial in maintaining the integrity and security of the platform.


The vulnerabilities listed by CISA present significant security risks, particularly for organizations using the affected products. Organizations must remain vigilant, promptly address these vulnerabilities, and apply necessary patches or updates. By prioritizing cybersecurity and addressing these vulnerabilities proactively, organizations can enhance their security posture and reduce the risk of exploitation.

Recommendations and Mitigations

Organizations should assess their systems for these vulnerabilities and implement the latest security patches.

Regularly monitor systems for any signs of exploitation related to these vulnerabilities.

Ensure that IT staff are aware of these vulnerabilities and the steps needed for mitigation.

Update security policies and incident response plans to account for potential exploits linked to these vulnerabilities.

The post Four Critical Vulnerabilities Added to CISA’s Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog appeared first on Cyble.

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How to snoop on what an Apple Vision Pro user is typing | Kaspersky official blog

In September 2024, a team of researchers from both the University of Florida and Texas Tech University presented a paper detailing a rather sophisticated method for intercepting text entered by users of the Apple Vision Pro mixed reality (MR) headset.

The researchers dubbed this method GAZEploit. In this post, we’ll explore how the attack works, the extent of the threat to owners of Apple VR/AR devices, and how best to protect your passwords and other sensitive information.

How text input works in Apple visionOS

First, a bit about how text is input in visionOS — the operating system powering Apple Vision Pro. One of the most impressive innovations of Apple’s MR headset is its highly effective use of eye tracking.

Gaze direction serves as the primary method of user interaction with the visionOS interface. The tracking is so precise that it works even for the smallest interface elements — including the virtual keyboard.

visionOS uses a virtual keyboard and eye tracking to input text. Source

Although visionOS offers voice control, the virtual keyboard remains the primary text input method. For sensitive information such as passwords, visionOS provides protection against prying eyes: in screen-sharing mode, both the keyboard and the entered password are automatically hidden.

During screen sharing, visionOS automatically hides passwords entered by Vision Pro users. Source

Another key feature of Apple’s MR headset lies in its approach to video calls. Since the device sits directly on the user’s face, the standard front-camera option is no good for transmitting the user’s video image. On the other hand, using a separate external camera for video calls would be very un-Apple-like; plus, video-conference participants wearing headsets would look rather odd.

So Apple came up with a highly original technology that features a so-called virtual camera. Based on a 3D face scan, Vision Pro creates a digital avatar of the user (Apple calls it a Persona), which is what actually takes part in the video call. You can use your Persona in FaceTime and other video-conferencing apps.

By using lots of biometric data, the Persona digital avatar in visionOS looks truly lifelike. Source

The headset’s sensors track the user’s face in real-time, allowing the avatar to mimic head movements, lip movements, facial expressions, and so on.

GAZEploit: How to snoop on Apple Vision Pro user input

For the GAZEploit researchers, the seminal feature of the Persona digital avatar is the use of data fed from the Vision Pro’s highly precise sensors to replicate the user’s eye movements with absolute pinpoint accuracy. And it was here that the team discovered a vulnerability enabling interception of input text.

Here’s how GAZEploit works in principle — allowing an attacker to intercept text entered by an Apple Vision Pro user. Source

The attack’s core concept is quite simple: although the system carefully hides passwords entered during video calls, by tracking the user’s eye movements, mirrored by their digital avatar, a threat actor can reconstruct the characters entered on the virtual keyboard, or, rather, keyboards, as visionOS has three: passcode (PIN) keyboard, default QWERTY keyboard, and number and special character keyboard. This complicates the recognition process, since an outside observer doesn’t know which keyboard is in use.

visionOS actually has three different virtual keyboards: (а) for passcodes, (b) for letters, and (c) for numbers and special characters. Source

However, neural networks effectively automate the GAZEploit attack. The first stage of the attack uses a neural network to identify text-input sessions. Eye movement patterns during use of the virtual keyboard differ significantly from normal patterns: blink rates decrease, and gaze direction becomes more structured.

First, the neural network identifies when text is being entered on the virtual keyboard. Source

At the second stage, the neural network analyzes gaze stability changes to identify eye-based selection of characters, and uses characteristic patterns to pinpoint virtual key presses. Then, based on gaze direction, the system calculates which key the user was looking at.

Next, the neural network recognizes individual virtual keystrokes and the characters being entered. Source

How accurately GAZEploit recognizes input data

In actual fact, it’s all a bit more complicated than the graph above suggests. Calculations based on the avatar’s eye position generate a heatmap of probable points on the virtual keyboard where the user’s gaze might have landed during text entry.

Mapped gaze directions for keystroke inference of the demo attack: (a) adaptive virtual keyboard mapping, (b) predicted first guess keystrokes, (c) actual keystrokes. The accuracy isn’t perfect, but it’s no bad. Source

Then, the researchers’ model converts the collected information into a list of K virtual keys that were most likely “pressed” by the user. The model also provides for various data-entry scenarios (password, email address/link, PIN, arbitrary message), taking into account the specifics of each.

What’s more, the neural network uses a dictionary and additional techniques to improve interpretation. For example, due to its size, the spacebar is often a top-five candidate — producing many false positives that need filtering. The backspace key requires special attention: if the keystroke guess is correct, it means the previous character was deleted, but if it’s wrong, then two characters may get mistakenly discarded.

GAZEploit suggests the top-five most likely characters. Source

The researchers’ detailed error analysis shows that GAZEploit often confuses adjacent keys. At maximum precision (K=1), roughly one-third of entered characters are identified correctly. However, for groups of five most likely characters (K=5), depending on the specific scenario, the accuracy is already 73–92%.

The accuracy of GAZEploit recognition in various scenarios. Source

How dangerous the GAZEploit attack is in practical terms

In practice, such accuracy means that potential attackers are unlikely to obtain the target password in ready-to-go form; but they can dramatically — by many orders of magnitude, in fact — reduce the number of attempts needed to brute-force it.

The researchers claim that for a six-digit PIN, it’ll only take 32 attempts to cover a quarter of all the most likely combinations. For a random eight-character alphanumeric password, the number of attempts is slashed from hundreds of trillions to hundreds of thousands (from 2.2×1014 to 3.9×105, to be precise), which makes password cracking feasible even with a prehistoric Pentium CPU.

In light of this, GAZEploit could pose a serious enough threat and find practical application in high-profile targeted attacks. Fortunately, the vulnerability has already been patched: in the latest versions of visionOS, Persona is suspended when the virtual keyboard is in use.

Apple could conceivably protect users from such attacks in a more elegant way — by sprinkling some random distortions in the precise biometric data driving the digital avatar’s eye movements.

Regardless, Apple Vision Pro owners should update their devices to the latest version of visionOS — and breathe easily. One last thing, we advise them — and everyone else — to exercise caution when entering passwords during video calls: avoid it if you can, always use the strongest (long and random) character combinations possible, and use a password manager to create and store them.

Kaspersky official blog – ​Read More

CISA is warning us (again) about the threat to critical infrastructure networks

Government-run water systems and other critical infrastructure are still at risk from state-sponsored actors, according to a renewed warning from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.  

CISA released an advisory last week on the matter of days after a small water treatment facility in Kansas was forced into manual operations after a cyber attack.  

I feel like this is just the latest in a string of warnings that we’ve been talking about since the Colonial Pipeline attack in 2021 that forced a gasoline shortage across the Eastern U.S. We’ve been discussing the importance of defending critical infrastructure for years now, so what’s new now? 

For starters, it seems like the frequency of these attacks seems to be on the rise. And many efforts to regulate cybersecurity policies and procedures in the industry have thus far fallen flat. 

The White House is reportedly working on rolling out a second wave of cybersecurity recommendations for water treatment facilities on the back of the attack in Kansas that affected the public water supply of 11,000 people. Although the cyber attack did not actually affect anyone from getting their water, it does raise the question of how much of an issue this could be if a state-sponsored actor were to target a facility in a town with a larger population, or if there weren’t backup plans in place to operate the facility manually.  

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said last year that it had to pull a memo outlining cybersecurity standards at water treatment plants because of constant legal action from state and federal lawmakers and private water companies. And the American Water Works Association (a non-profit lobbying organization representing more than 50,000 members) has advocated for facilities and groups like the AWWA to write their own cybersecurity policies rather than relying on the U.S. government.  

All of that is to say, despite what lessons we thought we learned from Colonial Pipeline, none of those lessons have been able to be put into practice, and we’re still where we were with cybersecurity policies and regulations three years ago.  

Despite urging from the industry and some lawmakers, I’ve yet to see these groups write any of their own policies, so even if they have that power, they don’t seem to be taking advantage of it. So when CISA puts out this type of alert again in a few months after whatever future incident lies ahead, I would expect to see more action from all parties involved rather than another round of words warning that attacks can, and will, happen. 

The one big thing 

Talos has recently observed an attack leading to the deployment of a MedusaLocker ransomware variant known as “BabyLockerKZ.” This actor has been active since at least late 2022 and targets organizations worldwide, although the number of victims was higher than average in EU countries until mid-2023 and, since then, in South American countries. We assess with medium confidence that the actor is financially motivated, likely working as an IAB or an affiliate of a ransomware cartel. 

Why do I care? 

The actor behind these attacks seems to be particularly active, infecting more than 100 organizations per month, according to Talos telemetry. This reveals the professional and highly aggressive nature of the attacks and is coherent with the activity we would expect from an IAB or ransomware affiliate. As with any ransomware, BabyLockerKZ looks to encrypt targets’ files and lock them down until the target pays the request ransom.  

So now what? 

Talos has released several new Snort rules and ClamAV signatures that detect the activity of this group and BabyLockerKZ. This group is also known to use several publicly available tools in their attacks, such as Mimikatz, which are well-known to the security community at this point. For more on living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins) that attackers like this one are increasingly using, read our blog post here.  

Top security headlines of the week 

International law enforcement agencies worked together to arrest and unmask four individuals believed to be associated with the LockBit ransomware group. As part of this campaign, investigators have also linked one of the LockBit members to Evil Corp, a Russian-backed cybercrime gang. At a press conference announcing the arrests, representatives from the U.K.’s National Crime Agency said that Evil Corp maintained a “privileged” relationship with the Russian government and was often asked to carry out targeted cyber attacks against NATO countries. LockBit is traditionally associated with financially motivated ransomware attacks targeting private companies, regardless of the country in which they reside. Europol, the U.K. NCA, the U.S. FBI and Japan’s National Police have also worked together to create and release a decryptor that can unlock files affected by the LockBit ransomware. The same agencies have been working since last year to target and seize assets and servers belonging to LockBit. The threat actor has taken credit for several major attacks over the past several years, including those targeting Boeing, Volkswagen, multiple major international ports and government-owned computers in Fulton County, Georgia. (Europol, TechCrunch

The latest version of the U.S.’s National Institute of Standards and Technology’s password recommendations drop complexity in favor of length. NIST’s latest version of its Password Guidelines removes the recommendations that passwords use a mixture of character types and that they be changed often. Instead, the draft states that credential service providers (CSPs) recommend users create passwords between 15 and 64 characters that may include ASCII or Unicode characters. The previous version of the NIST standards led many users to adopt easy-to-guess passwords such as “Password1234!” or store the complicated passwords in easy-to-access places, such as written down on a piece of paper near their computer. CSPs are also instructed to drop knowledge-based authentication or security questions when selecting passwords. NIST standards are important because they formalize principles widely adopted by the U.S. government and major technology companies like Microsoft and Google. The latest draft also states that users only need to change their passwords in the event of a publicly reported data breach. (Infosecurity Magazine, Dark Reading

A vulnerability in a web app from car manufacturer Kia could allow an attacker to view a car’s license plate, unlock the doors, and even remotely start the ignition. The since-patched vulnerability in Kia’s web portal could allow attackers to essentially build and deploy their own web app and reassign control of the internet-connected features of most modern Kia vehicles. The vulnerability could have allowed an adversary to immediately ping the location of a targeted vehicle, process its license plate number, and even honk the horn. This is the second such vulnerability the group of researchers has disclosed to a Hyundai-owned company in the past two years. The vulnerability highlights the risk that modern vehicles come with, many of which rely on internet connectivity for some of their features or interface with web apps, websites or mobile phone apps. A proof of concept from the researchers included a dashboard that could allow an attacker to type in a license plate number and then retrieve the owner’s personal information, eventually adding themselves as an “owner” of the car and executing commands on the vehicle. (Wired, Security Week

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Resurgence of Spam: Cisco Talos Sound Alarm on New Tactics Critical RCE vulnerability found in OpenPLC Simple Mail Transfer Pirates: How threat actors are abusing third-party infrastructure to send spam 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos

MITRE ATT&CKcon 5.0 (Oct. 22 – 23) 

McLean, Virginia and Virtual

Nicole Hoffman and James Nutland will provide a brief history of Akira ransomware and an overview of the Linux ransomware landscape. Then, morph into action as they take a technical deep dive into the latest Linux variant using the ATT&CK framework to uncover its techniques, tactics and procedures.

it-sa Expo & Congress (Oct. 22 – 24) 

Nuremberg, Germany

White Hat Desert Con (Nov. 14) 

Doha, Qatar

misecCON (Nov. 22) 

Lansing, Michigan

Terryn Valikodath from Cisco Talos Incident Response will explore the core of DFIR, where digital forensics becomes detective work and incident response turns into firefighting.

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 47ecaab5cd6b26fe18d9759a9392bce81ba379817c53a3a468fe9060a076f8ca 
MD5: 71fea034b422e4a17ebb06022532fdde 
Typical Filename: VID001.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: RF.Talos.80 

SHA 256: 76491df69a26019139ac11117cd21bf5d0257a5ebd3d67837f558c8c9c3483d8 
MD5: b209df2951e29ab5eab4009579b10b8d
Typical Filename: FileZilla_3.67.1_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe 
Claimed Product: FileZilla 
Detection Name: W32.76491DF69A-95.SBX.TG

SHA 256: c20fbc33680d745ec5ff7022c282a6fe969c6e6c7d77b7cfac34e6c19367cf9a 
MD5: 3bc6d86fc4b3262137d8d33713ed6082 
Typical Filename: 8c556f0a.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Gen:Variant.Lazy.605353 

SHA 256: f0d7a2bb0c5db162332418747ba4987027b8a746b24c919a24235ff3b70d25e3 
MD5: 0d849044612667362bc88780baa1c1b7 
Typical Filename: CryptX.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Gen:Variant.Lazy.605353 

SHA 256: 331fdf5f1f5679a6f6bb0baee8518058aba8081ef8f96e57fa3b74291fcbb814 
MD5: f23b90fc9bc301baf3e399e189b6d2dc 
Typical Filename: B.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Gen:Variant.Lazy.605353 

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Release Notes: Safebrowsing, Private AI Assistant, Splunk Integration, and more

Welcome to ANY.RUN‘s monthly updates, where we share our team’s achievements over the past month. 

September has been a productive month at ANY.RUN, packed with exciting new features and improvements. We’ve launched Safebrowsing, a powerful tool that lets you safely check suspicious URLs in an isolated browser. 

In addition to that, we’ve integrated with Splunk, enhanced our sandbox capabilities, and rolled out new signatures and YARA rules to help you strengthen your security. 

Let’s break down what’s new in ANY.RUN step by step.

Safebrowsing for Quick URL Checks 

Safebrowsing lets you quickly open any URL in an interactive virtual browser

We’ve released Safebrowsing, a new tool that allows ANY.RUN users to safely analyze suspicious URLs within a fully interactive, isolated browser. It is a quick and secure way to explore websites and verify potentially malicious content without putting your local system at risk. 

You can interact with suspicious links in real time, detect threats using our proprietary technology, and receive detailed reports, including Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and network traffic analysis.  

Now available in free beta for all ANY.RUN users, it adds a new layer of security to your daily operations. 

Explore suspicious URLs with Safebrowsing for free 

Try it now

New Integration with Splunk 

In September, ANY.RUN officially launched an integration with Splunk. It brings access to our Interactive Sandbox and Threat Intelligence Lookup directly in the Splunk SOAR environment. 

ANY.RUN integration with Splunk 

With this integration, Splunk users can now analyze potentially malicious files and URLs in ANY.RUN’s sandbox and enrich their investigations using TI Lookup with comprehensive threat intelligence from TI Lookup—all without leaving Splunk.  

Key features: 

Comprehensive threat intelligence: Query ANY.RUN’s threat intelligence database directly from Splunk SOAR using the ‘get intelligence’ action. 

Automated malware analysis: Automatically detonate files and URLs in ANY.RUN’s sandbox as part of a Splunk SOAR playbook. 

Detailed reporting & IOC extraction: Quickly retrieve detailed reports and extract IOCs for further threat investigation and response. 

Advanced threat hunting: Perform complex queries against ANY.RUN’s threat intelligence database to search for file hashes, IP addresses, domains, and more. 

AI Assistant for Private Sandbox Sessions 

We’ve improved the sandbox’s AI capabilities by replacing the ChatGPT assistant with our own private AI model. Now you can access AI-powered explanations in both public and private analysis sessions, without worrying about your data going to any third party.

AI assistance inside ANY.RUN’s sandbox 

This private AI model is especially useful for those new to the cybersecurity field.

It breaks down complex data quickly, helping you better navigate your analysis and extract useful insights.

Integrate ANY.RUN’s Sandbox and Threat Intelligence solutions in your organization 

Request a demo

Security Training Lab 

In September, we launched Security Training Lab, a new program designed to equip future cybersecurity professionals with practical, hands-on skills.

Universities often struggle to keep their curricula up to date, but Security Training Lab bridges the gap between theory and real-world practice. 

Through in-depth modules and access to ANY.RUN’s tools, students gain valuable experience in detecting and responding to real threats.  

Key advantages of Security Training Lab include: 

30 hours of academic content: Including written materials, video lectures, and interactive tasks. 

Access to ANY.RUN: Students and instructors use real-world tools to analyze threats. 

Practical learning: Hands-on experience with real cyber threat samples. 

Network Detections Update 

In September, we added 459 new Suricata rules, of which 382 are dedicated to phishing detection.

This significant increase comes from closely monitoring the activity of threat actor Storm-1575, leading to the identification of two primary tools currently used by this group. 

New Signatures 

In September, we added a total of 9 new signatures. Here are some highlights:  

Stealc signature for mutex detection 

Razr signature for .raz file extension 

SFX Dropper signature  

Alucard ransomware  

Tgbdownloader adware  

Xmrig mutex and file drop detection 

Hawkeye ransomware detection  

Scheduled task creation via Registry  

EFI boot file modification  

YARA Rules Update 

We’ve added 5 new YARA rules to detect various malware threats: 

Megatools downloader  

Goldeneye ransomware  

Diablonet detection 

Pown ransomware  

AutoIT scripts detection  

Additionally, we’ve updated the YARA rule for Lumma, enhancing the detection mechanism for this threat.  

About ANY.RUN  

ANY.RUN helps more than 400,000 cybersecurity professionals worldwide. Our interactive sandbox simplifies malware analysis of threats that target both Windows and Linux systems. Our threat intelligence products, TI Lookup, Yara Search and Feeds, help you find IOCs or files to learn more about the threats and respond to incidents faster.  

With ANY.RUN you can: 

Detect malware in seconds

Interact with samples in real time

Save time and money on sandbox setup and maintenance

Record and study all aspects of malware behavior

Collaborate with your team 

Scale as you need

Request free trial of ANY.RUN’s products →

The post Release Notes: Safebrowsing, Private AI Assistant, Splunk Integration, and more appeared first on ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog.

ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog – ​Read More

Threat actor believed to be spreading new MedusaLocker variant since 2022

Cisco Talos has discovered a financially motivated threat actor, active since 2022, recently observed delivering a MedusaLocker ransomware variant. Intelligence collected by Talos on tools regularly employed by the threat actor allows us to see an estimate of the amount and countries of origin of this group’s victims. This actor has been active since at least late 2022 and targets organizations worldwide, although the number of victims was higher than average in EU countries until mid-2023 and, since then, in South American countries.This threat actor was observed distributing a MedusaLocker ransomware variant known as “BabyLokerKZ.” This variant is compiled with a PDB path containing the word “paid_memes” that is also present in other tools observed during the attacks, presumably by the same author.Talos has new information on the attacker’s tools, including BabyLockerKz and attacker TTPs and IOCs to assist in detecting and preventing further attacks.

Talos has recently observed an attack leading to the deployment of a MedusaLocker ransomware variant known as “BabyLockerKZ.” The distinguishable techniques — including consistently storing the same set of tools in the same location on compromised systems, the use of tools that have the PDB path with the string “paid_memes,” and the use of a lateral movement tool named “checker” — used in the attack led us to take a deeper look to try to understand more about this threat actor. 

This attacker uses several publicly known attack tools and living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins), a set of tools built by the same developer (possibly the attacker) to assist in credential theft and lateral movement in compromised organizations. These tools are mostly wrappers around publicly available tools that include additional functionality to streamline the attack process and provide graphical or command-line interfaces. 

The same developer built the MedusaLocker variant used in the initial attack. This variant that uses the same chat and leak site URLs contains several differences to the original MedusaLocker ransomware, such as a different autorun key or an extra public and private key set stored in the registry. Based on the name of the autorun key, the attackers call this variant “BabyLockerKZ.” 

We assess with medium confidence that the actor is financially motivated, likely working as an IAB or an affiliate of a ransomware cartel, and has been carrying out attacks since at least 2022. Our telemetry indicates that the actor opportunistically targeted many victims worldwide. In late 2022 and early 2023, most victims were in European countries, but since the first quarter of 2023, the group’s focus shifted toward South American countries and, as a result, the number of victims per month almost doubled.

Tracking BabyLockerKZ across the globe

Intelligence collected by Talos on tools regularly employed by the threat actor allows us to estimate the number of, and the countries of origin of the victims. Although this is unlikely to capture all of the adversary’s activities, it still provides a look at a specific window of activity.

The actor has been active since at least October 2022. At that time, the targets were mostly located in European countries such as France, Germany, Spain or Italy. During the second  quarter of 2023, the attack volume per month almost doubled, and the group shifted its focus toward South American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, as shown in the chart below. The attacks kept a steady volume of around 200 unique IPs compromised per month until the first quarter of 2024 when the attacks decreased.

The actor has consistently compromised a large number of organizations, often more than 100 per month, since at least 2022. This reveals the professional and highly aggressive nature of the attacks and is coherent with the activity we would expect from an IAB or ransomware affiliate.

Attacker TTPs and tools

During the attack leading to the deployment of the BabyLockerKZt, the adversary used several publicly known attack tools and others that could be unique to this actor. The group frequently used the Music, Pictures or Documents user folders of compromised systems to store attack tools. For example, the following paths were used to store tools during this attack:

c:users<user>musicadvanced_port_scanner_2.5.3869.exec:users<user>musichrswordhrsword install.batc:users<user>musickillavbuild.004disabler.exec:/users/<user>/music/checker/checker(222).exec:/users/<user>/music/checker/invoke-thehash.ps1c:/users/<user>/music/checker/checker (222).exec:/users/<user>/music/checker/invoke-smbexec.ps1c:/users/<user>/music/checker/invoke-wmiexec.ps1c:/users/<user>/appdata/roaming/ntsystem/ntlhost.exe.exec:/users/<user>/appdata/local/temp/advanced port scanner 2/advanced_port_scanner.exec:/users/<user>/appdata/local/temp/is-juad3.tmp/advanced_port_scanner_2.5.3869.tmp

These are similar to a previous attack leading to MedusaLocker ransomware, documented by ASEC in February 2023, which our telemetry suggests was a more active period for this threat actor.

Some of the publicly known tools used by the attacker are:

HRSword_v5.0.1.1.rar: A tool used to disable AV and EDR software.Advanced_Port_Scanner_2.5.3869.exe: A network-scanning tool with several additional features to map internal networks and devices.Netscan.exe: SoftPerfect Network Scanner: A tool similar to Advanced Port Scanner.Processhacker.exe: Process Monitoring and administration software. Allows a TA to enumerate and control processes running on the infected endpoint.PCHunter64.exe: A tool similar to processhacker.Mimikatz: A tool to dump Windows user credentials from memory.

While most of the tools the attacker uses are publicly available, they also use some tools that are not widely distributed that streamline the attack process by automating the interaction between popular attack tools (e.g., Mimikatz, Invoke-the-hash, PSEXEC, RDP) and by adding convenient functionality and interfaces. One of these tools, called “Checker” used in an attack that deployed BabyLockerKZ, consisted of pivotal characteristics of BabyLockerKZ, the “Checker” tool has a PDB path containing the string “paid_memes”. Pivoting off this string, we identified files on VirusTotal, of which most are BabyLockerKZ samples. We also discovered several other tools, which we’ll outline below.

Checker tool

Checker (E:paid_memeswmi_smb_rdp_checkerReleasechecker.pdb) is an app that bundles several other freely available apps and provides a GUI for management of credentials as the attackers proceed with lateral movement. In particular it contains a set of tools:


And a set of scripts based on the Invoke-TheHash tool.

The tool also contains a GUI, as shown below, and a database to store the credentials.

As the image illustrates, the tool can be used to scan IPs for valid credentials using several protocols/techniques (PSEXEC, RDP, SMB and WMI) and is prepared to import data from lists of hosts and some of the tools in the attacker toolset, such as Mimikatz, as well as an advanced port scanner. The tool can also decrypt hashes and offers the convenience of a GUI to store a database of the hosts and respective credentials that have been obtained or verified.

PTH project

The PTH (D:Projectspaid_memesPTHReleasePTH.pdb) name suggests the pass-the-hash technique to use NTLM hashes to authenticate remotely without having to crack the password. Looking at its resources it embeds:


These were also used in the checker tool and are part of Invoke-TheHash. According to the author: 

“Invoke-TheHash contains PowerShell functions for performing pass the hash WMI and SMB tasks. WMI and SMB connections are accessed through the .NET TCPClient. Authentication is performed by passing an NTLM hash into the NTLMv2 authentication protocol. Local administrator privilege is not required client-side.”

MIMIK tool

MIMIK (D:Projectspaid_memesmimikReleasestub_mimik.pdb) is a wrapper around Mimikatz and rclone that can be used to steal credentials and automatically upload them to an attacker-controlled server. The following image shows the terminal output for the tool.

The following command lines are examples of commands executed via the tool:

64.exe privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonPasswords token::elevate lsadump::sam full exit C:UsersuserDesktop64.exe 64.exe “privilege::debug” “sekurlsa::logonPasswords” “token::elevate” “lsadump::sam full” exit 64.exe “privilege::debug” “sekurlsa::logonPasswords” “token::elevate” “lsadump::sam full” exitC:UsersuserDesktoprclone.exe rclone rcd –rc-no-auth –bwlimit=30MC:UsersuserDesktoprclone.exe rclone rc operations/stat


BabyLockerKZ is a variant of MedusaLocker that has been around at least since late 2023 and has been analyzed by other researchers, although not specifically called out as a MedusaLocker variant with this name. 

A Cynet blog post on the malware used the name “Hazard” for a MedusaLocker variant (named after the extension used for encrypted files) and mentions the existence of the BabyLockerKZ registry key. 

Another post from Whitehat mentions the existence of PAIDMEMES PUBLIC and PRIVATE registry keys on a MedusaLocker sample. 

This variant has not been given much attention outside of that, though, possibly because it’s highly similar to MedusaLocker or because it uses the same chat and leak sites as MedusaLocker. But there are several notable differences between BabyLockerKZ and MedusaLocker, such as:

No {8761ABBD-7F85-42EE-B272-A76179687C63} mutex.No MDSLK reg key.The PAIDMEMES Public and private keys.The BabyLockerKZ run key.

The use of the PAIDMEMES public and private keys is unclear. In their post, Whitehat mentioned that they believe the keys aren’t necessary for the encryption process, as the Linux version doesn’t use them. Further research into the use of these keys might be a topic for another blog post.


Ways our customers can detect and block this threat are listed below.

Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly AMP for Endpoints) is ideally suited to prevent the execution of the malware detailed in this post. Try Secure Endpoint for free here.

Cisco Secure Web Appliance web scanning prevents access to malicious websites and detects malware used in these attacks.

Cisco Secure Email (formerly Cisco Email Security) can block malicious emails sent by threat actors as part of their campaign. You can try Secure Email for free here.

Cisco Secure Firewall (formerly Next-Generation Firewall and Firepower NGFW) appliances such as Threat Defense Virtual, Adaptive Security Appliance and Meraki MX can detect malicious activity associated with this threat.

Cisco Secure Network/Cloud Analytics (Stealthwatch/Stealthwatch Cloud) analyzes network traffic automatically and alerts users of potentially unwanted activity on every connected device.

Cisco Secure Malware Analytics (Threat Grid) identifies malicious binaries and builds protection into all Cisco Secure products.

Umbrella, Cisco’s secure internet gateway (SIG), blocks users from connecting to malicious domains, IPs and URLs, whether users are on or off the corporate network. Sign up for a free trial of Umbrella here.

Cisco Secure Web Appliance (formerly Web Security Appliance) automatically blocks potentially dangerous sites and tests suspicious sites before users access them. 

Additional protections with context to your specific environment and threat data are available from the Firewall Management Center.

Cisco Duo provides multi-factor authentication for users to ensure only those authorized are accessing your network. 

Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on SIDs for this threat: Snort3 Rules: 1:300998:1:0 Snort2 Rules: 1:63928:1:0, 1:63929:1:0

ClamAV detections are also available for this threat:

Indicators of Compromise

IOCs for this research can be found at our Github repository here
























PDB list:










Registry keys:










Extension names observed being used by BabyLockerKZ samples:




































Encryption key BabyLockerKZ:


MUTEX BabyLockerKZ:


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