Binarly Attracts $10.5M to Tackle Software Supply Chain Security

Los Angeles firmware and software supply chain firm banks $10.5 million in seed-stage funding led by Two Bear Capital.

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New ShadowRay Campaign Targets Ray AI Framework in Global Attack

By Waqas

An unpatched vulnerability is exposing the Ray AI framework to the “ShadowRay” attack!

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Researchers Discover 40,000-Strong EOL Router, IoT Botnet 

Malware hunters sound an alarm after discovering a 40,000-strong botnet packed with end-of-life routers and IoT devices being used in cybercriminal activities.

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Agent Tesla’s New Ride: The Rise of a Novel Loader

Recently, SpiderLabs identified a phishing email with an attached archive that included a Windows executable disguised as a fraudulent bank payment. This action initiated an infection chain culminating in the deployment of Agent Tesla.

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Exclusive: Standard AI shifts focus to computer vision analytics for retailers, now valued at $1.5 billion

Standard AI shifts focus from autonomous checkout to AI-powered vision analytics, aiming to help retailers gain actionable insights into shopper behavior, optimize store performance, and drive immediate ROI while protecting customer privacy.Read More

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UK Court Says Assange Can’t be Extradited on Espionage Charges Until US Rules Out Death Penalty

UK Judges said the U.S. must guarantee that Assange, who is Australian, “is afforded the same First Amendment protections as a United States citizen, and that the death penalty is not imposed.”

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US Indicts Accused APT31 Chinese Hackers for Hire

U.S. federal prosecutors indicted seven Chinese nationals they accuse of hacking for a Beijing economic and intelligence espionage group whose operations reacted to geopolitical trends.

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How New-Age Hackers Are Ditching Old Ethics

Staying up to date and informed on threat-actor group behavior is one way both organizations and individuals can best navigate the continually changing security landscape.

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Suspicious NuGet Package Harvesting Information From Industrial Systems

A suspicious NuGet package likely targets developers working with technology from Chinese firm Bozhon.

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Senator Demands Answers From HHS About $7.5 Million Cyber Theft in 2023

HHS has not issued a public statement about the incident, and its Office of the Inspector General declined to confirm or deny an investigation was underway when pressed about it in January.

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