Alibaba’s T-Head C910 RISC-V Chips Found Vulnerable to GhostWrite Attack

Alibaba’s T-Head C910 RISC-V CPUs have been found to have serious security flaws by computer security researchers at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany.

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FBI and CISA Uncover Updated TTPs and Activity of the BlackSuit Ransomware Group

The BlackSuit ransomware group gains access through phishing campaigns, RDP, and vulnerability exploits, using tools like Chisel and Mimikatz for communication and credential theft.

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Thousands of Exposed Industrial Control Systems in US, UK Threaten Water Supplies

Thousands of Industrial Control Systems in the US and UK are vulnerable to cyberattacks, putting critical infrastructure like…

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SaaS Apps Present an Abbreviated Kill Chain for Attackers

Black Hat presentation reveals adversaries don’t need to complete all seven stages of a traditional kill chain to achieve their objectives.

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US Offering $10 Million Reward for Iranian ICS Hackers

The US is offering up to $10 million for Iranian individuals accused of hacking water utility industrial control systems last year.

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Ronin Network Hacked, $12 Million Returned by “White Hat” Hackers

Ronin Network was hacked, resulting in the withdrawal of $12 million by “white hat” hackers who returned the stolen funds. The hackers exploited an undocumented vulnerability on the Ronin bridge, withdrawing 4,000 ETH and 2 million USDC.

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Automated Security Validation: One (Very Important) Part of a Complete CTEM Framework

The last few years have seen more than a few new categories of security solutions arise in hopes of stemming a never-ending tidal wave of risks. One of these categories is Automated Security Validation (ASV), which provides the attacker’s perspective of exposures and equips security teams to continuously validate exposures, security measures, and remediation at scale. ASV is an important element

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Critical AWS Vulnerabilities Allow S3 Attack Bonanza

Researchers at Aqua Security discovered the “Shadow Resource” attack vector and the “Bucket Monopoly” problem, where threat actors can guess the name of S3 buckets based on their public account IDs.

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Vulnerabilities Exposed Widely Used Solar Power Systems to Hacking, Disruption

Vulnerabilities found in solar power systems could have been exploited by hackers to cause disruption and possibly blackouts.

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SEC Ends Probe Into MOVEit Attacks Impacting 95 Million People

The SEC has closed its investigation into Progress Software’s handling of a zero-day flaw in MOVEit Transfer. Progress Software announced in a recent SEC filing that no enforcement action will be recommended by the Division of Enforcement.

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