Collapse of National Security Elites’ Cyber Firm Leaves Bitter Wake

Inside the collapse of IronNet: Some say the firm collapsed, in part, because it engaged in questionable business practices, produced subpar offerings, and could have been vulnerable to meddling by the Kremlin.

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How This Video Game Controller Became the US Military’s Weapon of Choice

After decades of relying on buttons, switches, and toggles, the Pentagon has embraced simple, ergonomic video-game-style controllers already familiar to millions of potential recruits.

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Google Hardens Pixel’s Baseband Security Mitigations

Pixel 9 comes with improved security hardening mitigations against common exploits on cellular basebands.

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Cloudflare Mitigates Record Breaking 3.8 Tbps DDoS Attack

Internet infrastructure provider Cloudflare fends off a massive 3.8 Tbps DDoS attack, surpassing the previous record. Learn how…

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Cloudflare Thwarts Largest-Ever 3.8 Tbps DDoS Attack Targeting Global Sectors

Cloudflare has disclosed that it mitigated a record-breaking distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that peaked at 3.8 terabits per second (Tbps) and lasted 65 seconds.
The web infrastructure and security company said it fended off “over one hundred hyper-volumetric L3/4 DDoS attacks throughout the month, with many exceeding 2 billion packets per second (Bpps) and 3 terabits per second (

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Russia Arrests 96 People Tied to US-Disrupted Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Russian authorities have arrested 96 individuals suspected of having ties to US-disrupted UAPS and Cryptex cryptocurrency exchanges.

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How to Get Going with CTEM When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is a strategic framework that helps organizations continuously assess and manage cyber risk. It breaks down the complex task of managing security threats into five distinct stages: Scoping, Discovery, Prioritization, Validation, and Mobilization. Each of these stages plays a crucial role in identifying, addressing, and mitigating vulnerabilities –

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ExpressVPN Review (2024): Pricing, Features, Pros, & Cons

How much does ExpressVPN cost, and is it trustworthy? Read our ExpressVPN review to learn about pricing, security, performance, and more.

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DPRK’s APT37 Targets Cambodia With Khmer, ‘VeilShell’ Backdoor

It’s North Korea versus Cambodia, with Windows default settings and sheer patience allowing the bad guys to avoid easy detection.

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Apple iOS 18.0.1 Patches Password Exposure and Audio Snippet Bugs

According to a barebones Apple advisory, the new iOS 18.0.1 fixes two bugs that expose passwords and audio snippets to malicious hackers.

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